It's a mod for The Battle for Middle Earth 2, that will recreate all battles of Middle Earth and Aman, faithful to the Silmarilion.
So if it's only of the first age, why is this mod called The Four Ages?
Because initially, in this mod you were able to through for all ages of Middle Earth(like in AOE) but then we deleted it because it was too huge, then we didn't want to change the name, and we kept it.
What factions does it have?
Three: Angband, Edain(Men), and Eldar(Elves).
Does this mod have minifactions?
Yes, it does. But all factions will have a different way to get and construct them.
Some other features...
The game will be more realistic, for example now Heavy armor will decrease the speed of the units and archers will shoot fire to the buildings, while they shoot normal arrows or poisoned arrows to units.
Also we've changed the number of units per horde like it was in BFME 1.
What about the campaign?
We'll include a huge campaign about the wars of beleriand, and another one based on the 2nd and 3rd age.
Are you going to change the WOTR mode?
I don't know. Probably yes, but it would be in another version of the mod.
And the CaH?
We'll expand it. I don't know how yet, we'll see.
Will units be able to walk on walls?(New!)
Yes, they will.
What about the release date?
We don't know it yet, so please don't bother asking for it.
And what about a beta?
We won't release a public beta for now, but we'll release lots of videos and screenshots.
List of minifactions:
1. Easterling
2. Tol-In-Gauroth
1. Hithlum
2. Gondolin
3. Nargothrond
4. Himring
5. Doriath
6. Falas
Not done yet.
Edited by morgoth946, 23 August 2006 - 07:32 PM.