I won't sort them into categories just yet as it doesn't make that much of a difference.
Here they are (I think it is quite obvious that all AI bugs you can find can be posted here ) :
-The Infantry general is told to upgrade to nationalism (which it has) instead of patriotism
-The SWG wants to get composite armor
-AI players cant research MOABs properly 99% of the time for some reason
-Dozers are programmed wrongly so they try to build a building and it remains at 0% for ages - this is due to the "Aggressive" state that the dozer team is in
-Planes use attack paths
-AI cant get its own oil derricks at base because they arent in the combatzone
-AI can only get to one oil derrick at a time
-They have some 40 scripts/teams dealing with the garrisoning of at most 2 buildings in only SOME maps while most gens wont ever garrison buildings other than those (or fail miserably to do so in some maps with infantry outside the building in a tight pack)
-Some USA gens have teams with pathfinders even though they dont appear in the gen power list
-Gla gens have scripts to build tunnel networks near the enemy base that dont work
-Instead of checking every x seconds for building control rods, lots of scripts have that in them and the AI screws up and ends up with power shortrages while buildings its own base...
-AIs wont use neutron mines
-Auroras will fire 2 (yes 2) bombs a lot of the time they attack using waypoints
-AI doesnt use inferno cannons?
-Priorities for units like the technical or the laser gens sentry drone are not considered a threat in the object lists
-The China and GLA generals are told to build the wrong teams in the Base expansion and rebuild dozer scripts
-Tank General builds an airfield but never...EVER,builds aircraft.
Right, please suggest more if you can - haven't got time now to scan every thread..
*Text copied from various sources.. this forum and from deezire.net
Edited by Mithril, 27 October 2004 - 08:52 AM.