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Interesting... am i the only supposed "paranoid conspiracy theorist" here...

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#1 Tom


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 02:26 PM

Or are politicians now starting to tell the truth: http://www.youtube.c...?v=6M5GK9Na8KU

Much of the information that he is talking about has been uncovered and even leaked like he said, so just because hes a libertarian doesn't mean hes bullshitting. Its about time someone finally had the balls to tell the people what the hell is really going on.

#2 duke_Qa


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 03:19 PM

hehe, he doesnt like communism at least ;)

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#3 Pastinator


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 03:54 PM

It seems odd, it reminds me of gta san andreas:
"Communism is taking over the world! It is terrible! Everywhere you look, people are sharing!"
but apart from that, is there any proof this will hapen? If so i'm scared!
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#4 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 October 2006 - 04:48 PM

(Kal) Sounds like by communism he meant a more authoritarian USSR style of government. Either he said communism because he equates it with that or to get more people on his side. Who knows.

#5 MSpencer


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 08:51 PM

This guy isn't shedding any light on your ridiculousness. He really is bullshitting. He's going up there advancing his platform by calling everyone a stupid communist (As most libertarians tend to do). He also has no chance of winning the election, as he's not a democrat or republican, so his best bet is to yell enough to raise a fuss about something made up. You should also note that he knows nothing more than you do: he is simply a citizen running for office. A month ago, Hostile could have submitted paperwork to run for the US Senate. He's also saying that the elite, as you both seem to refer to them, are joining the world in a huge communist country with one currency, certainly not the fascist state that you've proposed. If anything, this jackass hurts your argument even more.
Thanks for the ammo.

Oh yeah this guy sounds reeeeeeeeeeeeal sane
The blue coloring wasn't a poor video feed.

Edited by MSpencer, 12 October 2006 - 08:55 PM.

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#6 Tom


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 09:55 PM

ROFL at least i got interesting responses :grin:

Yeah hes just another politician using the argument for his campaign, i know spence, but the NAFTA or whatever is apparently an official plan that got "leaked." And globalisation is the natural step to world government, there is no conspiracy there. The so called conspiracy is with the men willing to exploit the system they own (international bankers etc) to rule over others. Now if you can't see "coincidences" happening in the US, UK and even the EU then you need to take a look. Power is being centralised. Protests are being banned, ID cards, talking CCTV cameras with constant survellience. The RFID idea and our countries are continuing to get more into debt to these bankers.

Also why does the US government not create its own currency for free rather than pay interest to the federal reserve and getting the country in debt. It has a constitutional right to create money. That isn't a conspiracy theory. Why is it happening when it doesn't need too? Does that not make you ask questions? Does it not make you wonder why? Are the people so ignorant of their rights and responsibilities that they let it happen.

Funnily enough the only president (Kennedy) who tried to do that (created money and circulated it in the economy) to stop the country getting into debt got assassinated. Another mere coincidence.

Yeah yeah, paranoid conspiracy theories i know, but it has some points. The question is why?

#7 Cossack


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 10:09 PM

If the government printed out vast amounts of money, it would just devalue the american dollar substantially.

Edited by Cossack, 12 October 2006 - 10:26 PM.

#8 Tom


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 11:27 PM

The american dollar is has devaluated over the last 100 years, its only unnoticed because every other currency has also gone through the change. The argument is, to buy the federal reserve back and eliminate the national debt then it wouldn't devalue it because they wouldn't be borrowing from international bankers.

The things banks do is lend out money that doesn't even exist, so its a scam either way. How can debt exist if the money never existed?

#9 MSpencer


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 02:09 AM

The entire international system of currency is based on trust. We say that we have so much gold, so therefore we have so many US dollars based on the gold standard. As a result when we spend that money, we owe it to certain people and give it to them, eventually, thus increasing the national debt. That's paid off by further deals and by taxpayers, thus increasing the value of the dollar. Or something like that.
That's how I always understood it. I would have taken macroeconomics if it were offered, very cool subject.
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#10 Hostile


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 04:15 AM

The american dollar is has devaluated over the last 100 years, its only unnoticed because every other currency has also gone through the change. The argument is, to buy the federal reserve back and eliminate the national debt then it wouldn't devalue it because they wouldn't be borrowing from international bankers.

The things banks do is lend out money that doesn't even exist, so its a scam either way. How can debt exist if the money never existed?

Devaluation is expected, it coincides with inflation. Inflation is a constant state of the rising cost of goods based in the constant increase to income earned. This is absolutley expected. You could attempt to buy back the federal reserve if you had a few trillion dollars. OR do what George Soros does. He buys currency in third world countries to inflate the rate of return, than it rises, than he sells it's backs at his self induced inflated rate.

To simplify it, he buys alots of money from a country, at a low price, than waits till the government prints more money, than he sells at the higher price at above margin. OR if he is feeling evil he sells below market value, takes a short term loss and floods the market with currency. This cause massive devaluation of the currency which he than turns into profit by buying up factories and real estate based on devalued costs.

George Soros is a left wing person, but the game is the same no matter what side of the fence you sit on. Look at Ted Turner, he owns CNN, is very left idealogy. It's because of this that Fox News became popular. Same Game, differant players...

The entire international system of currency is based on trust. We say that we have so much gold, so therefore we have so many US dollars based on the gold standard. As a result when we spend that money, we owe it to certain people and give it to them, eventually, thus increasing the national debt. That's paid off by further deals and by taxpayers, thus increasing the value of the dollar. Or something like that.
That's how I always understood it. I would have taken macroeconomics if it were offered, very cool subject.

Nixon axed the gold standard in I believe 1968 or 1972, I believe 1972. Currency is basically a big IOW. That is why it should not be saved but used to aquire assets that earn $$$. IF you are sitting on money, than it is worth less today than it was yesterday. Something few people take the time to take into account.

#11 Hostile


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 05:20 AM

I moved it to TGNP because it so fit there and is so important. IF an admin moves it back to HOP it's ok. But danm it so belonged at TGNP.

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#12 Tom


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 12:09 PM

Yeah, but the bankers i'm talking about are not from nations, they are international bankers. Nations do not exist to them in the same way they do to us.

I understand deflation etc, but the argument i was posing was even the money the tax payers pay from income tax only go to pay off the national debt, which is forever growing.

America never had this problem before. Why do you think its forefathers and founding fathers warned the population and peoples of the US so much on keeping out external interests. The American Civil War was fought to keep Europe out of the US and keep Europes corrupt bankers and "capitalists" from influencing the country and using it for their empires. Now they are in the US the US has turned into nothing more than a powerslave to them. Why? I still can't understand why the US sold itself to the people when they could easily have used its own constitutional right to create its own money.

Europe however on the other hand didn't have the freedom the US had, because it has always been owned and run by the same dynasties and has been used extensively thoughout the 1800s to build up their powerbases.

Am I a paranoid conspiracy theorist for suggesting that these people want to buy the world and turn the west into their own little power state. Is it a mere coincidence that certain people are trying to get the EU to become a single state thus centralise such power?

#13 Silent_Killa


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 07:13 PM

And people like that are why libertarians never see office... it's not so much what he said as much as the way he said it that's so out there. Claiming that the President is having secret meetings in an attempt to bring us all under a global USSR style communist regime is a bit crazy.

I would agree though that the United States will attempt to create it's own EU type deal as soon as it looks as if we might lose our supremacy. I'd also say that we're moving towards an authoritarian government with a controlled economy. Same message really, just not as fucking crazy.
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#14 Tom


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Posted 13 October 2006 - 10:16 PM

Your already in an authoritarian government moving towards a totalarian system. The torture bills prove that.

#15 MSpencer


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Posted 14 October 2006 - 01:40 PM

And the writ of Habeas Corpus has been suspended in the United States for anyone suspected of terrorism, thus removing the right for anyone to appear in court to petition for their release, or even to defend themselves, and impeding the inalienable right of any citizen to a fair and speedy trial.
The President hasn't signed it yet, but I'm confident if he does it will pass judicial review.
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#16 Silent_Killa


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Posted 15 October 2006 - 06:38 AM

We're only moderately authoritarian right now. In practice at least anyways.
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#17 duke_Qa


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Posted 16 October 2006 - 02:32 PM


some nice stuff about corporations taking over the world.

Edited by duke_Qa, 16 October 2006 - 02:33 PM.

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#18 Tom


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 08:10 PM

America Freedom to Fascism: http://video.google....edom to fascism

Google deleted it previously but its quite a good film on the FED in america.

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