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Commandos Origin Demo Feedback

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#1 Buren

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 07:30 AM

So, yesterday I tried the Commandos Origin demo.


I have been an avid fan of the original series with Commandos 2 being absolute favorite and a big fan of Destination Paris mod. I have played all missions up to C3 and hundreds of the mod missions. Currently taking a break because of real life commitment, because once I play, I ignore almost everything. I always have the game installed since year 2000.


When I read about Commandos Origin, I was very excited although playing the mods has cured my Commandos withdrawal. At the very least, the developer recognizes this is the game worth remaking.


Here is my feedback playing the demo. Disclaimer: I don't know many things about this demo, and searching for it doesn't seem to help (no concrete answer), so maybe some of my cons are there because I don't know better.



1. Great sound effects, spouse looked up worriedly when I cut throats. Can't imagine the new sound effects of the flame thrower.

3. Coordination feels 'slightly' faster. I don't normally try to control two commandos at once, but I attempted it here. I get Fins to knife an enemy, and GB to do the same. Since GB moves faster, I position him behind Fins. The enemies are slower to react and both are taken down without issues.

4. Enemies are more reactive. Sometimes I 'screw it' and let GB charge at the enemy to knife them while they are shooting. In older game they would stand still so it's easy to get to them. Here, the enemy would run, then shoot, run again, and shoot. They are more elusive and it's harder to go crazy and kill them this way esp when they are more than one. 



1. Dislike/HATE the interface:

- This feels like C3 that relies more on mouse. Since hovering with mouse also controls the movement of the map, it goes uncontrollable sometimes (the cursor is not easy to see esp in a hurry). I love C2 for the keyboard shortcuts that actually work better.

- Very hard to cancel an action. Example: I want to shoot an enemy. It's outside my range, maybe I'm missing the Ctrl (because I think shooting needs Ctrl? Unsure, I feel sometimes I need it sometimes I don't). Inside of aiming, GB actually goes to the enemy. I panicked, right click/Esc to cancel, but noooo. GB goes to his face and says hello. Frustrating.

- Difficult to highlight enemies and stuffs. I think Tab is the way, or zoom out. But 75% of the time Tab doesn't work, zoom out is very troublesome and doesn't always work. The thing is: it's crucial. The enemies are so hard to see and I don't know what are the interactive stuffs.


2. No inventory

Can pick up stuffs but no backpack. Not everyone can pick up everything. For example, in most of the demo Fins can't pick up stuffs (or maybe because I didn't press Ctrl? I swear I tried). Can't exchange and carry others' inventory. Enemies can't be inspected. Nothing to explore (no interior/furnitures/boxes)


3. Accuracy

It's very hard for me to aim well somehow. Especially for actions that need fast movements like shooting and hiding because the mouse moves the map as well. 


4. I get a bit dizzy. I only like playing older games (isometric view), otherwise it's too dizzy for me when the map moves constantly. This is the reason I only tried Commandos Strike Force for an hour and shelved it forever. Origins is not that bad, maybe I can get used to it once I'm more familiar. Maybe. I still prefer C2.






1. Very detailed graphic and good looking map. Although the commandos' movements look weird and clunky still. Fins coming with the inflatable boat is much worse than C2 graphic. Not sure we need this kind of details because this definitely limit the hardware specifications and will take up a lot of space. I play for the strategy, not graphic.



1. No option for multiple saves

Which is crucial for complicated missions when I love to do trial and errors. Maybe the complete game will have it.


2. The demo is easy, only hard at the beginning when I didn't know what to do. I set the difficulty to normal because I was playing using spouse's computer and account, just wanted to try it. Enemies are in general more stupid than the original.


Not sure if my computer can handle it (gaming but humble specs, only used to to play older Commandos and AoE2)


In conclusion, maybe I'll stick with the awesome mods and see how it goes and others' feedback for the actual game. If it's online, only playable through stream or subscription shit (not sure how it works nowaday), then it's a no. 



My compassion for you is inconvenient for me  ~Hannibal Lecter

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