Hi, i have internet over 5G/LTE in Czech Republic. I run kanes wrath via CNC online and i played somegames recently even i could connect to maybe half players. Bud now i cant connect to nobody after i changed my internet provider. I allowed CNC online in firewall and i am sendint report as you mentioned in guide bud in game i cant still establish connection to other players and so they cant start the game. I dont use VPN, i have dynamic IP adress and no static. IS there something i can do? Will help port forwarding if i dont have static IP adress or i must say my ISP that i need static IP? Thank you.

Kanes wrath cant establish connection in game lobby
Started by zpolasek1, Mar 22 2024 11:26 AM
connection kanes wrath dhcp dynamic ip adress cant ping to cnc online
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