It's perplexing. Project Phantom, of all not-yet released YR mods, seems to be the most complete, most professionally prepared, and most hard worked on, yet there hasn't been a single update in years. Where has it gone? Has the creator abandoned this mod so close to the finish line?

Posted 29 October 2015 - 04:53 AM
Posted 29 October 2015 - 06:30 AM
He's still working on it. Rest assured he's saving it for a big hype explosion.
~ Getting cringe reactions when you see a RAINBOW means you have issues. ~
"This World is an Illussion,Exile" -High Templar Dominus
Posted 29 October 2015 - 09:17 AM

AS Discord server:
ComradeCrimson: AS is the product of Hungarian acid
ComradeCrimson: And magical hussars
Dutchygamer: and Weird Al.
Posted 29 October 2015 - 01:01 PM
I did not abandon it. I lost interest and capability to work on the mod for a long time, it took equally long for me to sort stuff out and regain interest. I never publicly announced this and when I came back to it, I felt it was too late to just return after such a long time with only words to show for it. It's been 8 years, more or less, since I started working on the mod. It's been through two major iterations and changed quite a bit since then. When the time is right, hopefully sooner rather than later, the Project Phantom will come back into the light and you can see and experience the third, and most likely final major iteration of the mod.
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