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Connection Issues (Done everything up to Port Forwarding and Firewall which I don't quite understand)


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#1 ForgottenLord04

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Posted 07 November 2024 - 02:57 PM


I understand that this connection issue must be something you're awfully familiar with trying to troubleshoot. I do hope my issue is only the most minor of issues at best, but the more I intend to fix it, the deeper this rabbit hole of issues goes and then I no longer understand what I'm doing, when trying to fix these connection issues. Here's what I've done so far:


I've downloaded the game for C&C 3: Tiberium Wars and C&C 3: Kanes Wrath (a few years back but still up to date)

It works perfectly fine in Campaign, Global Conquest, and Skirmish, no issues with booting up, and gameplay. I can play to my hearts' content on unique map packs, and against AI.

I can log into multiplayer normally. No account issues there. I can see the lobby, and I can enter game matchup lobbies.


I do not use a VPN, I have no mods, no 4k add on packs, just the vanilla version downloaded through steam and the C&C: online app required. (Plus map packs but that isn't the issue here, because those work just fine offline)

Both Tiberium Wars and Kanes Wrath have successfully hooked with the C&C: Online app.


Issues arise when it comes to connection. In a game, this weird black and white symbol appears (beside the host), switching occasionally to the prohibition signal ()


I don't fully understand what happens on the end of the host, who intends to start the game, but they say an issue arises when trying to begin the game.

My connection shows green wi-fi signals radiating, but I cannot see the host's signal strength. (I've been able to see other players' strength signals before but I can't remember if this occurred all the time, or only in part) I'm guessing this could be connection timing out? I don't quite know but it's very temperamental. I've managed to get an online multiplayer game working once or twice before when fiddling around with it, but it was only temporary at best. I think when I hosted, it seemed to work as well but only ever tried that once or twice so haven't tested that theory for holes yet.


I've tried everything else up to port forwarding (which I attempted, and still couldn't figure out, having to uninstall and reinstall C&C: Online application)

I've checked for the C&C: Online in the Firewall (which I can't seem to find. If I can't find it, I can't see whether firewall has allowed it through or not. I don't even know if the name of this particular application is different in firewall and computer files)


I've read your guides around port forwarding and still have the installation application software for port forwarding, but haven't used it since last I tried (back in late 2022)


I tried fixing this two years ago, and we couldn't seem to figure it out (didn't help that I don't understand how to get this port router and port forwarding stuff working. I don't even understand what that means) but considering there's a new patch out now, I thought I'd try again.


I've left the port number under Multiplayer -> options -> network blank for now, and the IP address has 192.xx.xxx (x being random numbers) so that's correct.


I think my biggest issue is trying to understand how to get this port forwarding issue working and seeing if maybe I can try work this out this way to get the multiplayer aspect of gameplay working. I don't understand the matching of port routers. Or this network utility software.

It seems my tech savviness (if you can even call it that) stops here.


I appreciate any help I can get and hope this is enough context to understand my situation.

Edited by ForgottenLord04, 07 November 2024 - 03:00 PM.

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