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#2481 Creator


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 09:58 AM

Hah...But i see you didnt figured out what exactly did i mean with this plane. Ok, ill explain how i imagine that.

Bomber is just conventional plane which is used for USA generals already. GLA needs something original. Dolphin fits for it the most of all.

It's quite costly and the death of inside infantry would make it more costly. The crawler costs more than a war factory.

Experienced players unload soldiers when TC gets damaged. And by the way, TC armor was lowered before release because of this problem. If player knew how to unload infantry then TC became too powerful.

However, AT Gun can be negate. What if in addition to Jammer trooper, he got ECM trooper as well? This would help this problem a bit.

What for? Hackers can disable vehicles.

It is not similar to me, but I will make only one proposal today.
The idea mentions field general GLA. I wish to add the strategy for this general.
"The Vault" strategy - for the general appears a special mine on the first star. The mine "the Underground" or underground mine - can dig holes. Digging out a hole, the mine dies. The mine is dumped by the technician. The mine cannot be attacked and noticed anybody except the sapper.
You will tell that it is a bug instead of the strategy, however it not so. One detail does a bug by the strategy. This detail is named as an upgrade. To an upgrade the mine is useless and cannot use the force, however at this time it most easier to put on the basis of the enemy.
We can lose many money for this strategy and to receive nothing, but even one mine skipped by the enemy, can offer to us huge tactical advantages in the future.
Mines should be selected by groups and create holes for one cliques.
Tactical possibilities which will give these mines you guess.

A mine which digs tunnels? What for? BTR-50 can dig tunnels.

Edited by Creator, 08 October 2009 - 10:02 AM.

#2482 Thats me!

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 10:46 AM

Wow,Creator you never respond to my posts,why?

#2483 Kur-zaz

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 11:19 AM

A mine which digs tunnels? What for? BTR-50 can dig tunnels.

BTR it is sluggish. BTR it is easy to destroy. BTR, even invisible, it is easy to find out a radar.
BTR works as follows: charges ability - moves to the purpose - digs a hole. We cannot allocate at once five cars and dig out 5 holes. It the mole difficult does strategy. It is necessary to choose a drill, to press the button, to guide at a card, to press. And if to give other command to a drill while it has not dug out a hole there will be an error. The drill will discharge ability and will not dig out a hole.
The offer purpose - to add strategy for the field general. On start to set up mines is the most easier, especially on the basis of the enemy. After a mine upgrade can dig tunnels. We spend money on: technics which displays mines - money for mines - money for an upgrade. We risk - to lose technics - to lose mines. We can receive - the tactical superiority.
I will result some tactics which will appear thanking these mines.
1) Tactics "Attack behind" - the enemy passes mines. Usually behind the enemy holds artillery or the important technical groups. The part of groups attacks in a forehead.. Mines dig holes behind the enemy. The enemy in confusion. The enemy suffers the big losses.
2) Tactics "the Sudden position" - the mine settles down on a height or other remote site. The enemy does not see a mine and plans the actions proceeding from supervision. In the right moment of a mine dig holes and therefrom the artillery leaves. The enemy suffers losses.
3) Strategy "base Full of holes" - on start the technics scatters mines on the basis of the enemy. At this time the enemy is not capable to close all approaches to the base. Probably some mines remains on base at the enemy. After an upgrade we dig holes and we make attack to base of the enemy from within.
4) Tactics "Doggie" - we roll technics on base of the enemy, letting know that we set up mines. But actually we do not set up mines, and is simple so we drive technics on base of the enemy. The enemy spends money and attention, trying to find mines. Psychological attack.
5) Tactics "Holes underfoot" - holes rummage while the enemy passes over mines. Armies of the enemy are scattered. The enemy in confusion also does not know, for that to wait. We can attack from holes armies which is better will finish with the enemy. Can be used for infringement of a system of the opponent.
If it is not enough of it, then think up other idea which will add in game such quantity of tactics characteristic for the general.
Besides tactics with holes demand a lot of attention. Tactics with holes are very difficult for realising. This idea adds strategy plus some tactics thus without overloading attention of the player.
The basic direction of group this one. Earlier I considered it. Now I have gone further and I see that as a result I receive ideas above quality than earlier.

Edited by Kur-zaz, 08 October 2009 - 02:36 PM.

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#2484 Arcadian Daze

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 02:41 PM

maybe add some kind of fire mode to the tomahawk or another bm launcher(tomahawk seems the msot logic to me)
like anti inf
anti tank
and (you guessed it) anti building
each of these modes can only be chosen once(so if you chose anti tank you cant select another fire mode kinda like boris on rotr)
maybe lower the price of the tomahawk and price then as osme kind of upgrade so anti tank/building bould be less expansive then anti inf. now it really DOES seem unlogic to make anti inf weapons more expansive but it could be a cluster missile(i kinda had an idea in my head how it could work) if the idea is good for a starter i will tell how it might be able to work



#2485 Casojin


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 03:29 PM

i think all buildings in general need a armor nerf(about 25% or something)because to kill a building you really need alot of units(and by alot i mean alot).
Actually i think that the armor buff buildings got in 006 was totally unnecessery,they really had to much armor already.

Buildings are nerf by increasing build time (a lot) and they're unsellable.

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#2486 Thats me!

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 08:15 PM

i think all buildings in general need a armor nerf(about 25% or something)because to kill a building you really need alot of units(and by alot i mean alot).
Actually i think that the armor buff buildings got in 006 was totally unnecessery,they really had to much armor already.

Buildings are nerf by increasing build time (a lot) and they're unsellable.

but still,needing 4 auroa bombers(rank 5,cost 2000 or 2500)just to kill a 2000 warfactory is just to much.
Still i think they have too much armor except vs most of super weapons for obvious reasons

#2487 Casojin


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Posted 09 October 2009 - 01:33 AM

i think all buildings in general need a armor nerf(about 25% or something)because to kill a building you really need alot of units(and by alot i mean alot).
Actually i think that the armor buff buildings got in 006 was totally unnecessery,they really had to much armor already.

Buildings are nerf by increasing build time (a lot) and they're unsellable.

but still,needing 4 auroa bombers(rank 5,cost 2000 or 2500)just to kill a 2000 warfactory is just to much.
Still i think they have too much armor except vs most of super weapons for obvious reasons

I agree with you about Aurora. This problem should be fixed by adjusting building armor type to be more vulnerable to Aurora bomb not decreasing hitpoint.

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#2488 Creator


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Posted 09 October 2009 - 07:27 AM

Wow,Creator you never respond to my posts,why?

Don't be offended. You are not the only one in your kind. I skip someone's posts from time to time. But I read all of them and take everything into account. I have just nothing to answer.

BTR it is sluggish. BTR it is easy to destroy. BTR, even invisible, it is easy to find out a radar...

Imagine that you play against demo general. You know that he uses mines. How often will you use sappers? I think always. Mines will be detected and disarmed in time. Thus, it will be imposible to implement "Attack behind" and "the Sudden position" tactics against good player.

And yes, tunnel network costs $800. Sneak attack installs ONE tunnel and reloads for 2.5 minutes. You want to put 10-20 tunnels instantly and for free. It is definitely overpowered.

but still,needing 4 auroa bombers(rank 5,cost 2000 or 2500)just to kill a 2000 warfactory is just to much.
Still i think they have too much armor except vs most of super weapons for obvious reasons

Auroras are not for fighting war factories. They are usually used to take down enemy super weapons 10 seconds before launch.

I agree with you about Aurora. This problem should be fixed by adjusting building armor type to be more vulnerable to Aurora bomb not decreasing hitpoint.

Aurora damage type is also used by Nuke cannons and some other unts.

Edited by Creator, 09 October 2009 - 07:30 AM.

#2489 Casojin


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Posted 09 October 2009 - 08:34 AM

Auroras are not for fighting war factories. They are usually used to take down enemy super weapons 10 seconds before launch.

Does this mean superweapons are less armored than war factory or it's armor type?

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#2490 Thats me!

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 08:53 AM

I don't think so,as it takes 6 to 7 bombers to kill superweapons

and i think all rank 3 and 5 anti building units(rank 1 are fine as they are) ,needs a buff vs buildings,maybe by about 25%?

#2491 dcesarec



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 09:33 AM

Another suggestion from me.
Instead Howitzer defense for Demo general i suggest Catapult Barrel.
You guess,this is catapult that throws demolition barrels that spins in the air and explode while hit the ground.
This is long range defense system,inaccurate,and with bigger reload time.Good against bigger groups of units,controled by humans,just like stinger site,so they can be killed inside by snipers and rest ai units.
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#2492 Arcadian Daze

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 01:13 PM

minor thing: you might make the arora fly a litle bit supersonic after it had hti is target like a carpet bomb
just a tiny bit like 2 times its own length it still has to turn and fly back with normal speed so it doesnt make it any stronger



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 07:03 PM

also guys,don't you think that flame gen needs a aa infantry?

and the gattling apc,infantry should be able to shot from it.

and about air general air artillery,they should not go beyond aa and then attack(it happen usually with f-16 xl)

and i found some errors in typings:
in gattling apc it says it have 8 places while it have only 4.
In nuke storm it says it destroy everything is huge area,it must be in huge area not is.
And in the nuke mig it says it is strong vs buildings,while it is strong vs every ground target.

also i don't like that 3 gens of usa have the same super weapon(praticle cannon for all but air gen)
what about replacing the cyber one with chronosphere,which can teleport units(all ground except fanfir super mech,so it will be balanced),and kills non cyber infantry,so it become unique.

for tank gen,iron curatin instead of nuke missile,it makes everything(except shaitan tank)invulnerble for about 30 seconds,it kills all infantry,except cyber ones.

what do you think.

Edited by Thats me!, 10 October 2009 - 11:19 AM.

#2494 Kur-zaz

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 12:06 PM

And yes, tunnel network costs $800. Sneak attack installs ONE tunnel and reloads for 2.5 minutes. You want to put 10-20 tunnels instantly and for free. It is definitely overpowered.

Hole it not a simple mine. Attack behind - attack which is opposite to attack of attacked group. How to define, where at enemy group an ass? If the hole settles down not in back of enemy group that "attack behind" is impossible? Armies from a hole can be reconstructed with ease to a bum of the enemy. It is necessary to make all that pair of clicks and to surround enemy group. In front it is group on base protection. Behind it is group which left a hole.
The good player can find mines which will to get in way at its group or near to it. I doubt that the enemy will examine all cracks in search of confidential holes. If you consider that against the good player these mines - anything - that usual mines at all have no sense in game.
Question which it is necessary to set - how much it abruptly? Whether will lose meaning other holes at occurrence of drilling mines?
All can be balanced. It is necessary to look at process which passes to occurrence of a hole from a mine. The upgrade is executed (time, money) - the worker - factory - the car - the car puts a mine (money, time) - the mine recharges ability (time) - the manual command to "drill" (attention, the moment). It is enough tools of balancing of this mine (I has specified not all). In what feature of a paid hole which is built by the worker? This weapon on a hole and invisibility. The digger is the storm weapon. The drilling mine is the protection and counterattack weapon.
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#2495 Arcadian Daze

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 05:20 PM

also guys,don't you think that flame gen needs a aa infantry?

and the gattling apc,infantry should be able to shot from it.

and about air general air artillery,they should not go beyond aa and then attack(it happen usually with f-16 xl)

and i found some errors in typings:
in gattling apc it says it have 8 places while it have only 4.
In nuke storm it says it destroy everything is huge area,it must be in huge area not is.
And in the nuke mig it says it is strong vs buildings,while it is strong vs every ground target.

also i don't like that 3 gens of usa have the same super weapon(praticle cannon for all but air gen)
what about replacing the cyber one with chronosphere,which can teleport units(all ground except fanfir super mech,so it will be balanced),and kills non cyber infantry,so it become unique.

for tank gen,iron curatin instead of nuke missile,it makes everything(except shaitan tank)invulnerble for about 30 seconds,it kills all infantry,except cyber ones.

what do you think.

well maybe the generals could use another superweapon
but think of it the gla has 3 same usperweapons to only one has a different look

also your superweapons lean on what units you use
superweapons must be (for as far as i know) always the same strength
my number one of must be removed/changed asap is the tomahawk storm. its the same with icbm there just toned down rip-offs of existing superweaons

for toxin general you could use a airburst bio warfare missile
it detonates above target area leaving a big toxin and acid could as wle as fields maybe it could drop a few explosive clusters to do a litle more damage

super wep gen could have some kinda siemic relay that can cause an earthquake anywhere on the map it could replace iether the tomahawk storm or the icbm. ìt could also be somekinda satalite caller wich launches a pure kinetic energy steel rod with high speed it does have splash effect due to pure inpact shockwave it should also create a firestorm since metal form outer space get slightly hot

no idea for china tho



#2496 dcesarec



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Posted 11 October 2009 - 06:02 PM

also guys,don't you think that flame gen needs a aa infantry?

and the gattling apc,infantry should be able to shot from it.

and about air general air artillery,they should not go beyond aa and then attack(it happen usually with f-16 xl)

and i found some errors in typings:
in gattling apc it says it have 8 places while it have only 4.
In nuke storm it says it destroy everything is huge area,it must be in huge area not is.
And in the nuke mig it says it is strong vs buildings,while it is strong vs every ground target.

also i don't like that 3 gens of usa have the same super weapon(praticle cannon for all but air gen)
what about replacing the cyber one with chronosphere,which can teleport units(all ground except fanfir super mech,so it will be balanced),and kills non cyber infantry,so it become unique.

for tank gen,iron curatin instead of nuke missile,it makes everything(except shaitan tank)invulnerble for about 30 seconds,it kills all infantry,except cyber ones.

what do you think.

It is from Red Alert...but i do like this suggestions...except chronosphere...teleporting things is just a bit unreal in this war.. :p
Iron Curtain sounds good for tank general, yes...

I would suggest a ability for Fafnir, it seems to me like he is the most weakest super unit than others. The ability is to deattach his head and attack with head like with suicide unit. Legs and body would crash, and head would deal damage in some kind of percent of his remaining life energy...Like final attack if he would be destroyed, greater damage if his life energy at the end...instead of his front shield...But, shield is also cool.
Or, instead of this ability, give him one super strong power beam, this beam would use whole his life energy and destroy him after shooted, but. If his life energy is at maximum, this beam would deal maximum damage (like destroy war factory and some surrounding units).

And maybe if possible, sentry and guardian droids to have ability Combine. If Combine option is activated, you need to select one same name unit and this two same units will combine in one, double barreled unit, a bit bigger, and slower, without abilities of stealth and rest. Its like some new unit which cant be produced in war factory...

Instead Particle Cannon, i suggest Fafnir Launching Facility. After reloaded, it would launch 4 or 5 Fafnirs into space, and them safely on designated area from space (something like cyber commando drop)...yea...i like cyber general...

Edited by dcesarec, 11 October 2009 - 06:44 PM.

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#2497 Casojin


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Posted 12 October 2009 - 02:11 AM

Instead Particle Cannon, i suggest Fafnir Launching Facility. After reloaded, it would launch 4 or 5 Fafnirs into space, and them safely on designated area from space (something like cyber commando drop)...yea...i like cyber general...

It would be totally unbalance in tournament mode when only 1 super unit can be built.
And if the player choose cyborg commando, Cyber gen would have more than 1 hero (Cyborg commando can drop again and again with no limit). Cyber gen is VERY powerful during late game and during early game he is not so bad. Thus, he's powerful already.

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#2498 Creator


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Posted 12 October 2009 - 06:22 AM

Yeah, that's cool. Let me introduce some ideas too. :p
Infantry general - Infantry missile which explodes in air and releases 100 soldiers. They fall from the sky and attack enemy base.
Tank general - Tank missile which explodes in air and releases 10 Emperors. Emperors fall from the sky and attack.
Flame generals - Flame missile. It does not explode at all. It hangs vertically with engine down, flies in this position and burns everything with its engine. But it runs out of fuel then and falls down without explosion.
Cyber general - Fafnir launcher. Launches Fafnir into air. It flies towards enemy base, falls there and attacks.
Laser general - Laser missile. It flies around enemy base like Spectre gunship and shoots lasers.
Air Force general - Aircraft missile. It explodes in air and releases aircrafts which aim and crush into enemy units.
Demo general - Terrorist missile. Missile explodes in air and releases terrorists. They fall from the sky and attack.
Assault general - Assault missile. It falls from the sky and don't explode. It pulls out four wheels instead, drives around enemy base and rams everything.
Stealth general - Stealth missile. It explodes, but does not damage anything. It makes all ENEMY units stealth. Enemy player can not see his units and can not control them.

Edited by Creator, 12 October 2009 - 10:51 AM.

#2499 dcesarec



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Posted 12 October 2009 - 07:10 AM

Sweet,its just like arcadian dazes suggestions...maybe you are dreamer too,just like he is!
I get the point,you will never hear ideas from me.
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Posted 12 October 2009 - 08:51 AM


but creator,don't you think that having 2 gens from each faction have the same super weapon is little wired?
Note:super weapon general praticle cannon don't need to be changed,as he have 4 super weapons already,so it will be hard to think about something new,laser general praticle can stay,however cyber general sw need to be replaced.tank or infantry general need their nuke missile replaced as well.same thing is needed with stealth or demo general,superweapon change.

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