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The Concordat of Nord Belka

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#1 Ash


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 07:03 PM


The Concordat of Nord Belka
Government Type: Communist People's Republic
Economic System: Socialism
Government Stance: Social: Far Left
Population: 65 million
Monetary Unit: Allocation Card


The Concordat of Nord Belka is a communist state, northernmost of the Four Nations of Belka. Though these four nations are not officially joined, they are generally referred to by this name to denote their chunk of the continent, a chunk always at loggerheads if not at all out war. Much of its people are preoccupied with earning their allocation cards and farming.


A People's Republic is in place in the Concordat of Nord Belka. It primarily runs by the act of nationwide referendums on most decisions. In times of emergency, the Council takes overall proprietal status. In times of nonemergency, they act as overseers, surveyors and polltakers, appointing jobs where necessary but not making the decisions themselves. The head of state is officially declared Premier Lennier Poranav (No relation to Idal Poranav), although that is only because he was leader of the Communist Revolution. He wields only the authority that the people are willing to give him, and speaks on their behalf to the foreign nations.

Geographic Location

Taking the most equatorial location of all the Belkan nations, it is to the north of the Four. It enjoys tropical climates and plenty of thick resource-rich areas. It borders Belka Major, and therefore has a large defensive wall lineup against that border to prevent their incursion. It is a highly agricultural nation, though it has plenty of capacity in many areas of industry. Indeed, its factory facilities are known worldwide.


The culture is very stark and sparse, with practicality placed over aethetics. That said, the country is reknowned the world over for its artists, such as Aklan Tevier, a much-revered muralist. Over two thousand grey buildings in the capital city have been enlivened by his hand.


Nothing really of any particular fame has come out of the Concordat in terms of music for over two hundred years. The classical composer and pianist Merian then wrote his Symphony of the Quietus in C Minor.


The Concordat falls back on education in most areas. The acedemics have generally fled the country, believing that equality would generally suppress them. Learned people were generally the richer folk and so were immediately targeted. State education is generally average, but below the average of the world.


Though the nation has a fairly large military, it is primarily tied up in keeping the borders safe. Like their international standpoint, the military operates on very defensive manners, with large trenches, gun emplacements and stationary batteries.

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