I have an interesting error in my CNC Online logs on a Windows 11 machine (Which are stored at ~/Documents/CNCOnline_Log.txt).
> Result of injection: Code -1073741582
After some light investigation, this error is actually returned by the EasyHook32 library for the error: NativeAPI.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4 right before C&C Onlines' cnconline.dll is injected in to the process using RhInjectLibrary. I'm not sure what the value of the 4th parameter sent to RhInjectLibrary is or how it's computed.
In some scenarios, I believe this to be the reason why my game fails to make a connection to the Revora network.
I'd like to continue investigation, but running the C&COnline binary through a decompiler isn't ideal, is source code available or is there is list of common failures of which why failure might occur?