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rating = in unitstats.ai

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#1 LarkinVB


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Posted 05 June 2006 - 04:22 PM

I was wondering what's the impact of this rating and made a quick test.

I logged the class/effectiveness = total demand values of chaos marines once with their standard (dowpro) rating of 4, once with rating = -1000.

Result : rating is a weight factor only affecting class, not effectiveness. With rating 4 the marines did get a class value like this early in the game

AI1000 00:18 chaos_marine_squad D: 0100 C: 0092 E: 0008

D: Demand = C: Class + E: Effectiveness

As we all know class is the value awarded for having an armour class the enemy is weak against. Effectiveness is the value of our weapon against enemy major armour class.

With rating = -1000 we get this

AI1000 00:18 chaos_marine_squad D: 0008 C: 0000 E: 0008

Class value stays 0 the whole game.

Conclusion : Rating is a weight factor only applied to units armour class.

This has no big impact on future coding but is interesting to know nevertheless.

#2 thudo


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Posted 05 June 2006 - 06:20 PM

Actually.. Gnairf needs to know as he can code it into AeP so it can automatically assign a Rating= value. (ie. Servitors = 0 or 1 while Bloodthirster = 9 or 10). Larkin.. I sent you mail regarding this.. We concretely need a reference from the unit's rgd(s) to firmly decide how to rate the unit. This would be a BIG deal as we could use the rgd themselves to determine where in the hierarchy a unit can reside.
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#3 LarkinVB


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 01:50 PM

I don't feel responsible for this. Volunteers ?

#4 thudo


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 02:00 PM

Why not use the following to determine rank?

armour class
max hitpoints
weapon damage (based on first weapon although a dummy weapon would screw this up)
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#5 thudo


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 02:59 PM

Okie.. How about this for determining Rating?

GameData[cost_ext][time_cost][cost][power] = 
GameData[cost_ext][time_cost][cost][requisition] = 
GameData[cost_ext][time_cost][time_seconds] = 
GameData[health_ext][armour] = 
GameData[health_ext][hitpoints] = 
GameData[type_ext][type_armour][name_of_current_ref] = type_armour\

The last three would be far more important I think however especially type_armour.

We could give a "weighted value" for a result like such:

tp_infantry_low = 0 to 1
tp_infantry_med = 1 to 2
tp_infantry_high = 2 to 3
tp_vehicle_low = 3 to 5
tp_infantry_heavy_med = 4 to 5
tp_monster_med = 3 to 5
tp_vehicle_med = 5 to 6
tp_infantry_heavy_high = 6 to 7
tp_commander = 5 to 8
tp_vehicle_high = 7 to 9
tp_monster_high = 8 to 10

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#6 Corsix


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 06:13 PM

Do you look at the EBP by itself, or the SBP as well?
Posted Image

#7 thudo


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 06:14 PM

Just EBPS is needed. Btw.. we're chatting about this in email.. U are CC'ed on it like FD, Excedrin, and Arkhan.
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#8 Finaldeath

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 12:09 AM

I really have no opinions one way or another, and although I'd use a GUI tool to edit the values, since then I'd know the order and entirely what they are relative to other things, I find it easier to see the listed and edit them without pregens there.

Basically, good if you get it working, but since you'll tune it anyway, it doesn't matter too much for most people.

If the modders can code an entire race, transferring the bit of weapon info about each unit to a set of 5+ armour values, and setting the units priority to build, is cake!

#9 thudo


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Posted 07 June 2006 - 01:08 AM

Yes.. I've done most of my tenure editing it by hand. Now with Gniarf's upcoming enhancements I'll be even more productive. It really saves us days if not a week of time this way. Quite impressed how things have changed since I started using it. The Rating="" to me at least is HIGHLY subjective but if I had my way I would TOTALLY base it on the armour_type value since my honest experience it easily follows it more times than not as I showed above in my armour chart.
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