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Issue with scripts behaving differently for different people

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#1 IAmTheRules

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Posted 07 November 2024 - 06:05 AM

Does anyone have an idea of why a map's scripts would behave differently for some people compared to others? Out of 4 people who tested my map in a solo skirmish 3 people had the map scripts working properly but scripts that aren't supposed to trigger keep triggering for the 4th person. It's the same exact file, he tried restarting the game, restarting his computer, deleting his entire Maps folder and re-adding the map in, and I've tried both giving him the file directly and giving by having him join a multiplayer lobby with the map.
Also, if the person who's having issues with the scripts joins other people running the map in multiplayer the map behaves how it does for when he's running it in solo skirmish. This is while the other people in the multiplayer instance are the ones that the map behaves normally with too regardless of who's hosting the lobby.

#2 IAmTheRules

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Posted 07 November 2024 - 06:22 AM

As additional context, the issue the one person is facing only have 3 possible triggers in the scripts. However, based on our observations of the map while it's running none of those 3 triggers should've been activated when the issue happens. I even tried adding a script that specifically disables the triggers but it still triggered. The only way we've been able to have the issue not come up for him is if I manually deactivate the scripts inside world builder via right clicking it and unchecking active for him.

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