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Mental Omega Playthrough - Allied 10, Soviet 10, Yuri 10

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#1 Speeder



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Posted 08 September 2015 - 09:40 PM

Short break in a form of light mission "The Gardener" and it's only tough missions from there - the Developer Playthrough for Mental Omega Act One missions on Mental is close to finish.


Changes done to Allied Mission 10: The Gardener include making the intro much shorter, revealing the location of temples where the Kanegawa Industries Scientists hide, changes in placement of enemy objects, crates and Cranes which you can use to repair your Tsurugi. Still quite a casual walk in the Japanese gardens once you know the path. Be careful for the EMP Mines on Mental though.

And it begins - the really difficult final set of missions, starting with Soviet Mission 10: The Lunatic. It should be no surprise to anyone by now that if you want to finish this mission on Mental you need to move your Volkov & Chitzkoi without hesitation, otherwise the unmanned Kirov will be destroyed by the first anti-aircraft defense which includes the Chinese Sentinel. Since Volkov is now immune to Terror Drones, those have been replaced with different enemy units.

Yuri's Epsilon Mission 10: Focus Shift is all about protecting the last operational MIDAS bombs onboard the Topol-M platforms. Not many changes in this one, there were some tweaks to make it more accessible to more casual players, but it's still a challenge on Mental. Better work fast if you want the Russians to regain their trust in Yuri and his PsiCorps.
Subscribe to out channel if you want to be notified about the new Playthrough uploads. Two batches left!





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