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Project anouncement: Rad Alert

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#1 Code_Man

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Posted 27 December 2024 - 06:56 PM

Hey all, id like to spread word about a game i work on called rad alert, which as the name hints 3d fps and later rts remake of red alert.

You can find the spook halloween demo at https://torque3d.org...d-alert/page/2/ right above the pictures with spiders and the crypt.

The multiplayer tehcnically works, but you have no chat no kind of admin functions neither and there is only one level, also the interface is terrible in general.


I have been meaning to make a xmas infantry demo like the barns one kinda, with random spawn points for the rax(es) and maybe purchasable bots.

The singleplayer part is still fairly primitive and hardly much playworth in this day and age, in 05 that sorta stuff was hot ware on the net in comparison.

Right now some lefover stuff like the chat and other stuff is holding me back, plus about 16 maps that still need tweakin with the spawnpoints, thats kinda important.

So im confident sometime next month there will be a much better playble demo, i already got improved bot ai and infantry combat plus weapons, but not all done yet.

Including something like 16 maps remade from red alert skirmish, the remaining ones will come later, i bit off more than i could chew for such a short timeframe.


The reason i signed up here was to get hosting, but the signup form is broken, i wrote a admin a pm, but i never got any reply so idk.

My project is already nearing like 2gb depending on how i split it up and will grow a whole lot more so this would be kinda special needs.

I have a whole lot more assets but it all needs working on and porting, so it will grow a whole lot bigger as time progresses.

Its an quite and ambitious and huge project on top of all the other huge and ambitious things i work on.

But it turned out so amazing cool even as is that im gonna go all the way with it with every map remade and all the cool stuff that we imagined of in red alert but never got to see.

All of it in very nice 3d environements, no extras spared and best of all fully free in every aspect.


So would be nice if you spread the word and let me know what you think.

I will post major updates here, also there is a game page on torque3d.org that i will update and above posted forum thread for minor ones.

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