Single most complicated installation procedure for any C&C mod I've seen, and links in the installation guide (specifically runtime components download) are outdated or incorrect and get me nowhere. No thread exists anywhere regarding installing this mod, and the instructions regarding the Ares installation are complicated and incomplete, so I decided to post here. How do I install the Ares portion and get it to launch D-day?

Posted 10 May 2015 - 03:46 AM
Posted 11 May 2015 - 05:59 AM
If it's a problem specificity with Ares you can also post in the Ares forum on PPM.
Posted 11 May 2015 - 01:54 PM
Well, just the Ares portion in general. The actual D-Day mod files were no problem, but I'm not sure which set of installation instructions to follow (stand-alone or through a launch base, which I translated as if the mod has its own launcher or not), and what those instructions mean. I'm reluctant to go straight to Ares because they just have general information, not a specific case like D-Day. But to be a little more specific, the stand-alone instructions provides a link to microsoft runtime components that need to be installed, but the web page doesn't exist and the readme doesn't say what the microsoft file's name is, just a broken link to it. Sorry if my previous post came off as harsh. I've tried several times to install this mod since it first went public and failed each time, never gotten to actually play the mod.
Posted 11 May 2015 - 08:13 PM
Edited by mevitar, 11 May 2015 - 08:19 PM.
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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:24 PM
If you have MO working you don't need to install anything more. I also suggest to ignore the Launchbase part, unless you use your YR directory solely for DDay.
Actually I back up the vanilla game and whatever mods I have and swap the files out when I want to play a different mod to avoid conflicts. Most mods ask that no other mods be installed.
Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:30 AM
Update: I'm not sure where you're going with the mental omega part, because I tried both ways. Mental Omega was unchanged and vanilla YR was a broken mix of YR and D-day that wouldn't play. I just need to know how to get d-day to work with this Ares thing. The install guide in the ARes folder links a runtime components download that doesn't exist, and doesn't explain how to link it with d-day and launch it properly.
Posted 12 May 2015 - 06:37 AM
Depending on your OS & service packs you might already have the runtime components, it's only listed in the readme just in case you don't.
Some basic questions:
Do you have a legal copy of RA2 & YR.
Is it patched to version 1.001.
Have you tried downloading the newest version of Ares.
Are you launching the game with the RunAres.bat file & not the normal RA2 launcher.
Posted 12 May 2015 - 10:56 AM
Just make sure you're running RunAres.bat, as Mig Eater told you, as your "broken mix of YR and DDay" would suggest that you're running it incorrectly.
If don't you know how to set up Ares, then you could as well take a look into the MO folder and check for Ares files and put it in the same spot for DDay. But then, literally all you need to do is to extract the archive to where DDay is.
Edited by mevitar, 12 May 2015 - 10:57 AM.
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Posted 12 May 2015 - 06:05 PM
Do you have a legal copy of RA2 & YR.
Is it patched to version 1.001.
Have you tried downloading the newest version of Ares.
Are you launching the game with the RunAres.bat file & not the normal RA2 launcher.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Whatever version included with d-day and/or MO, yes.
4. Yes. RunAres just shows a 1 second black window and quits. Nothing happens.
And tried everything in every way. Tried installing in the RA2 folde rthat has MO, tried a clean copy, everything. I put all the files for D-day and Ares in the directory, as the instructions say, and tried runares, and still nothing. Why is this mod so insanely diffcult to install?
Posted 12 May 2015 - 10:45 PM
If yes, post syringe.log here.
If no, then you either didn't copy it or your anti-virus removed it (in which case you should add it as an exception).
Edited by mevitar, 12 May 2015 - 10:46 PM.
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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:56 AM
Yes, everything's in there, and it won't let me open the syringe application.
Posted 13 May 2015 - 05:31 PM
WinXP? I'm on Windows 7 if that means anything. And yes, I've tried them all in admin mode. If this is important, I'll note YR ONLY works if ran as administrator. Not sure why. RA2 works without it, and other mods like Mental Omega which use Ares are set to admin mode by default on my PC.
As for updating, the Ares version I haver is whatever version comes included with the latest full version of D-Day. As for the runtime components, is it vcredist_arm.exe, vcredist_x64.exe, or vcredist_x86.exe? It lists those three as options to install.
Just to be clear, RunAres.bat is supposed to function as the mod's launcher if it all works correctly?
Posted 15 May 2015 - 04:40 AM
Just posting a question, but is a simplified package in the works? Other mods that use Ares just have a single executable. If that's already in the works, I'll just wait for that, but otherwise, I still want to figure out why this mod won't work.
Posted 15 May 2015 - 11:44 AM
Right click on the files I mentioned, go to properties & the compatibility tab, you can then set the files to run in WinXP compatibility mode.
If Mental Omega with Ares already works on your PC then you shouldn't need the runtime components, if not then it's the vcredist_x86.exe you need.
Yes use RunAres.bat to launch D-day.
An idiot proof installer/launcher is beyond my current abilities, I would have to find someone else to make one for me which is doubtful.
Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:00 PM
NOW it finally works, but interestingly enough, ONLY when run NOT as administrator. Thanks for the troubleshooting support. I can finally actually play this mod since it first went public.
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