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TDA Last Resort At your Reservations An Fully Originally Composed Soundtrack Showcase For Modded Maps

commandos soundtrack mateo pascaul

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#1 Chaoticnature

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Posted 20 May 2021 - 11:33 PM

So I felt a bit creative i've made this & Taking my time to sharpen the production a refreshing take Also feeling this deserved its own thread LIke wise if anyone asks about the mateo pascaul idea i had again that will get its own for anyone it were interested in my idea of composing my own stuff i'm releasing this to give a fair Showcase in a way a Demo Set of my the scope & my range trying to work out snow tracks so thats left out the songs can also be used i would have to agree Also i be saving for the stronger stuff the same if i end up creating more independently or working with a mod author it be great to see some insight in to what the mission you will be making will look like & the Concepts behind it i have my own interperation as for how they would work  
Night at The Opera Or Decisions Pretty self explanatory also with the spy something along those lines or a escape mission what i'm thinking At The Grappling Edge Definitely needs to be a map with the diver alone off grappling off a mountain maybe based around The wolfs lair or something to do with a Secret weapons base? also an anticipation build up of levels an Original idea that be nice. i also had the idea of extended versions i have an extended version of At The Grappling Edge so the Druming comes in after where it would end 
SONG Listings
Night at The Opera Or Decisions
At The Grappling Edge
Last Resort at your Reservations
High Stakes Surprises
Back in Action
Always Shadows

Edited by Chaoticnature, 22 May 2021 - 11:06 AM.

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