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#1 Yurisarmy


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Posted 29 July 2005 - 03:44 AM

Here are the current parts listed in the CVP:

Chassis: (1-3 and 9-11 by Yurisarmy, 4-7 by Apollo)
chassis.PNG OSVVchassis.PNG
1. A hovering-type base suitable for a light robotic tank.
2. Lasher Tank chassis.
3. Big tread assembly.
4. New Allied tank chassis, perhaps a heavy tank
5. Chaos Drone chassis
6. New Lasher Tank replacement chassis
7. Medium or heavy tank assembly
8. Heavy Lasher-type setup, originally made by Napalm, modded by Apollo and Holy_master
9. APC-type based off the Flak Track.
10. Alternate Grizzly setup.
11. Light one-man chassis, or maybe for an R/C tank?
12. Mastermind without the dome. Not sure but probably one of Apollo's as well.

Turrets: (1-9 and 23 by Yurisarmy, 10-21 by Apollo, 22 by Eva-251, 24-25 by L'Chaim)
1. A domed turret with a light machine gun.
2. An elongated turret with antenna.
3. An unusual design with no remap colors.
4. A flak cannon.
5. A dome turret with a rotating orb. Image from OS Voxel Viewer.
6. Small generic cannon.
7. Lasher Tank turret.
8. Turret from my Laser Tank.
9. Anti-air gun.
10. An innovative design, maybe a laser gun.
11. Lasher Tank turet without the barrel.
12. Another energy weapon turret.
13. Twin-barreled howitzer turret.
14. New AA gun.
15. Twin turet without barrels.
16. Some sentry gun turret.
17. Twin-barreled robot tank turret.
18. Modified IFV turret without barrel.
19. IFV turret.
20. Rhino Tank turret without barrel.
21. Another Soviet energy weapon turret.
22. Recolored smaller IFV-like missile pod.
23. Anti-air EMP or railgun emplacement.
24. Allied cannon and missile pack.
25. Soviet turret with an open hatch.

Miscellaneous Parts: (1-4 by Yurisarmy, 5-8 by Apollo)
1. Mine plow taken from the Apocalypse Tank.
2. Mine plow taken from the Lasher Tank.
3. Machine gun.
4. Missile pods from a tank I made by request.
5. Medium tank twin barrels.
6. Heavy tank twin barrels.
7. Energy weapon or medium tank barrels.
8. Heavy tank barrels.

This post will be edited as more designs are presented. I will also try to get some OS:VV shots so you can see how the normals turn out.
Edit: I got most of the chassis OS:VV shots.
Edit 2: I got the rest of them, and added #12 to the list.

Edited by Yurisarmy, 15 September 2005 - 07:56 PM.

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#2 Yurisarmy


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Posted 10 August 2005 - 04:24 PM

Some cool designs sent by L'Chaim. The Allied cannon-missilepack turret made by him and ShadowFX and the Soviet turret made by L'Chaim. He did the soviet one after Rami's designs. Good job! :p

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#3 Our Last Hope

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 08:08 AM

good luck getting a apoc/mammoth/well a heavy tank with those parts.
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#4 raminator


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Posted 12 August 2005 - 08:50 AM

first i saw this i thought it was realy mine

looks nice :dry:
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#5 L'Chaim


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Posted 12 August 2005 - 09:33 PM

I have learned many voxel tricks from you, and I want to say thanks. Thank you so much.
aka Jah
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#6 raminator


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Posted 13 August 2005 - 03:40 PM

oh didn´t know this...

you can call me master padavan :lol:
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#7 gamerule9

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Posted 15 September 2005 - 04:13 AM

nice man

Yuris Revenge: Flashpoint

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#8 Guest_Greg_*

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Posted 18 September 2005 - 06:01 AM

[SIZE=7][COLOR=blue] Hi i wuz wondering how do i downlosd this thing plz write back Thanks

#9 Yurisarmy


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Posted 18 September 2005 - 03:03 PM

There was an old download at my previous forum but it's quite outdated. I will get the pics revised for the turrets and the misc. parts, then I will have the complete download ready.
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#10 camkill


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Posted 06 April 2006 - 05:32 AM

I cannot wait. Congrats on this, it is a pretty sweet idea. But how will you copy sections over to a voxel editor to use them?
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#11 Yurisarmy


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Posted 08 April 2006 - 02:55 AM

To add a turret to a chassis is easy, just rename the chassis to something like 'tank.vxl' and the turret 'tanktur.vxl'.

To add a misc. part to the turret or whatever is a little harder but doable. go to the top-to-bottom view of the misc. part and in another window open the turret or chassis and set it to top-to-bottom view, and copy the misc part layer by layer to the other piece. It may be time-consuming and tricky the first time but it works.

The latest voxel pack is here btw. :ohmy:

Edited by Yurisarmy, 08 April 2006 - 02:57 AM.

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