Hello sir !
thank you for your quick response !
I'll do that right away, and will edit this message !
Well, we did it ! in the end, i have extracted all files from the titanium sga main file.
I copied and past the full folder from Unification wars for the heavy bolter, and... it worked !
With everything extracted, i have indeed the rat files on every folders prior to the heavy bolter folder, so you were perfectly right !
Now, the heavy weapon team use the new sound when it fires, and when 3 squads are garrisoned in a building, it also use the new sound !
Still, the vehicules use the regular HB sound when they use their side bolters, but now i know a little more how to find a way to fix that, thanks to you !!
To also change the sound from leman russ tank bolters, i had to create a path in the mod files, this time in data/sound/races/spaces_marines/predator/heavy_bolter !
And... it worked again !
Once again, thank you a lot, i'll enjoy even more the game !
Have a nice day !!