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Mental Omega News Bulletin #22 (17/03/2016)

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#1 Speeder



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Posted 16 March 2016 - 05:44 PM

Silent but not inactive, we've been working on new features for the mod and have begun integration with the current version of CnCNet. More news on that later though, as today we'll dive into the latest additions to the arsenal in Mental Omega, including new Foehn equipment. I post more frequently on Twitter so follow me if you want to stay posted.
Oh, did you miss it? The new side's name is The Foehn Revolt. Why? You'll learn in the campaign.


You might already know World Beyond if you searched for the full version of the music we used in the Side 4 Reveal Trailer, The Remnant. Vladimir Kuznetsov returns with yet another great piece of soundtrack, a tribute to the Command & Conquer: Red Alert series - The Last Line of Defence. This song will also appear as a part of Mental Omega's Foehn Soundtrack, who, just like the three original sides of the conflict, have their unique soundtracks in our mod. More songs will be revealed in time. Give other World Beyond tracks a listen in the meantime.


New stolen technology units. We have them.

The new stolen technology roster: 11 units to go.

"After losing the blueprints and prototypes of the Future Tank X-0 during the Okawa Falls incident, Kanegawa Industries continued their work on a fully automated battle tank in several locations  around Japan which had not yet been stormed by the Chinese forces. However, even the remaining facilities were eventually forced to shut down, as the Soviets won the war and China took control of the remaining Seismic Stabilizers in the country. KI executives decided to cease mass production of the X-1 prototype and destroy all data related to the vehicle when they realized that the Pacific Front would not be able to defend their facilities, some of their generals even surrendering to the invaders.
It wasn't until many years later that the Future Tank Project was resurrected by the people who reactivated some of the now long forgotten Kanegawa Industries research facilities in Japan and completed the X-2 prototype using their advanced technology."

Allied Future Tank X-2 by ONE X

The new Future Tank X-2 is a slower but better armored version of the experimental fully automatic tank designed to destroy enemy battalions and resist mind control. Equipped with several advanced weapons, the tank is capable of dealing lots of damage to enemy vehicles be it a single target or multiple objects in an area. In-game, the new Future Tank is a vehicle the Allies can build after infiltrating one of Foehn's technology buildings and matches their firepower and heavy armor in combat.

Future Tank X-0 will no longer be available in skirmish, but will remain as mission unit.

Allied Chrono Prison by cyanideT

Previously mentioned, but not presented, the Chrono Prison allows the Allies to combine their chrono technology with Yuri's mind control in order to create a vehicle which can capture and chronoshift enemy units at great ranges. If the unit is immune to the tricks of mind control, it'll simply be trapped inside the vehicle.

Foehn Phantasm MLRS by Moder.U

To Foehn, the Mirage is one of the technologies lost in the chaos that unfolded during the Battle for Antarctica. Upon finding an Allied Tech Center, chances are that the Clairvoyants will be able to recover this technology. Once that happens, the Phantasm MLRS can be built, a vehicle that fires a volley of powerful projectiles at enemy vehicles and aircraft alike. The Phantasm's other advantage over the Mirage Tank is that it can fire on the move thanks to its rotating turret.
To stray from the Stolen Tech additions, let's focus on the main arsenal additions. First, a familiar one.

Allied Cryowhirlybird Cryocopter by ONE X

It should be noted first that with the introduction of this unit the role of Hummingbird has slightly changed. The high-tech jet available after constructing a Warpshop will now use its time manipulation devices to decrease the firepower and speed of enemy units in an area by 50% for a moderate while with a single instant strike. The Hummingbird is now also without a doubt the fastest aircraft to rely on air pads in the game.
While Red Alert 3 had its faults, I thought the introduction of the Cryocopter to the roster was an excellent idea and it remains one of my favorites. With all the new features that Ares adds it's become possible to somewhat emulate the freezing effect of the original Cryocopter from Red Alert 3. The longer its freezing beam fires the lower an object's armor and speed is until it freezes completely, making it immobile, unable to fire and also very, very fragile to attacks. Shrink ray not included, sorry.

Epsilon Dybbuk-Evolver by Azri_Apoc

The Dybbuk-Evolver is the third type of the Dybbuk series in Yuri's Epsilon arsenal (the first being Gehenna's Interceptor and the other Attacker available from the Epsilon Aerodome). It is available to the Proselytes after both the Aerodome and a Cloning Vats has been constructed. The Evolver carries a payload with an experimental substance which will rapidly mutate dying soldiers into loyal Brutes, similar to Rahn's weapon, although at a smaller rate. The gas will also deal decent damage to vehicles and buildings alike, but its primary function is to eliminate large groups of enemy infantry. The Evolver is a bomber; it will not be able to out-range enemy anti-aircraft weapons so extreme caution is advised when relocating the unit, especially considering its high price and late game availability.

Chinese Armadillo by ONE X

Due to the lack of an artillery unit that can be mass produced, the Chinese get an additional fist to punch enemy defenses with - the Armadillo. This unit is a bigger and tougher version of the iconic Borillo, with literally double the firepower and additional space inside vehicle for more troops to suddenly deploy at the enemy gates.

Let's move on to the Foehn Revolt.

Foehn Windbelt by Bu7loos

Foehn's power plant is not an ordinary one. First of all, it is the smallest energy generator and also pulls double duty as the side's wall. When two Windbelt posts are placed in a line, they are connected with nanofiber cords that enhance their cooperation during energy production. Windbelt is a wind-based power plant that generates 100 units on its own, while each 'length' of its cord allows for a bonus 10 units, meaning that the longer the Windbelt connection, the more power is generated. The barrier created by two Windbelt posts can only be shut down with EMP/hacking weapons and will not go down if a Foehn base is low on power.
Another one of the Windbelt's unique features is that it can relocate in case you want to adjust your wall placement or want to barricade a different location. The Windbelt can relocate by switching into a mobile mode, during which it floats and can also travel over water. If a Spinblade is nearby, the Windbelt's speed is increased when in mobile form. The Windbelt has its drawbacks too: just like any other power plant it can be infiltrated by spies, which means that a smart base layout is needed to protect them from the spies due to its function as the side's wall. There are a few additional tricks Foehn can use to prevent spies from infiltrating their small power plants. You'll find that with all the Foehn's objects in their Armory, their base can become quite a maze.

Wings of Coronia Alanqa Skystation by Moder.U

The Alanqa Skystation is the flying guardian of the Coronia. It is for the most part their dedicated Tier 3 anti-aircraft unit, using high power turbines to manipulate the flow of air nearby. With four of its specially designed generators it can take down enemy aircraft and even the levitating units of Epsilon in a matter of seconds. The Alanqa is not defenseless against ground targets either, this machine can use its engines to create powerful tornadoes which will sweep enemy infantry away with ease and deal solid damage to vehicles. While a single Alanqa is not very effective versus heavily armored military buildings, an entire division of them might be enough to demolish whole bases. However, taking on enemy anti-aircraft units might be a challenge due to the Skystations fragile turbines and light armor.

Wings of Coronia Harbinger by mevitar (Watch video)

"The Harbinger's legend began during the days when it was just a project in the research facilities of Kanegawa Industries. Before the Chinese attacked, research on particle collision-based weaponry was well underway and the weapon itself was supposed to give the Pacific Front the ultimate advantage over their enemies and perhaps even the ace up their sleeve during the Allied leadership negotiations. After most KI facilities fell into Chinese hands so did the project and laboratories where the tech was being developed. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the weapon wasn't finished by the Chinese either."
The Harbinger is the Wings of Coronia's powerful flying fortress, using its particle colliders to level enemy bases with ease and eliminate enemy units of any type, be it on the ground, water or in the sky. The Harbinger can be summoned onto the battlefield to bombard an area through a support power after an expansion for the Cloud Piercer has been built.

Now, as one would expect, Foehn will have its own navy. Here are some of their naval units.

Foehn Swordfish by Moder.U

The Swordfish is Foehn's basic naval unit, the equivalent of the Destroyer, Typhoon and Piranha. While its basic speed is comparable with that of the Destroyer's, the Swordfish has engines similar to those of the Jackal and Sweeper, which allows it to gain speed boosts when near a Spinblade. Their basic weapon is a high-tech cannon, effective against armored units and buildings. The Swordfish does not deal much damage to infantry which is why it should be supported with other units like Jackal Racers when engaging amphibious troops.

Foehn Angelshark by Zero18

The Angelshark becomes available when both the Shipyard and a Cyberkernel are constructed. This unit relies on Foehn's confusion technology to cause havoc among the enemy forces. When enemies are struck by the Angelshark's drone in torpedo mode, there's a high chance they will start firing at their own allies. Unlike the discarded chaos gas, confusion weaponry does not increase the rate of fire of affected units. The Angelshark can also deploy its drone in a mine form. The mine will remain in the area for a short time and apply the same confusion effect to all units that come near it.

Foehn Warturtle Transport by Moder.U


The Warturtle is Foehn's amphibious transport. It has 12 passenger slots which can be used by units and soldiers of various size. The Warturtle's special ability is that it also can make use of Spinblades to increase its speed, making it the fastest amphibious transport in the game. Its normal speed is comparable with the Voyager's and Zubr's.


During a "designer's block", Alstar and I kept testing Act One Cooperative missions, recorded them and uploaded them to our YouTube channel as always. After we complete and confirm that all of the missions are still working, I'll be returning to work on fixing and finishing Act Two. I'll also upload some footage, maybe even a complete playthrough of 13th missions.
Here's a Yuri Co-Op: Brain Reset, explaining how the Soviets lost the mind control tech. You can view gameplay from the rest of the co-ops here.

Big thanks to the many people making this project's further evolution a possibility!

Stay tuned for more updates.


If you'd like to help develop Mental Omega further, write an e-mail to mental.omega.apyr@gmail.com
We always welcome additional Voxel Artists, 3D Artists, Mission Scripters and Voice Actors.
Single contributions are also welcome. 


Edited by Speeder, 08 August 2016 - 12:22 PM.


#2 Jargalhurts


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 04:24 AM

I'm sensing a certain theme among the Foehn naval units... Either way, really great job with the voxels there. Especially can't wait to try out the Chrono Prison.


It seems Foehn are going to stand-out a whole lot more in terms of gameplay compared to the other three factions. And my question is, will you add more interesting gameplay mechanics like the Windbelt to the initial three factions for the sake of diversity?

Edited by Jargalhurts, 18 March 2016 - 04:26 AM.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 09:46 AM



Edited by FELITH, 18 March 2016 - 09:46 AM.

#4 Solais


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 03:35 PM

Yeah, the unit image page have been locked down too now. No more snooping around for us anymore! :p

Edited by Solais, 18 March 2016 - 03:35 PM.

#5 doctormedic


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Posted 19 March 2016 - 11:43 AM

so the bomber plane is a support power?I can smell spam.

#6 Oktavia

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Posted 19 March 2016 - 01:30 PM

Foehn Angelshark

At last.

#7 The Jovian

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Posted 31 March 2016 - 06:15 PM

A few things caught my eye as I was reading this:


"It wasn't until many years later that the Future Tank Project was resurrected by the people who reactivated some of the now long forgotten Kanegawa Industries research facilities in Japan and completed the X-2 prototype using their advanced technology."


So based on this sentence we can conclude that the Foehn truly become active many years after "Unshakable" and according to what you've told us about Act 2 so far, it takes place two years after Act 1. Also this sentence is also curious:


"To Foehn, the Mirage is one of the technologies lost in the chaos that unfolded during the Battle for Antarctica."


If we're going to assume that the Battle of Antarctica is most likely the finale to Act 2, so does that mean that the Foehn storyline takes place several years after Act 2? I mean it would make more sense than two NGO superpowers showing up out of nowhere at roughly the same time. Or does the Foehn storyline unfold over a period of many years and only ends several years after the Battle of Antarctica? That's also a possibility.

#8 Solais


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Posted 31 March 2016 - 08:11 PM

See other theories in this thread, especially at the end: http://forums.revora...ou-like-to-see/

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