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Posted 08 January 2024 - 06:00 PM

Hello sir !
thank you for your quick response !



I'll do that right away, and will edit this message !

Well, we did it ! in the end, i have extracted all files from the titanium sga main file.

I copied and past the full folder from Unification wars for the heavy bolter, and... it worked !


With everything extracted, i have indeed the rat files on every folders prior to the heavy bolter folder, so you were perfectly right !

Now, the heavy weapon team use the new sound when it fires, and when 3 squads are garrisoned in a building, it also use the new sound !
Still, the vehicules use the regular HB sound when they use their side bolters, but now i know a little more how to find a way to fix that, thanks to you !!


To also change the sound from leman russ tank bolters, i had to create a path in the mod files, this time in data/sound/races/spaces_marines/predator/heavy_bolter !
And... it worked again !

Once again, thank you a lot, i'll enjoy even more the game !
Have a nice day !!


Posted 08 January 2024 - 01:35 PM

Hello brother, and a happy new year!


Well what you are trying to achieve is simple, but it does come with some minor challenges...

First thing that needs to be clarified, is that some mods (like Titanium Wars) come is compressed format (sga file type).

This means that all its assets - including sounds - are zipped in one large file.


And this is the reason you do not see any directories in the Data folder of the mod.

Other mods, come in uncompressed format - that is, all their files appear at the appropriate places.

We used that format in older version of Unification, but the latest ones come in multiple SGAs.

Note that there are mods that use both SGAs and files - in this case the uncompressed files take precedence over the compressed ones in case of overlapping assets (files with identical names and paths).


What you must do:

1] Decompress the SGA file of the mod you want to modify.

2] Find the paths where the fdas in question are located.

3] Use your own fdas to replace those, by using identical names (effectively overwriting the existing ones).


Now, to decompress a mod you can either Use Corsix mod studio, or the SGA tool of the Tool Pack of DC.



So i tried to roughly copy and paste the files in the titanium wars data folders, inspired by the path in the unification wars folders (both _default.rat file and sound files)


What happened : i have now a beeping sound when an heavy bolter is fired in Dark crusade.

Good thinking.

I suppose what went wrong is some missing rats (files that contain stats on how the fdas should be played).

In those files you can define max polyphony, pitch, volume based on distance of the camera, etc.

Look into one of the rats of any mod you may have on your drive, to understand how they work.



Note also that if you do not want to decompress the WHOLE mod - just to update a couple of sounds - you need to at least create the full path of the fdas you want to modify, ALONG WITH all the rats you find "in the way"!


Posted 07 January 2024 - 04:24 PM

Hello everyone !


First of all, happy new year to all of you
next, please forgive my bad english


I hope i am on the right section, and above all, on the right forum !


here is the situation :

I play Dawn of war 1 since a loooong time, especially Dark Crusade (today, only steam version)

Recently, i have discovered that there are mods for DC, and some veryyyy good mods by the way.

I'm a single player, i played and finished the campaign many times now.
It was a very good experience to try it with mods. Today, i love to play with the Titanium wars mod (still on the solo campaign).

The thing is : i would like to "improve" it, in some way.

First thing i would like to do is : changing the heavy bolter firing sound


In titanium wars, the sound is the original one from dawn of war.

I have the sound i want, the same from Dawn of war 2 (i found it from unification wars mod folders, for Soulstorm) in .fda


If i take other sounds, convert them in .fda, rename theme in heavy_bolter_1 ; heavy_bolter_2 etc, they will be played when a heavy bolter is fired is Soulstorm when the UW mod is active.

What i tried :

there is initially no folders in the titanium wars data folders, opposed to unification wars folders where everything is there, accessible.

So i tried to roughly copy and paste the files in the titanium wars data folders, inspired by the path in the unification wars folders (both _default.rat file and sound files)


What happened : i have now a beeping sound when an heavy bolter is fired in Dark crusade.

If i just delete the .fda files, still got the beeping noise. I have to delete all the path and folders (data/sound/races/spaces_marines/troops_weapons/heavy_bolter) in the data folders of Titanium wars to have the original heavy bolter sound coming back.



I understand that i miss something, i have to do something to "create" a new section in the Titanium mod to link the sound to the weapon. I used Corsix Mod Studio to find the files in the .sga of titanium, thats where i learnt that they use the original sound and not a new one. Maybe thats the problem.

Anyway, do you have please any hint for me to change this sound on the mod ?

My goal is just to enjoy even more my time on this mod, and on this game. Nothing else.

Thank you for your time, please understand im a old guy who knows nothing about modding, i tried my best to sneak in the folders and understand, but its hard. English is not my first language, and i very bad in computers

Again, thank you for reading me

Have a nice day !



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