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Generals Challenge!

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#121 00 Nobody

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 09:43 PM

Nevermind, the computer is too skippy. I can't even get the music to work it's so bad.

Edited by 00 Nobody, 17 April 2006 - 09:56 PM.

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#122 Jsmooth13


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Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:58 AM


#123 weltazar2000

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 02:33 PM

ok Guys! I need some help!

So I'm playing the generals challenge as the Air Force General on hard. Tanks General was very tough. It was very challenging, but I finally was able to beat him. SW Gen was also tough, but not near as tough as the Tank Gen. I breezed thru the Stealth, nuke, toxin, and laser gens. So I,m going into the 7th general challenge vs. the infantry gen? I was totally suprised. I never new the PR team put him in there. He wasn't in the original ZH. ANd talk about tough. I'm about ready to give up but i just cant bring myself to do it. I cant last more that 10 or 15 mins against him. Anyone have any advise on how to beat him. I believe the key is to use infantry, but even when i do produce alot of infantry I end up getting my supply hilocopter shoot down and cant recover fast enough. I see some lightly guarded oil derricks to the south, but I can never make it there before various china infantry units over run me. Can someone please give me a push in the right direction here please.

#124 PR 4 @LL!!!

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 04:59 PM

wow ;) :p
i neva knew they put him in aswell, but i rekon the trik is to get some stealth helis and humvees, then wen ur rank 3 obviously get snipers then it shud be a breeze - also bradlys are very good against inf.

also wot other challenges in he in nd wot levels?????

#125 weltazar2000

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 05:09 PM

wow ;) :p
i neva knew they put him in aswell, but i rekon the trik is to get some stealth helis and humvees, then wen ur rank 3 obviously get snipers then it shud be a breeze - also bradlys are very good against inf.

also wot other challenges in he in nd wot levels?????

Thats a no go. You cant get any vehicles close enough to do any damage to their infantry because of their rocket soldiers, but he infantry gen map is awsome though. Im going try again tonite to get some where but its bye far the hardest challenge i have ever played.

#126 spartan 117

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 11:02 PM

one thing that's annoying about the inf gen map is that u can't see the nuke's timer.
everything else's perfect
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#127 weltazar2000

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 01:59 PM


I wish I could say I was finally able to get somewhere in challenge 7 against the infantry general, but I can't. I did learn that the legionnaire defense system does a pretty good job against the china infantry, but its inaccuracies sometimes come back to haunt you. If anyone has any knowledge of how to beat this guy with the air force gen then please share. Meanwhile I will continue to get beat down until I figure something out!

#128 PR 4 @LL!!!

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 06:24 PM

spec ops with ups ne good.............?????

other than that im sstumped and looking forward to meeting him.

#129 weltazar2000

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 06:34 PM

spec ops with ups ne good.............?????

other than that im sstumped and looking forward to meeting him.

I do believe that in order to biuld special ops you must first biuld a strategy center and I have yet to get that for before being over run.

#130 spartan 117

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 12:57 AM

it requires some skillz but i got myself a few of the good ol' humvees and loaded em with 3 MDs 2 ranger with flashbangs

don't get to close to his forces and try to have the ranger flashbang barrage the oncoming infantry.
any vehicles will be taken care of by the MDs, but ure gonna need a lot of em or unbelievable micro skills.
once u reach rank 3 get urself the snipers and replace the rangers with em, then use the combined power of airstrikes + humvees to push forward and win the territory for u.

believe me it's gonna be a lot harder if u take tank gen and get to infantry challenge
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#131 00 Nobody

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 03:21 PM

I know how. First, secure the oil derricks with a ambulance/humvee carrying rangers (doesn't have to be full) and sll your tanks. Send the tanks ahead to destroy his tanks, then take his infantry squad out with your rangers (try to get flash bangs before this). All the meanwhile building your base as fast as you can. You should be able to get a supply drop zone before he can launch his nuke, and get money, too. The huge amount of money you get from it will allow you to build superweapons (beleive me, the only way to win is a war of superweapons and generals powers). Have 2 advanced patriots and 1 leigionairre missile system (with 3 flashbangs, 2 rangers, 1 missile defender, and 2 pathfinders) per entrance to your base. Once the base is established, head north with a bunch of rangers and capture the two artillery platforms, which will commence bombarding his defences on that side, giving you a way in. Then, mass an army of trojan tanks and a REDICULOUS amount of rangers (most with flash bang) and start destroying his base from the back door, specifically, his right flank that you opened up earlier. make sure to go actually behind his base with your forces. have the tanks destroy as many reactors as you can. After that, pummel his command center and destroy all his dozers, so he can't rebuild. If you wanna fly in aircraft, use your betas to destroy his bunkers and gattling cannons to clear a way for other planes. Make sure to leave at least 5 humvees in the base, to deal with his paradrop. After you win, he'll surrender to you, cowardly running in fear. fade to black, begin battle with General "Tigress" Leiong Leang.
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#132 weltazar2000

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 09:43 PM

Thanks Guys. Its my gaming night tonight so Ill be all over it! I was on my way to the right path, but the info you guys have shared has really given me some ideas so I think I can finally beat this joker.

Still its the hardest challenge I have ever played. It even harder than the downloadable challenge for general ironsides!

#133 David J. Oates

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 11:06 PM

I have to say, I've never been able to beat him as AFG, largely because the design of the map is so against what the AFG needs as to be completely crazy. To be really successful, the AFG needs a lot of space to build his airfields away from each other so they can't all be hit at once, and this map is just too cramped. As an aside, have you seen what happens when you're working on a cramped map and you have to group four airfields together - that is a lot of cash to see go up in flames when your neighbour decides he wants to test his nuke or cluster bomb!

I suspect the answer lies with pathfinders to shut down his assaults, followed by massed long ranged MRLS missiles to knock out his awesome base defences (which are even more evil under PR), or capturing those platforms as 00Nobody suggests, but the fact that there simply isn't enough room for air power to shine really hurts.

One thing is clear - you have to put that nuke down fast - the fact that you can't see the timers on this map is a killer, as you really don't know when it's going to strike - hit the silo or the plants, but shut it down. It's just devastating on such a closed in map where you can't spread your base out - it's done for me several times in conjunction with a paradrop.

Maybe I'll go back and try this one again - this discussion has given me a few ideas to deal with the git. Also, is it just me, or does his voice really grate on the nerves?


#134 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 09:26 PM

when i did that map with AF gen i used legionnaires and then filled them with pathfinders once i could. the missiles take out the troop transports and the snipers get the men. mind you, that was on medium.
you should definately get A-10 strike aswell - if you place it right (and you have to get it right first time or he'll nuke you) you can destroy 4-6 power plants in that big long line. and if his defences are still intact, then he uses enough power to buy you some more time. if you can exploit the power being down and use auroras to take out the bunkers - or stealth fighters with BBB's. Yes, i know bunkers don't use power but this way you don't have to worry about the twin gattling cannons shooting you down. i found that he didn't rebuild his defences much - once his frontline is open, an attack will be able to press through.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#135 00 Nobody

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 03:47 PM

He tries to rebuild at the place with the cannons, but they continually blow his dozers and buildings up, costing him a LOT of money. It's pretty funny too.
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#136 FireBlade


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Posted 24 April 2006 - 02:42 AM

Wow on hard the AI eat you for breakfast, and on the generals they get started with a base already. I tried to fight the airforce general with the tank general and laser general but no luck, great work on the AI vanguard, ARRG, for me :p . I first built my base a defence’s to a little bit then before I could blink carpet bomber get in there and rips through my base paratroopers from the air, Comanche’s attacking from two sides, then Aurora’s with the impulse bomb upgrade ripping through my defences like a tin to a tin opener :) :p . Has anyone beat the general challenge with PR. Share you tactics here. Also has anyone played a game with hard enemy's where the odds are against them e.g. two or three hard AI vs. just you. Put them all down here!

Hehe I have beaten it on hard, with i think so far 4 generals :)

air force is easy its just about making nuff back up defences power and money makers, while destroying his offences, then money supplies, then command center, march in and blow him to high heaven.

Nuke is easy just kill his nukes before they launch, destroy the command centers, then the dozers.

laser is also easy he hardly attacks with anything, just kill the SW, then the command centers, kill the power, and march in there.

SWG is kinda hard though, she sends in comanchies VERY quickly, a very effective rush if you ask me, defences are priority, once you have air defended get money, anti air tanks, use powers on her power, while sending units to the island to the right, capture the SW, but she will sell it so it is as good as destroying it. then get a bunch of air transport units, fill em with tanks and dozers take the island to the north west. from there take out the defenses with air supplied there....ECT.

stealth is easy just make stealth viewers in ur base, build some semi strong tanks in a force and march through till he is dead.

toxin, is even easyer, get some kind of infantry drop or tunnel, over to the north west of his base, capture the oil, and black markets, get a dozer/worker over there and make a tank factory, kill toxin from the inside out, if u can capture the command center with infantry units, and use his units against him.

there are a bunch of others but i dont really need to explane how to kill them do i?

Edited by ???????, 24 April 2006 - 02:57 AM.

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FireBlade-"Hello old friends :) ahhh still the same wargames, with the exception of a few things."

Paradox-"Yes, like sanity. :p"

"The question mark man" ???????

#137 weltazar2000

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Posted 24 April 2006 - 01:57 PM

mission accomplished :p

#138 weltazar2000

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Posted 24 April 2006 - 02:11 PM

mission accomplished :p

I was finally able to beat the infantry gen with the AF gen on hard. Over the weekend I used some of the tactics that have been suggested. What helped me the most was the suggestion to use multiple humvees. It made a huge difference and allowed me to better defend my base so that I could focus on building a Supply Drop-Zone. Once I had it built, I had the funds I needed to severely beat him into the ground!

I now have a saved game with a well established base vs the boss gen. THe PR teams really beefed up these final few challenges. Even though I am confident that I will beat liang, it is still very challenging. Good Stuff!!!

Next I think I will start over as the demo gen on hard ofcourse!

Hey! Question?

Does anyone know if PR has any plans to add the Demo gen into challenge mode as an oppenent? To my knowledge he is the only gen not in the challenge mod now that the infantry gen has been added.

#139 FireBlade


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 10:58 AM

yeah that would be an interesting battle...make the AI build a bunch of those demo bombs built from the battle buses, as an early rush, let him start out with 2 scud storms, have the AI send in nuke trucks with an auto promo after 10 min, a bunch of other stuff :p

all this talk makes me want to play the challenge with a new general...
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FireBlade-"Hello old friends :) ahhh still the same wargames, with the exception of a few things."

Paradox-"Yes, like sanity. :p"

"The question mark man" ???????

#140 PR 4 @LL!!!

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 12:15 PM

DEMO GENERAL ??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

trust me he owns all, i love all the work put into him hes awsome, but when ur rank 5 its a bit to easy to own with............

also do u rekon it would be possible for AI to rebiuld there command centers in skirmish............. becuz once dats dead there toasted.?

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