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How to fix color bleeding with the file format editor

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#1 Moreartillery

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Posted 18 August 2022 - 01:52 AM

Download FFE https://bitbucket.or...itor/downloads/


Extract it to the modtools folder, double click the jar file to run it.


How to change texture paths with FFE

Q: Why would you want to do this?

A: To prevent color bleeding. Lets say you want to copy a land raider from space marines to blood angels. If you have the bloodangels_landraider.epbs use the model in the Art/Ebps/Races/Space_Marines/Troops/Land_Raider then the space marine color scheme will appear on the blood angels land raider ingame, if they are in a battle together.


The way to solve this is to copy the land raider model and textures to the blood_angels folder. However the land raider.whm is still looking for textures in the space marine folder, so you need to use the FFE to change it.


Step 1. copy the landraider.whm to your desktop. In my experience FFE won’t save to program files but this may depend on your operating system.


Open the file on your desktop with FFE. You should see this https://www.dropbox....vx7c/1.JPG?dl=0



Now copy the listed textures to blood_angels/texture_share


Step 2. Replace the highlighted dark angels text with blood_angels. (remember the underscore!)


doubleclick blood_angels to select it and ctrl+c


now shift+click to select the numbers that correspond to the dark_angels text on the right. When you’ve selected the right area it will look like the image below.




Make sure you don’t select the 2f boxes, those are the slashes.


Now click selection text edit and paste blood_angels into it. Now repeat that for every texture thats listed on the left side.


Step 3. Now open the MSGR section on the left. Open the first entry and select data then scroll down the right side box until you find another texture path, its usually in the bottom 10%. Select any of the boxes next to it and hit auto text edit. It should select the whole texture path like in the example below




Now double click dark angels again and ctrl+v to put blood_angels in its place. Now scroll down and look for any more texture paths on the right. When those are all changed do the same to all the meshes listed on the left.


Step 4. save the file and copy it from your desktop to your_mod/data/art/ebps/races/blood_angels/troops


If you did it correctly there shouln’t be anymore color bleeding on that unit.


Original dev thread https://forums.revor...5-15-july-2017/

Edited by Moreartillery, 18 August 2022 - 01:56 AM.

Developer of the Cinematic Battles mod.


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