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MO 3.3 // Game Bugs

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#1 Speeder



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Posted 20 December 2016 - 12:30 PM

Post game, campaign and map issues here.


Do not post crashes, desyncs or launch issues here, there is another thread for that.


#2 X1Destroy


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 12:56 PM

Tech cannon bunker still have misaligned muzzle position. A bug that existed since 3.0 and was forgotten. Should be fixable with this in art.ini. PrimaryFireFLH=455,0,-100 yes-tick.png


Paladin tank prototype also have this problem. Can't work on that one since I can't touch the new version.yes-tick.png

The AI engineer in Bleed Red sometimes glitches out and just walk around the Zubr causing an infinite loop, never actually enter it. Thus the player are never given the engineers and can never complete the mission.

Edited by Speeder, 22 January 2017 - 02:02 AM.

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#3 Solais


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 01:25 PM

The Gardener: "Discovered two bugs with it: The two Repair Cranes never repair the Tsurugi, whatever you do. Also, multiple Qilin Tanks got drunk on sake after capturing Kyoto, as instead of driving on the road where they should be, they drive EVERYWHERE BUT THE ROAD between the two positions where they turn around."yes-tick.png

#4 Jinbao

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Posted 20 December 2016 - 01:29 PM

Why can't I build the Allied Airforce Command HQ in Unholy Alliance? yes-tick.png

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#5 Divine


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:40 PM

It appears that the Hailhead Irritator's prerequisites are badly given. I can build it with an Epsilon WF and Cyberkennel, without having a Foehn WF. This is unfixable probably.


The map "(8) Bridge Rejector" has a cliff error on the right side of the Northern ramp of the 7th starting position. The AI also won't build any units at all on that map in Islands gamemode. yes-tick.png

Edited by Speeder, 22 January 2017 - 02:04 AM.

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#6 Damfoos


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:32 PM

Found a bug: the green floating text which is used to display bounties and cash generated by structures is visible through the shroud, and is also visible if the parent structure is cloaked. The latter won't happen in normal conditions anyway unless Crates are enabled or you're playing the Epsilon Challenge, but the former is more common. Will be fixed after 3.3.1.

#7 Plokite_Wolf


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 10:21 PM

Just had a Soviet (Chinese) Airbase not host a definitely built Foxtrot. May have to do with the building not being set to Primary by default if it's the first and only structure of its type at the time? 

Can't reproduce.

Edited by Speeder, 22 January 2017 - 02:05 AM.

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#8 p0rnk1ng

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 03:19 AM

does this count ...

I was playing Yunris Snowglass in skirmish and I placed a soviet sensor tower in between the tech wind power plants but the image of the power plant was over the top of the sensor tower instead of behind it

I could see the Base of the tower but that's all

#9 Wargame-dono

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 07:26 AM

odd no one mentions about the hailhead's megadon (if i spell it correctly) in some terms the mentioned unit stops moving and rotates crazy in some places when it happens you cant move or attack unless some one attacked him til get destroyed it happens during skirmish runs and challange maps yes-tick.png

#10 Damfoos


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 08:31 AM

This too. Usually removing the Megaarena effect helps, similar glitch used to happen in TI with Kazuar Walkers when they got a speed crate and Elite level of veterancy (which makes them faster). AFAIK it had something to do with their locomotor.

#11 Speeder



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Posted 21 December 2016 - 11:35 AM

does this count ...

I was playing Yunris Snowglass in skirmish and I placed a soviet sensor tower in between the tech wind power plants but the image of the power plant was over the top of the sensor tower instead of behind it

I could see the Base of the tower but that's all

Should've taken a picture, but I can imagine what the bug is about.


#12 Beewee

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 03:49 PM

In Unholy Alliance the US Airforce Command seems to be missing from the tech tree. This cuts off practically most of the high-tech arsenal.

I have tried building all allied structures, all other structures from the other factions, but nothing seems to help. yes-tick.png

#13 CLAlstar


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 03:59 PM

In Unholy Alliance the US Airforce Command seems to be missing from the tech tree. This cuts off practically most of the high-tech arsenal.

I have tried building all allied structures, all other structures from the other factions, but nothing seems to help.

That problem was already adressed and will be fixed possibly in next patch.

#14 Rovaen

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 06:18 PM

Act 2 Soviet Mission 2

What happened: In the southern American outpost the first aid crates multiply infinitely around the spawn waypoint

What Should happen: Probably shouldn't be creating a fountain of health crates

Actions leading up to the glitch: I approached the southern American base with Krukov and Reznov and 2 medics. Before I took the crate already sitting in front of the barracks I destroyed the barracks; in fact it was the first building I destroyed outside of base defences. After that I grabbed the crate with both Krukov and Reznov, with one of them standing on the tile above the other, not on top of each other. When they walked on it, and the other past it  that's when they started multiplying.

Running Specs: 1280x720 fullscreen, Easy difficulty, 4th restart, Client was launched 3~ hours ago

Hardware Specs: Windows 7 64-bit, GTX 970 gpu, MSI Intel Core I5-4670 cpu, 8gb of ram.

Screen Shots


Let me know if you need anything else, and please delete the post if this is intended.

#15 Beewee

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 08:14 PM


In Unholy Alliance the US Airforce Command seems to be missing from the tech tree. This cuts off practically most of the high-tech arsenal.

I have tried building all allied structures, all other structures from the other factions, but nothing seems to help.

That problem was already adressed and will be fixed possibly in next patch.


Alright, just wanted to make sure. Thanks for letting me know!

#16 Professor Tremas Yana

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 09:00 PM

Not sure if this is a client bug or a game bug (I'm leaning towards the latter, based on the behavior I've seen), but:


After completing a mission or skirmish battle, all I get is the post-mission "splash screen" (for lack of a better term); no buttons show up, no "post-mission analysis", and - in the case of skirmish battles - no score screen. Since I can't do anything with the game itself, I have to kill the Yuri's Revenge process via Task Manager.


(FWIW, I'm running on Windows 8.1, and I've set all relevant .exe files to run as administrator in XP SP3 compatibility mode.)


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 09:38 PM

Are these intended?  I don't think they are.


seawolf and dreadnought on bleed red need to rotate themself before come out : http://imgur.com/g7H7tff

seawolf on death from above, wrong position? : http://imgur.com/zDyIHRb


These just kind of happen, trivial really.

Edited by Speeder, 22 January 2017 - 02:42 AM.

#18 p0rnk1ng

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Posted 22 December 2016 - 03:11 AM


I am playing skirmish, but I cannot remember the map but I am thinking it might not be the map but I captured a tech aeronautics building but the list of units doesn't show the veteran symbol on the jet planes cameo

so I sent some black eagles to their doom and re made them and they appeared as veteran units but not on the cameo

I didn't mind but I thought I would mention it

I have taken a screen shot but I didn't think you needed to see it as I think you know what I mean


This is by design.

Edited by Speeder, 22 January 2017 - 02:42 AM.

#19 XoGamer


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Posted 22 December 2016 - 07:59 AM

Uhh on Skirmish sometimes - when my war factory or airfield gets destroyed (When I am Soviet) and I rebuild the aforementioned buildings I don't get the repair drone or the spy plane support powers back. I think this also happens when the buildings are disabled with that Foehn thing that disables buildings.

I'll get you a pic soon when I have built like 4 war factories and like two airfields but the support powers aren't even there.

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#20 Damfoos


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Posted 22 December 2016 - 08:56 AM


I am playing skirmish, but I cannot remember the map but I am thinking it might not be the map but I captured a tech aeronautics building but the list of units doesn't show the veteran symbol on the jet planes cameo

so I sent some black eagles to their doom and re made them and they appeared as veteran units but not on the cameo

I didn't mind but I thought I would mention it

I have taken a screen shot but I didn't think you needed to see it as I think you know what I mean

It doesn't work like that. It simply gives units veterancy when they spawn in game's "world", cameos are not affected.

What's kinda bugged about this feature is that after you capture such promotion building you have to cancel training of the unit you are currently training (this unit will be a vehicle for Machinery, an infantryman for Academy, a jet for Aeronautics) and start it again, otherwise this unit won't get initial veterancy and only the next one will.

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