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Member Since 04 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2020 05:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Kane's Wrath Mod SDK - WrathEd 1.0 Released

12 September 2011 - 03:31 PM

WrathEd is finally released as a full version and with most of the features.
It is fully functional and works as both the compiler and a viewer that can load single big files or complete skudef files and view it's contents. This makes it the first tool that can decompile everything it can compile.

Lauren still has to add w3d as in models and animations, and audio files. Other then that there is just some minor AI stuff left to add.

It comes as a bundle like the original TW Mod SDK which includes a sample mod and a simple batch file to compile your mod. A documentation isn't done yet but it is worked on and should be available soon.

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Looking for Infantry Special Abillitys

20 August 2011 - 03:41 PM

Once again I am reworking the abillitys for the infantry an TWA and once again I runnig out of ideas :/

Any suggestions what I could give to these infantry units:
(please note that it should enhace the unit and give them more use, not totally ruin the whole counter system (like giving rak troopers a powerfull anti infantry weapon)).

Nod Infantry: Currently got flashbangs that reduce range and speed for enemy infantry, but due the slow throwing speed and their low health, they might be dead before the grandes have any impact on the fight. I am not even sure if stunning the enemy has much use - after all, Black Hands are way better for this job anyway.
Idea: Maybe make them able to stun infantry inside structures, thus giving them more use in city fights.

Black Hands: No idea

Tib Trooper: No idea

Enlightend: Currently slightly better EMP than Awakend, but is there a point in having 2 similiar units with similiar abillitys?

Reaper: Intendet to have a web launcher, but that requires new models & effects. And the basic Nod infantry allready has flash bangs to stun enemys, so do we really need a second abbillity for that purpose?

GDI Rak Trooper: Their old weapon switch was useless, so they need something new.
But what? GDI allready has EMP grenades and APCs can lay mines, so thats a no go.
And I dislike another weapon switche becasue it usually just changes the ratio between reload time and damage without adding anything new to the unit.
Some kind of demolition charge or maybe spawn a drone that can deteced stealthed units for a short amount of time?

GDI Grenade Soldiers: They got the emp greanade upgrade, allowing them to either use either normal or emp grenades. Still, they are pretty boring and useless... Maybe some kind of demolition charge they can attach to vehicles? Or sometihng to make them more viable when fighting in the city?