Hi - I am using 3dsmax2008 and have installed the Mod tools etc. Everything seems to be working except for the "dow properties browser" which throws an error: "Runtime error: Cannot create the ActiveX control: MSComctlLib.ImageList".
This looks like some MS dependency that i am missing but cannot be sure. Its worth noting that i am running my entire dev environment in a Windows 7 VM which may be the issue.
Any thoughts?
Discord - elimn8or#0681
Sorry for the late response. Thats an issue others have reported with windows 10. I'm surprised using windows 7 in a vm doesn't solve it. I've been using windows 7 without a vm and it works. Really makes me wish we had blender scripts so we wouldn't need 3ds max anymore
OK - I did manage to resolve this with the help of an old relic link that i can no longer find! Basically the missing ActiveX control is in the file called "mscomctl.ocx".
Basically the solution is to:
1. download the file "mscomctl.ocx" but be careful as its the internet and you may not get what you expect - the version i downloaded and works was from this link "https://www.urtech.c...4-bit-windows/"
2. copy the "mscomctl.ocx" file into the path "c:\windows\syswow64" for 64-bit OS ("c:\windows\system32" for 32-bit)
3. open a "cmd" prompt as the local administrator
4. in the cmd prompt register the "mscomctl.ocx" ActiveX file by typing "regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\mscomctl.ocx"
now run your 3dsmax and select the "dow properties browser" which should result in a new popup control with various options i am yet to fathom - maybe it will help me solve the issues with model exports, bones and weight normalisation which is damned tedious.