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All bugs in the Zero Hour SkirmishScripts.scb

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#1 Mithril



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Posted 24 October 2004 - 09:16 AM

I've decided to make a clean, bugless (as far as possible) SkirmishScripts.scb for zero hour. This could be used either for the 1.03 patch that is being discussed at DZ I think or it could be used for mods, AI's, anything, obviously.

I won't sort them into categories just yet as it doesn't make that much of a difference.

Here they are (I think it is quite obvious that all AI bugs you can find can be posted here :) ) :

-The Infantry general is told to upgrade to nationalism (which it has) instead of patriotism

-The SWG wants to get composite armor

-AI players cant research MOABs properly 99% of the time for some reason

-Dozers are programmed wrongly so they try to build a building and it remains at 0% for ages - this is due to the "Aggressive" state that the dozer team is in

-Planes use attack paths

-AI cant get its own oil derricks at base because they arent in the combatzone

-AI can only get to one oil derrick at a time

-They have some 40 scripts/teams dealing with the garrisoning of at most 2 buildings in only SOME maps while most gens wont ever garrison buildings other than those (or fail miserably to do so in some maps with infantry outside the building in a tight pack)

-Some USA gens have teams with pathfinders even though they dont appear in the gen power list

-Gla gens have scripts to build tunnel networks near the enemy base that dont work

-Instead of checking every x seconds for building control rods, lots of scripts have that in them and the AI screws up and ends up with power shortrages while buildings its own base...

-AIs wont use neutron mines

-Auroras will fire 2 (yes 2) bombs a lot of the time they attack using waypoints

-AI doesnt use inferno cannons?

-Priorities for units like the technical or the laser gens sentry drone are not considered a threat in the object lists

-The China and GLA generals are told to build the wrong teams in the Base expansion and rebuild dozer scripts

-Tank General builds an airfield but never...EVER,builds aircraft.

Right, please suggest more if you can - haven't got time now to scan every thread..

*Text copied from various sources.. this forum and from deezire.net

Edited by Mithril, 27 October 2004 - 08:52 AM.

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#2 Stygs

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 03:43 PM

Aifroce Gen never research Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining :)

#3 The_Hunter


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Posted 25 October 2004 - 07:47 AM

medium or easy american players never attack with there airforce only on hard if there on medium or easy they only build 4 or 5 comanches and let them sit in there base for defence rather than attacking with them (same goes for china with there migs) :)


#4 Mithril



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Posted 25 October 2004 - 09:46 AM

If they do nothing at all, not even defending, it's a bug.
If they defend the base, changing that would be an improvement, not a bug fix :) Thudo and Lion's AI's (among others) serve the purpose of improving

Hmm.. I'd bet one of the two (or DZ) will post a huge list of new discoveries soon :)
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#5 Guest_Guest_adamstrange_*_*

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Posted 25 October 2004 - 01:13 PM

Tank General builds an airfield but never...EVER,builds aircraft.

Some one told me thats because he uses tanks so if that was the case then he should not have an airfield but instead build and have many anti aircraft units and defenses.

Comanches never use their rocket pods. So what i did was to remove the upgrade to the pods and just make them a third weapon and it works perfect because the AI uses the 3 third weapon against you.

Got rid of the leaflet drop,daisycutter and moabs because they were just to weak and simply replaced them with 3 different typs of air dropped nukes :)

#6 FleetCommand

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 07:18 AM

EA Has never been good in creating powerful AI, unlike Blizzard. I wonder if they hire some of you guys if you can suprise them with a fun AI of your design.

#7 Mithril



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 08:41 AM

Tank General builds an airfield but never...EVER,builds aircraft.

Although this sounds more like a bug-improvement hybrid, I think this should be included in the todo list...

Many units in the game do not use their commandbutton abilities, and if I were to change that in the bug-free AI, it will be an AI improvement .. as I've said above. :)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - ReGeneration

"Not the faintest clue =\"


#8 Guest_n3m3s1s_*

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:30 PM

AI never/rarely gorizons people into the Battle Busses or Helixes or Palaces.
AI never makes fake buildings.
Sometimes the AI uses generals abillities when it doesnt hava a Command Center.
If you kill a USA building, rangers come out, but the rangers just usually stand there.
Col. Burton and Sabateurs follow paths and never climb cliffs.

#9 Guest_Dracarys_*

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Posted 01 November 2004 - 07:55 PM

The AI has a bad habit of building building just within the limits of the map. The building can be seen and functions as normally, but cannot be attacked. Most often seems to happen with the GLA Scud Storm

#10 Guest_Iyas_*

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 08:09 AM

Thanks is not enough

#11 Guest_james_*

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 02:01 PM

For all dudes and dudets here all bugs are ri8 to fix :popcorn: ... but even if you fix all those bugs...

Ai is still a dumb ass :sleep: ... even on hard i raised the money of Ai to 90000 in initial state scripted every ability on hard....it kicked my ass(Tank General) :thumbsupsmiley: but went its bank went below 10000 i trashed him.... (USA) :xd:

1) Reason it doeasnt use Regeneration of funds like we humans do..... :evgr:

2)It doesnt built stemna meaning related to resources and small bases... :shiftee:

3) it just runs into your defences like a sucker destroying its entire army (didnt used Real time strategy) :crazed:

4) Doesnt use abilities and vehicles at ri8 places etc

Last we dont need to give Ai even 1$ above default money it have powerful scripts that needs to be scripted by an intelligent mind freak.... :crazed:

Why isnt C&c is trying to develop a new game far far far far far better than all strategy games waitin 4 it :blink:

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