I think Corsix means generating "general scripts" based on various rgd inputs. Nevertheless, I'll see what he means and give him the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, with Gnarif's forthcoming updated AeP, one can churn out whole brand new AI scripts from start to finish in a day and playtest it in another. My record is a full 2 day turn around time (from nothing to full playtest - a record!). Without the AeP, it would take me a week or more.
Also.. as you'll see with 1.5 when the new AeP arrives, I can see changes in the code in a matter of seconds thus updating our AI to 1.5 will be a joke especially if things such as build/research orders, unit abilities or general stats, or names of any kind have changed.
Nevertheless.. things are ALOT different now for DoW AI. This project could NOT be without you all and simply astounds me how much its evolved.