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[BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

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#681 Blejzr

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Posted 01 April 2020 - 11:12 AM

Hello I did everything based on the first page - so I got lastest patch on BFME 2 ROTWK (2.02, 8.2.0) and anyway, when I try to join to any game in online, it says, I got different version of the game...


So what version do you guys here rly use please?



#682 geisi_al

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Posted 02 April 2020 - 01:30 AM

Hello can someone help me ,,, i have downl game 

bfme 1  ,,,and i start game my heros dies ,,computer kill them ,,what problem 

#683 fatbass21

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Posted 03 April 2020 - 01:36 PM

I have followed all the rotwk installation steps and i get this message . Can anyone help?

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.PNG

Edited by fatbass21, 03 April 2020 - 01:37 PM.

#684 Katakuri

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Posted 06 April 2020 - 04:58 PM


Hello can someone help me ,,, i have downl game 

bfme 1  ,,,and i start game my heros dies ,,computer kill them ,,what problem 



#685 aro94

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Posted 11 April 2020 - 08:30 AM

I have followed all the rotwk installation steps and i get this message . Can anyone help?

 I have the exact same problem, does anybody have a solution?


Edit: Ah, I got it! The main game, bfme2, has to be switched to patch 1.06, then rotw works fine.

Edited by aro94, 11 April 2020 - 08:34 AM.

#686 Anubite51

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Posted 11 April 2020 - 05:13 PM

So I made a post on another part of this forum site and it hasn't gotten any attention.   Anyone know if there is a discord or email I can send my question to?  It's been a few days and I'm trying to get my friend online, but no verification email.

#687 Lynx1010

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Posted 12 April 2020 - 10:44 PM

Hello, I'm attempting to install BFME 1 and I get to the step for the AIO patch installer and each time it gets to the end and says download failed. Is there anything I'm missing? I did everything step by step.

#688 Lynx1010

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Posted 12 April 2020 - 10:46 PM

Hello, I'm attempting to install BFME 1 and I get to the step for the AIO patch installer and each time it gets to the end and says download failed. Is there anything I'm missing? I did everything step by step.


#689 lamotta1

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Posted 13 April 2020 - 03:04 PM

alright cant play lotrbfme2 without cd tried going on install and put the zip file in but cant find the install folder 

any help would be appreciated cheers

#690 Tevan

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Posted 14 April 2020 - 12:25 PM

I have the little problem that Install everything as written but if I try than it comes this message (on v. 2.02 v.83) unknown.png?width=400&height=225

#691 mohvader23

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Posted 14 April 2020 - 10:03 PM

Hello.  I have installed my BFME2 collector's edition dvd, all according to the steps on the first post.  It is running in compatibility mode for windows XP service pack 3 (what was set once installed) I keep getting the cannot find CD.  When I try and switch it to Windows 8 compatibility mode, or anything else, it either won't run or destroys me after 3 min. and 30 sec. like a pirated disk.   What should be my next steps?


#692 Unlimited_Chaos

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Posted 21 April 2020 - 06:21 PM

Hey im not sure if im putting this in the right place but im having an issue setting up BFME. ive followed the instructions that were on the page all the way to the end and now when i try to load up the game it will stop and another page will appear saying EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION the thread tried to read or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. Access address 0x000778fb was read from.  7773ff83 ntdll.dll+0x3ff8e,RtlRunOnceBeginInitialize+0xf7e


any chance of anyone being able to explain to me what this means cause i have no idea

#693 Ulmosk

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Posted 23 April 2020 - 09:41 AM

Hi, mate. Im new on this, but i think you should try to enter the discord of https://t3aonline.net/ . You can click the discord icon of the upper part and find support and comunity chats.

So I made a post on another part of this forum site and it hasn't gotten any attention.   Anyone know if there is a discord or email I can send my question to?  It's been a few days and I'm trying to get my friend online, but no verification email.

#694 ADOS3r

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Posted 23 April 2020 - 05:25 PM


Everytime i go to launch it, the image comes up as if normally loading but then closes. However, an additional programme of the T3A Online launcher is running. I have read the instructions and reinstalled several times. Any help?

#695 Undercontrol

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 08:34 AM


Everytime i go to launch it, the image comes up as if normally loading but then closes. However, an additional programme of the T3A Online launcher is running. I have read the instructions and reinstalled several times. Any help?



^^^ Hi have you create the options.ini in the folder appdata/roaming/bfm

Because since windows 7 you need an extra options file to open it, old resolutions etc.

Create your options.ini with these stats

AllHealthBars = yes
AlternateMouseSetup = no
AmbientVolume = 13
AudioLOD = High
Brightness = 50
FirewallBehavior = 1
FirewallNeedToRefresh = FALSE
FirewallPortAllocationDelta = 0
FirewallPortOverride = 16000
FlashTutorial = 0
HasGotOnline = yes
HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
IdealStaticGameLOD = VeryLow
IsThreadedLoad = yes
MovieVolume = 20
MusicVolume = 21
Resolution = 1920 1080
SFXVolume = 16
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
SuppressCahPromo = true
TimesInGame = 24
UnitDecals = yes
UseEAX3 = no
VoiceVolume = 13


I hope someone can help me with my problem.

I want to play rotwk on the T3a server but I cannot connect. At last I patched with the german patch 2,02 v8.01 from https://www.gamerepl...2-download-page.

BFM 1 & BFM 2 works perfect and i can play online on the T3A Server but in the game rotwk I get a time failure.

#696 Hammer9212

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 06:59 PM

So... The cd key gen Refuses to be deleted . What now

#697 kiah911

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 08:54 PM

Hi, I downloaded and installed all updates and patches for BFME1 and the launcher crashes the second it pops up. Ive been dying to play the game, but i uninstalled it and reinstalled without changing anything in the INI.big files (I like larger command limits and higher price for siege) and when I dont touch this, it plays fine. Any help please?

#698 kiah911

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 08:59 PM

Hi, I downloaded and installed all updates and patches for BFME1 and the launcher crashes the second it pops up. Ive been dying to play the game, but i uninstalled it and reinstalled without changing anything in the INI.big files (I like larger command limits and higher price for siege) and when I dont touch this, it plays fine. Any help please?



The error message says "Exception_Access_Violation" and goes on to say debug break and all this coding stuff.

#699 on_screen

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 07:11 PM

Just stopping by to say thanks for the amazing work you guys did making these games available again. Just tried installing BfME from my original disk using your patches and it works flawlessly on Win 8.1.


I wonder if there's going to be an offline version of Patch 1.06 all-in-one installer? I can think of a few cases when there is no connection or servers aren't available.

#700 kiah911

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 07:46 PM

Is there no one here answering questions anymore? Ive made a post and posted here.

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