The series is called "Desert Legends", and is produced by the mapmakers in 00 Nobody Maps, pretty much the only mapmakers, unofficial or not, in PR.
In this series, I have created a very advanced script system that acts like you entered a shop, and you actually pay money to buy stuff, such as humvees and Missile Defenders.
The main character, Jason, is the son of a simple fisherman (who'll be the final boss in the 3rd one, he's actually a bandit king who murdered Jason's real parents and took him, as a baby, to raise as his successor), and decides to buy a car to get around. After getting his car, he is able to start a mission, and once he finishes it, his best freind, Steven, joins the party, unlocking his home town of Tiber City.
The first few missions are simple. You have to destroy a bandit camp in order to win, and you get some moner out of it. You also unlock something or get a new character. For example, after Steven joins the party, the city of Tiber City becomes available to you, you get money, and radar becomes active. The second one just gives you money, but immediatly starts the 3rd one. Not telling what the other missions are specifically about though...
I have already created 2 cities, and am currently working on the 2nd mission. The major points of geography have been met, and the 2 shops (so far, there'll be 1 more city), are working. I have already set the plot up to the third mission (will be 5 in total, 4th may unlock a minigame), and have a good idea of who the 4th character will be (already have the third character's name set up, and will probably have a unit for him today).
The third city, Sahara Town, has been created and scripted. The Minigame has been created and scripted. The 2nd and 3rd missions have been completed. The third character has a unit for him now. The Light ambushes have been created. I need to make the local bandit king's base and script the 4th and final mission. After it I may add in a 4th character that will be available on Desert Legends RPG 2 - Gateway to Peace. The third one will be called Desert Legends RPG - The Grand Finale, in which Jason fights his own father (Luke, I am your father ). The shops are gonna be stuck at 2, unless you can find the hidden one that's not esily found. An abondoned truck, perhaps? or maybe a hidden market? You'll have to find out yourself!
Feel free to ask me any questions yuo may have about the map's progress.
-00 Nobody
Founder of 00 Nobody Maps
In charge of Desert Legends RPG's developement
Edited by 00 Nobody, 05 March 2006 - 12:27 AM.