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[CLOSED] For NightShift Project - Smart SearchLight Switching

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#21 thudo


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 06:59 PM

I require time to digest! ;)
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#22 thudo


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 07:37 PM

Corsix.. where does this go?

function Util_GetIniSetting(sFile, sVal, sDef)
	local ini = nil
	ini = io.open(sFile, "r")
	if(ini ~= nil) then
		for line in ini:lines() do
			for k, v in string.gfind(line, "(%w+)=(%w+)") do
				if(k == sVal) then
					return v
	return sDef

function GetActiveDowMod()
	return Util_GetIniSetting("Local.ini", "currentmod", "w40k")

function GetActiveWxpMod()
	return Util_GetIniSetting("Local.ini", "currentmodwa", "wxp")

function ModIsActive(module_file, iswa)
	if(iswa == true) then
		if(string.lower(GetActiveWxpMod()) == string.lower(module_file)) then
			return true
			return false
		if(string.lower(GetActiveDowMod()) == string.lower(module_file)) then
			return true
			return false

function ModIsPresent(module_file, iswa)
	local file_id = nil
	file_id = pcall(io.open, module_file .. ".module", "r"))
	if (file_id ~= nil) then
		return true
		return false

Above goes in RaceLoader.ai ? I take it no editing to it is necessary as it will auto-detect the .module files dynamically?
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#23 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 08:15 PM

So in conclusion, as long as the bug does not bring up the error reporting thingy then pcall will help.

Thanks Corsix. It might be worth a try... ;)

Above goes in RaceLoader.ai ? I take it no editing to it is necessary as it will auto-detect the .module files dynamically?

I would have guessed that it belongs in utility.ai :)

#24 thudo


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Posted 28 March 2006 - 01:58 AM

Okie.. code looks like:

local file_id = nil
file_id = pcall(io.open, "Night_Shift\\data\\attrib\\abilities\\night_dummy_space_marine.rgd", "r")
if (file_id ~= nil) then
if self.squad_ai:GetTactic():HasAbility( "marines_searchlight_dreadnought" ) then
local light1_id = cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID( "marines_searchlight_dreadnought" )
Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight( self.squad_ai, light1_id, " vehicle" )

I think the problem is in the tactic.ai for GetTactic():HasAbility:
function Tactic:HasAbility( ability_id )

	-- Get Ability ID
	local iAbilityID = cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID( ability_id )

		if (iAbilityID == ability_id ) then
			return true

	return false
Does that look correct? Its just not passing it thru.

Btw.. thanks Corsix for the utility.ai code! Its in and works fine with pcall.
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#25 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 28 March 2006 - 08:43 PM

Hmm shouldn't it be either...

local file_id = nil
file_id = pcall(io.open, "Night_Shift\\data\\attrib\\abilities\\night_dummy_space_marine.rgd", "r")
if (file_id ~= nil) then
	local iAbilityID = cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID("marines_searchlight_dreadnought")
	if (iAbilityID ~= nil) then
		Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight( self.squad_ai, iAbilityID, " vehicle" )

or if GetAbilityID() crashes...

local file_id = nil
file_id = pcall(io.open, "Night_Shift\\data\\attrib\\abilities\\night_dummy_space_marine.rgd", "r")
if (file_id ~= nil) then
	local iAbilityID = pcall(cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID, "marines_searchlight_dreadnought")
	if (iAbilityID ~= nil) then
		Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight( self.squad_ai, iAbilityID, " vehicle" )

In this case you wouldn't need Tactic:HasAbility()!

#26 thudo


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Posted 28 March 2006 - 09:08 PM

It has to be the second one as if I have anything with cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID("marines_searchlight_dreadnought") and that ability does not exist and its called "naked" like it is, the game will CTD once the first Dread is created.

I'll test it and see what pcall does if it can prevent the crash AND pass the command over.
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#27 thudo


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Posted 29 March 2006 - 02:07 AM

Update.. do you mean:

local iAbilityID = pcall(cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID( "marines_searchlight_dreadnought" ))
if (iAbilityID ~= nil) then
Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight( self.squad_ai, iAbilityID, " vehicle" )
I tried it on its own as above here and its a no go. Its the pcall that is blocking something here and not passing it over to the Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight line below. Any thoughts?

Btw, thanks you guys for the help in figuring this out. This is MASSIVELY HELPFUL and I seriously believe will be important to know in time. Yes its more a "research project" but its practical application is more than mere logic.
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#28 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 29 March 2006 - 11:15 AM

Since Corsix has posted such nice code, I think I'll add one very last thing to 1.7 this evening.

I'll add a custom folder to the AI folder where every mod can place a custom ai file. The name has to be modname.ai, where 'modname' is the same string used for the module file of the mod. If such a file exists, I'll run an Init method of the class in this file which has to exist and which name must also be the module name.

You can then, for example, create a nightshift.ai file (Provided that the module file is called nightshift.module) which has just a parameter NightShiftIsActive = true and a nightshift class with just a lonly init.

You can then use the nightshift abilities everywhere like that:

if (NightShiftIsActive ~= nil) then
	local iAbilityID = cpu_manager.stats:GetAbilityID("marines_searchlight_dreadnought")
	Ability.DoAbilitySearchLight( self.squad_ai, iAbilityID, " vehicle" )

I'll send you a mail this evening/night when I'm finished...

#29 thudo


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Posted 29 March 2006 - 12:42 PM

:ohmy: Fantastic! The key is to be able to just check for GetAbilityID ( "<ability name>" ) rather than a real-time live detect (which if its not there CTDs the game). Thanks a ton, Arkhan!
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#30 thudo


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Posted 26 April 2006 - 03:14 AM

Closing this thread as it is now moved to other one for MultiModing..
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