Start with bfme1 castle in bfme2
Posted 11 July 2020 - 06:03 PM
Posted 12 July 2020 - 02:03 AM
There is no way to do it without modifying the maps, code, and libraries to enable it. It's a very complex process and very few people have been able to make it work flawlessly.
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 12 July 2020 - 12:58 PM
Posted 13 July 2020 - 05:39 PM
The most difficult aspect is the fact that the BFME2 AI system is completely different so it has no idea what to do with bases. This means the AI must be rebuilt manually for every faction/map in order to work with BFME1 style bases. It can be done.
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 16 July 2020 - 01:00 AM
Posted 16 July 2020 - 04:02 AM
I understand, but my point is that even if you enable it for yourself you will only be playing alone because the AI won't use it.
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 18 July 2020 - 09:07 PM
I just open a BFME1 map , Change the Starting Waypoints to Beacon
I have a Map.ini that does a fair amount of the work
And the files in the Mod that does the rest
I just uploaded the working version for BFME2 , as well as thee script file needed to be imported into the BFME1 map
This handles AI builds nicely
For script and a few game files
Posted 19 July 2020 - 12:25 PM
I just open a BFME1 map , Change the Starting Waypoints to Beacon
I have a Map.ini that does a fair amount of the work
And the files in the Mod that does the rest
I just uploaded the working version for BFME2 , as well as thee script file needed to be imported into the BFME1 map
This handles AI builds nicely
For script and a few game files
I've downloaded your scripts today, but I'm not sure how to use them properly. Is it for vanilla BFME2, ROTWK or one of your mods? I've tried to put those files in a mod for BFME2 1.09 and in my custom bfme1 map but the game crashed at the start. I followed the instructions included in the readme file, but it still didn't work. It seems some of those files are refering to the stuff from a mod that was not included in the download, like macros and commandsets. Any idea how to get this working?
Posted 24 July 2020 - 11:30 PM
Yes ,
that is why I created a basic mod , and have files available
search the mod files and check for the references
basically the scripts allow for building the buildings
the map ini is not necessary , you can delete it , but it does contain codes that help the game/ map function
It’s not an exact Tutorial in the readme file l , you do need some medium level of code understanding to implement
the scripts work currently for BOTH ROTWK and BFME2 , but I plan to upgrade the scripts for BFME 2 in a few days
I made a lot of explanation on how it works in the forum , I am not keeping any secrets , sharing as much as needed
You need the AI to do 3 things effectively
1. Hunt for plots
2. Un pack plots
3. Build on plots
A combination of map scripting and game codes achieve this (to as close as BFME1 as I can manage )
My uploaded ROTWK mod is fairly vanilla , so you can use the Mod as Template and add to it
There should be no need to alter the Map scripts , but you will have to add codes into your MOD to get it to function
Upgrades , New objects , command set changes , and new codes in existing objects
look at the new codes in Civilian buildings , campsandcastles etc
more explanation - https://forums.revor...pilt-for-rotwk/
Edited by JUS_SAURON, 25 July 2020 - 12:17 AM.
Posted 25 July 2020 - 05:11 AM
So the map should work without map.ini but with scripts and code references? And which one of your mods should I check for these code references? The BFME2 or ROTWK one?
Posted 25 July 2020 - 09:52 PM
Which do you plan to mod ?
check that one ,
the ROTWK mod should be easier to check , as its vanilla and you can easily compare the new codes to existing
check these ini files , All campsandcastles , upgrade , commandset , commandbuttons , civilianbuildings , tempobjects , Gondorbuildings , Rohanbuildings
I will update the BFME2 one in a few days as I am adding a new way to hunt for plots
the map ini , if you review it , mainly sets the proper rotations for buildings and button setup for the plots , and money deposit for farms
I use a lot of ‘imaginary ‘ or fake objects to get things working
like a fake invisible starting building
a fake capture flag object , and a fake crate object
it also removes porters at start etc
I use the map.ini so it does not mess with the other {None BFME1} maps which is free build
the map 100% works without the map.ini
and it takes just a few steps to get it functional
like adding the Named waypoints and importing the script
and setting up the start point waypoints as Beacon
PS it working , but I am always improving the set-up
I just finished improving the rebuild for trebuchets , and better plot hunting - For BFME2
take it a step at a time and I can guide you here on the forum
Edited by JUS_SAURON, 25 July 2020 - 09:53 PM.
Posted 26 July 2020 - 04:18 AM
Thanks for your advices, I'll try to make that working in ROTWK, with and without the map.ini - to see what it does. I have just one question - can I use your scripts and codes in ROTWK 2.02 or is it made primarily for 2.01?
Posted 26 July 2020 - 10:49 PM
see a guide
It is for BFME2 ,
Most likely if you can understand what is going on , then use it for ROTWK
I noticed that an issue with ROTWK , that does not happen in BFME2 so i stopped modding for it until solved
AI stop buidling and hordes/ heroes/units after 10 mins , even on brutal
But my exact same map and codes work fine in BFME2
So if you use this , please don't be disappointed
Regarding codes ROTWK 2.02 or is it made primarily for 2.01
Yes , its just copy paste , so it should have no major impact
A few things
1. I can't yet get archers to defend walls
2. Gates AI tend to be flawed , I have not fixed with scripts yet ,they close and open, but late game AI keeps them open
3.Castle Citadel structures function a bit differently , if the main Citadel is destroyed , The entire Base is destroyed
4. Can't yet get AI to rebuild their Citadel if damaged (men and Dwarves occasionally use rebuild Specialpower )
5. I gave all walls a health increase as well as the gate , its not easily breached
6. Farms outside Castles can't rebuild with the worker ( the little guy that spawns and rebuids ) This is because he will trigger the plot as the building is destroyed and a loop begins
where a catapult might destroy and he will pop up and build a new building , over and over this goes
There are 2 ways to get AI to hunt
1. A fake crate object - works best with BFME2
2. A fake captureflag object - I don't like this method much as it involves hordes standing and cheering at an enemy citadel ( and dying )
I have codes posted in my various Mods with each
I will update the BFME MOD soon , still enjoying testing , i.e watching AI beat each other for hours
The scripts and codes go together , as if I could not get something to work via scripts , I faked it with code
I am sure someone may someday improve on all this , but the Old Masters may have no time for this wonderful game to try
Edited by JUS_SAURON, 28 July 2020 - 12:08 AM.
Posted 27 July 2020 - 04:09 AM
Thanks for your help. You've done a hell of a work with this BFME1 system in BFME2. I always wanted to play BFME2 with more strategic BFME1 playstyle, so I'll try to make my BFME1 custom map working again.
Posted 28 July 2020 - 11:33 AM
The castle walls are still incomplete though, it seems like the wall sections that have expansion points for towers etc. on them don't show up. Anyone know how to fix that?
Edited by Samuel R. Kinsey, 28 July 2020 - 11:35 AM.
Posted 31 July 2020 - 01:18 AM
You mean the icon that shows where you can build a tower ?
yeah I never really fixed that or cared to , I think it’s a bad model that did not port well from BFME1 to BFME 2 ,
specifically the GondorCastleUpgrade object and the model it uses to show the ‘picker / decal ‘
the actual wall upgrade works , just you can’t see the model for the picker / decal
Quote ‘ which are not much different from the ones in the original game‘ - actually the exact stuff really , I copy paste a lot
PS I will fix this in my next update , by next week
A bit of fair warning
for reasons unknown , the save function is broken by the scripts
I.e don’t save and try to load the game from that save , it will freeze the game
I know it’s the scripts as I tested and found it only happens once I add in the scripts
maybe Skirmish maps was never meant to have such in-depth scripting ? I don’t know
the game plays fine otherwise
In fact , the BFME 1 campaign maps also seem to have issues with saving and re-loading
So my mod has some glitches , unfortunately , but not detrimental to gameplay
just play for hours , but don’t try to save your game from that map
Normal Original Skirmish maps like Argonath etc is fine , it’s the custom maps that glitch on saving/loading
Edited by JUS_SAURON, 31 July 2020 - 01:51 AM.
Posted 22 August 2020 - 09:05 PM
An important update
I figured out why my BFME1 style maps were crashing on Save / load
it’s because of a glitch in the vanilla BFME1 castles , all of them
they have a bunch of tactical markers , that cause a glitch when the map is saved and tried to reload
so I had to redo the bases (Castles , Camps , Expansion plots ), for each faction
So I will upload an update on Moddb soon
PS ; I now still have to test all the BFME1 campaigns , it’s a lot of work to get them perfected ( no glitches )
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