Aww... no Half-Uruks, then
No matter, okay... I still think that there could be some orc/troll units - just think about the "Trolls of Far Harad" for the Harad faction.
Anyway, about the orcs/uruks/trolls:
- Orcs -
It is unknown mostly what happened with their race. I think they escaped into other lands after the fall of their master and made up their own clans. I think they could have escaped into Harad, since Rhun was under Gondor's "control" for quite some time, while Harad mostly remained free and undisturbed - but true, there could have been many clan wars because of the lack of water and food.
- Uruks -
I think quite few survived, but they DID survive. Since Isengard was destroyed, and Fangorn Forest was too dangerous for them at the time, the only possible area to retreat into was Dunland, where they might were able to conquer some lands thanks to their training/strength/better equipment. But, their race has no woman, since all Uruk-hai is "male", right ? So... even trough it sounded pervert, may I ask you, what other way was there to "ensure the future of their race" ?
- Trolls -
After the battle at the Black Gate, the Troll King - Mollock - has disappeared, and it's unkown what happened to him. I think he escaped like the orcs, but I doubt that he lead his warriors into the desert, since trolls need much food. Maybe they went into Rhun and are hiding there.
And now...
- Troll of Rhun -
Side: Rhun
Role: Heavy melee siege/"cavalry" unit
Appearence: well... a troll, in Rhunic armor. This would might look a bit silly, trough... oh, well, I'll leave it to your imagination
Description: "After the fall of Sauron, the trolls had to flee from Mordor in search of a new home. Since Harad is lack of natural resources like water or food, the trolls ventured into the lands of Rhun. However, after Gondor's influence began to grow over Rhun, the trolls had to hide and they scattered all over the country. Now that Khoragon, the new dark lord emerged, the trolls came out from their caves and joined his armies."
Special abilities:
- trample (tramples infantry like as if it was a "cavalry" unit)
- use tree (as a club)
- hurl rock (ranged attack)
- regenerate (avaible after level 2)
NOTE: see the resoning above...
- Soldiers of Western Rhun -
Side: Gondor (!)
Role: Spearmen (could replace the "Spearmen of Minas Tirith" - I don't like them too much anyway...)
Appearence: men from Rhun, wearing combined Gondorian/Rhunic armors, wielding spears.
Description: "Altrough the common Rhunic hatered against Gondor, not all people of Rhun is evil and easly corrupted. When Khoragon, the new dark lord emerged, some of Rhun's people were afraid of his terrible power and feared that even if Khoragon would win a war against Gondor, he would be just a tyrant like Melkor or Sauron once was, bringing eternal suffering to the people of their country. Therefore, altrough many of Rhun's people joined Khoragon in his dark crusade, some decided to overthrow his rule. But such thing cannot be done without allies, and so under the leadership of the Renegade Captain, Valranur, these men of Rhun had joined Gondor's side in the battle against Khoragon."
Special ability: Porcupine Formation (slows them down, but gives some armor, and extra damage against cavalry)
NOTE: I always wanted to see Gondor and Rhun, side-by-side...
- Orcs of the East -
Side: Harad / Rhun
Effect: Summons 5 battalions of Eastern Orcs. Weak, but fast and they are many.
NOTE: You asked for it...
- Troll Rampage -
Side: Rhun
Effect: Summons 4 "Trolls of Rhun" to your side.
- Heroic Valor -
Side: Gondor / Rohan
Effect: All heroes gain +50% armor and +50% damage (passive)
- Winds of Rhovanion -
Side: Rohan / Gondor
Effect: Any other weather effect will be dispelled; all soldiers gain +50% movement speed and +50% attack speed
Name: Amara the Huntress
Side: Harad
Role: Selath's spy and assassin
Appearence: a brown-skinned, young woman, dressed as a Haradrim hunter. Wields a sword and carries a bow on her back.
Description: "Amara is known as the "Huntress" in the lands of Harad, and with a good reason. If there is anything that insults or threatens her or her tribe, then most likely this being or group will be hunted down. Amara is highly skilled with her bow and sword, and is currently working as King Selath's spy and assassin."
Level 1 - Toggle Weapon
Switches between Bow and Sword.
Level 2 - Snake Venom
Shoots a poisoned arrow at a single enemy, causing high damage and making it immobile.
Level 4 - Healing Plants
Heals nearby heroes.
Level 5 - Desert March
Gives +50% armor and +50% damage to Desert Spearmen and Desert Raiders.
Level 6 - Pillage
Nearby units gain resources for killing enemies.
Name: Kurok
Side: Harad
Role: Half-Troll Chieftain of Far Harad
Appearence: well... I'll leave it to your imagination

; my only note is that he should hold a spear.
Description: "Chieftain of the Half-Trolls of Far Harad, Kurok agreed to aid King Selath in return of the lands south of Gondor. His terrible might makes him a dangerous opponent."
Level 1 - Hurl Spear
Hurls an oversized spear at a single enemy, causing high damage.
Level 3 - Giant Howl
Releases a great howl, so loud that it makes enemies immobile (stunned) for a short time.
Level 5 - Half-Troll Chieftain
Nearby Half-Trolls gain +25% damage and +25% armor.
Level 8 - Tribes of Far Harad
Summons 3 groups of Half-Trolls from Far Harad. They don't have any upgrades.
Name: Valranur
Side: Gondor
Role: A renegade Captain from Rhun
Appearence: A man from Rhun. Wears a strange armor, which is a combination of Gondorian and Rhunic plate armor. Wields a saber holds a Rhunic shield, carries a pike of Rhun on his back.
Description: "When Khoragon emerged, some of the people of Rhun were afraid from his lust for power, and feared that the result of his rule would be a tyranny like during Sauron's time. While many of Rhun's people joined his armies driven either by hatered against Gondor or fear, some of Rhun's men - including a Captain, Valranur - decided to make a rebellion and overthrow him. Knowing that without allies it's impossible, Valranur decided to make peace with Gondor and Rohan, in hopes that he will be able to save his people from Khoragon's darkness."
Level 1 - Pike of Rhun
Hurls a spear at a single enemy, dealing high damage.
Level 2 - Shield of the East
When activated, it gives Valranur +65% armor.
Level 4 - Common Goal
Nearby Warriors of the Southern Fiefdoms, Marksmen of Ithilien and Soldiers of Western Rhun gain +25% damage and +25% armor.
Level 6 - Rebels of East
Summons 2 battalions of "Soldiers of Western Rhun". Their armors aren't, but their weapons are upgraded.
Level 8 - Captain of Western Rhun
Gives experience to nerby allies.
I hope you like these more
Edited by MorrisB, 12 June 2007 - 10:36 AM.