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Posted 30 September 2014 - 10:27 PM

You're welcome.


Shadow Hand is also nice because it has less lag than other campaigns.


Posted 30 September 2014 - 09:56 PM

Thanks Hanti. Appreciate the info!


Posted 30 September 2014 - 09:52 PM

The easy thing is campaign with returning Palpatine (shadow hand). As Empire - you got good stuff and lot of stuff. If you want challenge - take Rebel side.

Focus on Byss.
Vast armada of gunships, assault transports, cruisers, Star Destroyers and giant Battlecruisers are in orbit over Byss and you got Palpatine’s flagship – The Sovereign (AI will not kill this ship as it does not know how).

Even if you ignore the Sovereign entirely, there is more firepower in orbit over Byss alone than Grand Admiral Thrawn had under his entire command. But Thrawn campaign is also pleasant.


Posted 30 September 2014 - 08:51 PM

Hello all. 


Just started playing this mod. Curious as to what's different compared to the other mods besides the obvious. I read the manual and got the basic jist, but before I dive in just wondering what I will notice right off the bat.


Also curious as I noticed the manual said there were campaigns but I only see the GDC? is that what the manual is referring to?


Lastly, what's a good campaign to play and faction for a new player to get his feet wet? Also what difficulty? Is Easy challenging in this mod?


Thanks for any info and thanks to the devs for their hard work!



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