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#1 Infinity238


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 10:38 PM

Updated 14/04/2007

Here is our FAQ Section, I will be constantly updateing this section as often as required. If you have a question have a look here before posting it on the boards.

-What is Gundam Legacy?
Gundam Legacy is a Gundam Seed Mod for "Star Wars Empire at War" RTS Game, The Alamo engine used by empire at war features both Ground and space combat on one engine. This makes it perfect for the Gundam genre.

-When will Gundam Legacy be released?
It was always our goal to have a playable release by Fall 2006, even if it is only a space skermish Beta test version. The next release is going to be more extensive and more "Polished" and is hopefully going to make it out sometime late summer 2007 (HOPEFULLY!).

-Will there be suits from Gundam Seed Destiny?
Yes, first the team will work on the C.E. 71 era. Once that is done we should have a good base to build on for further units and mobile suits. There is also some plans for some of the MSV suits but nothing is confermed at this time.

-What kind of tech levels are there?
There will be five distinct levels: CE.70 Early Seed, CE.71 Late Seed, CE.72 Post Seed, CE.73 Early Destiny, CE.73-74 Late Destiny. CE standing for Cosmic Era which is the Gundam Seed universe timeline.

-ORB won't be a playable side in early releases?
No, Through Seed and Destiny the EAF have at least 13 different mobile weapons, Zaft has around 19, and Orb would have 2 or 3. So the decision was made early on that they would be in the game as a neutral side, this would not only help balancing but make the game more true to the show. There will be missions where you have access to Orbs units and heroes, and they may apear in skirmishes similar to the pirates in EAW.

-What sides will be in the Game?
To begin with there will be Earth Alliance Forces and Zaft as playable sides, also with the release of "Forces of Coruption" Orb will be in the game eventually but not origionaly as a playable side.

-Will there be Heros like Freedom, and Destiny?
Yes both suits will be included, as well as any others that you can think of. Not to mention the Thirteen new characters developed for the origional storyline.

-Will there be larger units like Land Battleships, and the X-1 Destroy?
Yes, and Yes. We also have some interesting idea's instore for both.

-Will the Meteor Units be present in the mod?
At the moment it is in the game plan to include the meteors in some fashion.

-Will you have doomsday weapons like Genesis?
Well I think that the big guns are a must have knowing the Gundam Seed Universe. Although not much thought has been put into how they will function just yet, there are plans for includeing all the doomsday weapons in Gundam Seed Legacy.

-What about the Galactic Conquest map, How will it work?
At the moment it is still in development, however there are 12 - 13 Plant Colony locations with numerous other locations both on Earth and in space.

-Will there be single player missions, or just multiplayer?
Both, The multiplayer should come first but there are already solid plans for a single player mission mode spanning the entire SEED series.

-What about Hero clashes?
We are looking into doing some fun things with the hero clashes, but for now Its not a top priority.

-How will mobile suits work/move in space combat? Will they be like tie fighters?
In space we are looking into ground like animations (move, shoot, idle) but it remains to be seen how extensive it will be. It will definantly not be just like tie fighters though.

-What kinds of ground locations or terrain will there be?
Well there hasnt been a whole lot of map makeing yet, the team has talked about what kind of locations there should be: Space, Jungle, Snow, Urban, Desert, Naval*, and Luner.

*-Will there be Naval battles?
There is a system layed out in theory but wether it will happen will be up to the amount of time we have.

-What about toggleing weapons on units, mobile suits carrying two different weapons?
We are also looking into this at the moment, we are also looking into haveing mobile suits haveing a melee weapon option too.

Thats all for now, If there are more suggestions post below and I will add them.

Edited by Infinity238, 15 April 2007 - 05:41 AM.

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#2 Sykes


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 10:55 PM

How about what game is the mod for?
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#3 Infinity238


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 10:58 PM

LOL, yea that should probley be there eh?

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#4 Infinity238


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Posted 27 September 2006 - 07:09 PM


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#5 ChaoticaBloodHavoc

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 12:42 AM

I dont want to sound like a pain or anything but is this mod still going on and also what sort of updates have you guys been working on. Just really curious cause im a huge gundam fan and I posted a few times on the Section for this Mod on EAW forums on filefront. just wondering really excited to see some new stuff when it comes out be nice if there was a small addon patch for units though, sorry for grammer its late and I got a killer headache keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next realease.
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#6 Sykes


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 02:48 AM

Yup were still going. Things just tend to slow down during this time of year because of school and work.

What you stated is exactly what we are doing. Probably a small addon patch adding a few units to the alpha. There was also talk about adding a mission but I dont know if thats going to happen for the small patch. All depends on time.
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#7 Infinity238


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 04:57 AM

Time and Money...

jk, but seriously we are still working.

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#8 ChaoticaBloodHavoc

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 09:34 PM

Cool, I would help if I knew anything about modding an so forth all im really good at is catching glitches and such for my friends when they did mods for Starcraft back in the day. Looking forward to the releases guys Keep it up. if by chance you release a addon could I possibly see maybe god willing a Gundam or two?
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#9 Infinity238


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 09:59 PM

lol, Trust me I know where your comeing from (Gundam game without a Gundam) but I would rather figure out how to create a mobilesuit properly first so the Gundams can be excellent.

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#10 ChaoticaBloodHavoc

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 10:02 PM

Ok, I can definitly agree with that. Considering take Strike Freedom for example, it has Orbitals, funnels or however you would like to look at it, its going to take some figuring out how exactly to get those things to work somewhat "seperately" from Strike Freedom itself. So I can understand fully. My friends and I who have been playing the mod constantly because we are all seed fans are hoping maybe another capital ship for both sides and a few suits at best. Cause raping them with nazca and larasia class ships is starting to get a lil to easy lol plus Ginn rushing is nice.
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#11 Infinity238


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 10:16 PM

LOL, yea I was thinking of giveing Zaft a "corvette" as well as makeing the "Dominion Class" availlable to EAF in tech to. For a high price of course.

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#12 Dark Lord Revan

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 09:35 AM

Hm...if you did put it in, would the Dominion have Lohengrins coded yet? Id love to see that bust a station...

Hm, what would make a good Zaft corvette?...cant think of anything...i always assumed that the fairly large number of ginns served in place of corvettes in the series...
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#13 Infinity238


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Posted 28 February 2007 - 07:48 PM

They do have a smaller ship that serves as a dropship in the series, not sure what the name of it is but it has weapons.

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#14 ChaoticaBloodHavoc

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 09:22 PM

You mean that small ship that Athran was in with the Aegis when Cagalli shot him and the plane down when she was piloting the Skygrasper? I saw the name someplace on it cant remember where though.
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#15 Dark Lord Revan

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 02:28 AM

Its on Mahq huh....i wouldnt say its smaller....tho i suppose it would have corvette type weapons. Looks like the same size as a Nazca actually..judging by the droppods underneath it.

That small ship arthrun and aegis were on isnt a ship...its a plane. Not space capable. The cannons on the thing don't look like they can take anything larger than a fighter jet anyway....or a sky grasper ^^

I tot the VoLPHAU would be your corvette...but it isnt space-capable either. And it doesnt have weapons...which is strange considering the transport plane does.

Edited by Dark Lord Revan, 01 March 2007 - 08:52 AM.

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USS Seraphim-NCC-94283 (Majestic-class Assault Battlecrusier)
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#16 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 08:25 PM

This looks like a good Mod, however, I cant see a game without the Freedom which you do have, Btw is it the X10A Freedom or the X20A Freedom, and i cant see a gundam game without the Main character of the Seed series Kira Yamato.

#17 Dark Lord Revan

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 04:31 AM

I believe the team has plans for both the x10a and x20a, as well as kira, but he wont be a main character in this game, it has its own main characters. Just one of the many things that draws me to the mod so...
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USS Seraphim-NCC-94283 (Majestic-class Assault Battlecrusier)
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#18 Stargazer



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Posted 02 March 2007 - 04:46 AM

our characters are better since Fukuda isn't on the team.

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#19 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 08:05 PM

Final question,( same person who asked about Freedom) The machines that have the DRAGOON System, will that be included in the mod?

#20 Sykes


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Posted 02 March 2007 - 08:14 PM

Yes they will. We would have to considering one of our orignial suits has dragoons.
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