Copy pasting my message from Revora's Discord since network admins might not be active there:
tl;dr Can users update their environment via e.g WHM or is this reserved for revora administrators only?
Thanks for your attention.
Kernel and Security updates for the hosting
Posted 24 October 2018 - 05:31 PM
Posted 26 October 2018 - 07:19 PM
After re-reading the picture and your post here, I can 100% answer that updating the kernel is reserved to server administrators only (not necessarily Revora administrators). It doesn't make any sense to allow hostees to do such thing and it could also compromise the security of this place.
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Posted 27 October 2018 - 03:39 PM
Yeah, it makes sense for it to be reserved to admins only since terminal isn't with root access either.
Since revora's running latest cPanel, just not kernel/distro (centos 6 to 7) could one of the admins log in on WHM to update that for out host?
Would help a ton in running a user service as otherwise going back to an old 2010-2011 linux environment would be neccesary to compile the required app to run on current revora,
which might not be possible without significant patches.
For details about the specific host I'm on Revora's discord or you can PM me here.
Edited by Teteros, 27 October 2018 - 03:46 PM.
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