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#1 Lauri


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 08:04 PM

I'd like to welcome you all to post ideas and suggestions for the mod here :xcahik_:

But please, nothing like a random guy over at ModDB....

you know what would be really cool as a player?!?!? You should add a mumikil that's feet have chainsaws coming out of them, and bazookas coming out fo his head!!!!! then he could have haradrim on him that have 50 cals and ak-47's and uzis and magnums and grenades and sniper rifles and can throw pepper spray at people, so when it hits it explodes and blinds them!!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

my answer?

yeah, but EA made limits, so it wouldn't look right with the muzzle flashes.... thanks for the interest though..

Anyways, post ideas for heroes, with details.... Like, a Captain of Rhun called Khamul, could wield a shield and spear, or perhaps just a killer sword.... Should be a killer hero, with a leadership to back up his folks....
that kinda ideas :xcahik_: only better :xcahik_:

edit: and not only heroes :xcahik_: everything, as long as it's not the mods era or such, nor taking away heroes or units.... or, depends...

Edited by Lauri, 23 April 2007 - 08:05 PM.


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#2 zimoo


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 08:35 PM


Was that guy serious? Cause if he was I might just have to laugh even harder :xd:

Ok...so ideas:


If you plan on including the dwaven unit (which you do), I'd put a chieftain alongside them. Also, please give the dwarve a nice variety of weapons (mattocks, axes, swords).

Also, will they get any siege, or will they still have to rely on ents?

Ágense, being Lord of the Westfold, could have a horn ability. I'm guessing he was a descendant of Erkenbrand, who was known to use a horn. Hence my reasoning :)

As for other heroes, how about a Lord of the Eastfold? I know that's a pretty obvious thing to do, but yeah... ;)


More variety in units basically. ATM they have 1 more unit than standard Gondor. Add some axemen or militia or something :)


I'd suggest either horse-archers or wainriders as an additional cavalry unit for them. Also a bit more variety/uniqueness in their units wouldn't go amiss. Perhaps they could have a really basic spear/shield unit who are spammable, and thus make up the majority of their armies.


IMO they should have 2 basic types of units. One should be a heavily armed unit from the Harondor areas, and the other should be a very lightly armed desert-type warrior. Obviously the desert-type would be more spammable ;)
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#3 Lauri


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 08:56 PM

thanks for the input man ;)

Rohirric heroes.... haven't though about them really ;) not Haradric either ;)
but the dwarven chief sounds cool, and I'll of course try to make the dwarves unique by adding different weapons, as I have always pictured them with different kinds of weapons, not only axes...

Agense's going to like the horn... ;) just have to figure out the effect now.... probably the fear thing ;) I'll try to make ALL flee, what ever level... except heroes...

siege for rohan.... would probably been some dwarven machine....like the BFME2 ones = ownage....
or, maybe something more realistic ;) ;) like just a catapult or somthing... cause I wouldn't like to rely on ents if I were them ;) ;)

a Lord of the Eastfold... obvious, yeah, but still, I can't just make nephews of the king :xd: so yeah, a uniqe name, and he's good to go ;)

yeah, thing about gondor.... I like their uniform, but of course I'll consider it ;) or, listen to your ideas, since the fact that Rhun took over MT, and came to DA (memory loss?) they had to have some basic units....

Big land, many folks.... could really use a spammer, I totally agree ;) and I'd choose a horse-archer, since I would rather keep my hands of animating if possible :)

nice ideas, but do you mean added, or replace with those who are now? (spearmen and warriors)

all in all, it's a pretty basic mod, with less uniqueness to each faction that I hoped :) Warriors, Spearmen, Archers, and Cavalry, they all have it ;)
All of them fit it though ;) I should only deepen the factions to perhaps one or two of them? Like:
Rohan - Cavalry
Gondor - Simply Infantry ;)
Rhun - Spearmen, Archers
Harad - Warriors, Archers

okay, so I can't make good lists ;)


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#4 zimoo


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 09:14 PM

Perhaps Feohtan? I just got that by typing 'zimoo' into a Rohirric name generator ;).

<<OFF TOPIC: Typing in 'lauri' comes up with Erkenbrand :xd:>>

He wouldn't have to be a nephew of the king. Most likely (given the Eastfold part) he'd be a direct descendant of Elfhelm.

Lol yeah, I thought you'd choose horse archers for that reason.

I mean replace either (or both) with two different versions of the units. One be heavily-armoured, Gondorian-influenced. The other being a desert warrior.
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#5 Lauri


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Posted 24 April 2007 - 10:14 AM

I meant vanilla Rohan = Theoden King, Eomer and eowyn... and ara, lego and gimli.. merry.... One king, two nephews :xd:

anyways, I'm the great Rohirric warrior you know ;) :)

Feohtan is a nice name, even though you didn't come completely up with it :) I'll use it ;)
and I'll see how the haradrim are going to be... would be good to replace both of them, and instead of the lance-throwers aka spearmen, I'd have the Heavy spearmen, with a shield of a kind, and a spear (using Rhun anims) and a spammable units with just a sword.... or, random weapons ;) using... maybe peasants, but maybe something more suited.... will check*


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#6 Eonwe


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Posted 17 May 2007 - 12:40 AM

I think Gondor should get some elves.

#7 Pixel


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Posted 17 May 2007 - 05:01 AM

They do... Take a look at the site on the media page...

#8 Mathijs


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Posted 17 May 2007 - 06:29 PM

Gondor will get Elves of Ithilien, they are mixed in with the Ithilien Rangers, creating a Ithilien Archer battalion instead of the old Ithilien Rangers. They're the elves that went to live in Ithilien with Legolas, remaining there after Legolas departed into the West.

In this fashion, Rohan will get the Dwarves of Aglarond.

No fuel left for the pilgrims

#9 Eonwe


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Posted 08 June 2007 - 12:31 AM

I also noticed some gondor shields. Some green some normal. Are some of them from Ithilien, or other fiefdoms?

#10 Lauri


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Posted 08 June 2007 - 04:24 PM

some green, some orange, some blue, some black, all with the white tree....

These comes randomly in the 'Warriors of the Southern Fiefdom' hordes :xcahik_: That's the very basic units of Gondor :D


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#11 MorrisB


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Posted 11 June 2007 - 04:56 PM

First, hello, I'm new here.

Second: some VERY weird (but perhaps inspiring) ideas...


- Orcs of the East -

Side: Harad OR Rhun (not decided)

Role: Cheap cannon fodder

Appearence: well, you know how orcs look like, do you ?

Description: "Altrough the men of the West have defeated Sauron in the end of the Third Age and they had been hunting orcs and trolls ever since, their number is still high. After Sauron's fall, many orcs have fled to Harad, where the armies of Rohan and Gondor were unable to wipe them out. Now that a new shadow have emerged, the different orc clans see a new opportunity to restore the might of their race."

NOTE: I want to see orcs and trolls in this mod, not just men, so... hey, I just LOVE to play with Haradrim and/or Easterlings in the original game, but still...

- Half-Uruks -

Side: Rohan (!)

Role: Elite pikemen unit for Rohan

Appearence: It's like a man, fused with an Uruk-hai (sorry, I can't give detailed description). Wears leather armor with some steel plates, holds a spear.

Description: "After the fall of Isengard, the remaining Uruk-hai had fled to Dunland, where they took a small territory for themselves. Since Uruk-hai had no women, they had to find another way to "make way for the new generation" - and so, they kidnapped women from different wildmen tribes. The result of the cursed marriage were the so-called "Half-Uruks". Being unable to stand against all the wildmen alone, they made a special offer to the king of Rohan: protection in return of eternal service. And the offer was accepted. These days Rohan can call upon the service of these mighty spearmen when need rises, and the Half-Uruks will march into battle against the enemies of Rohan - with the same rage their predeccesors had during the battles against Theoden's kind."

NOTE: If you think I'm crazy/pervert/crazy and pervert, just say it. I can take criticism ^_^


Name: Grouk

Side: Rohan

Role: Chieftain of the Half-Uruks

Appearence: similar to Lurtz, but has no bow, and is a bit more human-like. Wears brown clothes and some metal plates. Wields a sword.

Description: "A chieftain of the Half-Uruks of Dunland. Grouk is not evil but in battles he often goes insane. This madness combined with his skill with the sword and his incredible might makes him a very serious opponent."


Level 1 - Sword Mastery
Gives Grouk +25% armor, +50% damage and +25% attack speed.

Level 3 - Rock Hurl
Takes up a big rock and hurls it, causing high damage in a small area.

Level 4 - Raging Howl
Releases a giant howl, scaring enemies away

Level 6 - Half-Uruk Chieftain
Nearby Half-Uruks gain +50% armor and +50% damage

...so far, that's all. Hope they are useful :)
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#12 Lauri


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Posted 11 June 2007 - 07:14 PM

hehe, thanks for comming here :)

For the orcs... It'd be best for Rhûn, as I have an old friend of orcs there :grin: But I don't really know I really want the orcs to be a unit for any faction.... Of course, I totally wanna see orcs and uruks in this mod myself, and they will be there :) Only, atm, they will be creeps (you know, like the goblins, trolls and wargs that boots my heroes (or, trolls kill 'em :lol:)
I really wanna make orcs and uruks, so I might make them playable, but then it's most likely to be thrown in as a power for Rhûn (and\or Harad).... 'Orc WotR veterans summon' :lol:

About the half-uruk thingy... You are a pervert :p Also, I'm not sure how many uruk-hai really survived, if any ;) But it's a pretty original idea :p Still, I think it's too unlogical, so I'm afraid it won't go in the mod :p

And if you wonder.... I still regret that I'm making this a men-only mod :p (or, almost... If I'd make it for BFME2, the two other factions would be Rhovanion and some orc tribe or Khand.... :p But it's for BFME1, and I'd like to keep the 4-faction limit for now... when it's finished, I might look into new factions ;))

Still, please come up with more ideas and stuff :) I'd love to hear more, as your quite the original guy :p I read your ideas for Wars of the East, and they are quite cool ^_^

Edited by Lauri, 11 June 2007 - 07:16 PM.


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#13 MorrisB


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Posted 11 June 2007 - 07:53 PM

Aww... no Half-Uruks, then ^_^

No matter, okay... I still think that there could be some orc/troll units - just think about the "Trolls of Far Harad" for the Harad faction.

Anyway, about the orcs/uruks/trolls:

- Orcs -
It is unknown mostly what happened with their race. I think they escaped into other lands after the fall of their master and made up their own clans. I think they could have escaped into Harad, since Rhun was under Gondor's "control" for quite some time, while Harad mostly remained free and undisturbed - but true, there could have been many clan wars because of the lack of water and food.

- Uruks -
I think quite few survived, but they DID survive. Since Isengard was destroyed, and Fangorn Forest was too dangerous for them at the time, the only possible area to retreat into was Dunland, where they might were able to conquer some lands thanks to their training/strength/better equipment. But, their race has no woman, since all Uruk-hai is "male", right ? So... even trough it sounded pervert, may I ask you, what other way was there to "ensure the future of their race" ?

- Trolls -
After the battle at the Black Gate, the Troll King - Mollock - has disappeared, and it's unkown what happened to him. I think he escaped like the orcs, but I doubt that he lead his warriors into the desert, since trolls need much food. Maybe they went into Rhun and are hiding there.

And now...


- Troll of Rhun -

Side: Rhun

Role: Heavy melee siege/"cavalry" unit

Appearence: well... a troll, in Rhunic armor. This would might look a bit silly, trough... oh, well, I'll leave it to your imagination :grin:

Description: "After the fall of Sauron, the trolls had to flee from Mordor in search of a new home. Since Harad is lack of natural resources like water or food, the trolls ventured into the lands of Rhun. However, after Gondor's influence began to grow over Rhun, the trolls had to hide and they scattered all over the country. Now that Khoragon, the new dark lord emerged, the trolls came out from their caves and joined his armies."

Special abilities:
- trample (tramples infantry like as if it was a "cavalry" unit)
- use tree (as a club)
- hurl rock (ranged attack)
- regenerate (avaible after level 2)

NOTE: see the resoning above...

- Soldiers of Western Rhun -

Side: Gondor (!)

Role: Spearmen (could replace the "Spearmen of Minas Tirith" - I don't like them too much anyway...)

Appearence: men from Rhun, wearing combined Gondorian/Rhunic armors, wielding spears.

Description: "Altrough the common Rhunic hatered against Gondor, not all people of Rhun is evil and easly corrupted. When Khoragon, the new dark lord emerged, some of Rhun's people were afraid of his terrible power and feared that even if Khoragon would win a war against Gondor, he would be just a tyrant like Melkor or Sauron once was, bringing eternal suffering to the people of their country. Therefore, altrough many of Rhun's people joined Khoragon in his dark crusade, some decided to overthrow his rule. But such thing cannot be done without allies, and so under the leadership of the Renegade Captain, Valranur, these men of Rhun had joined Gondor's side in the battle against Khoragon."

Special ability: Porcupine Formation (slows them down, but gives some armor, and extra damage against cavalry)

NOTE: I always wanted to see Gondor and Rhun, side-by-side...


- Orcs of the East -

Side: Harad / Rhun

Effect: Summons 5 battalions of Eastern Orcs. Weak, but fast and they are many.

NOTE: You asked for it...

- Troll Rampage -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Summons 4 "Trolls of Rhun" to your side.

- Heroic Valor -

Side: Gondor / Rohan

Effect: All heroes gain +50% armor and +50% damage (passive)

- Winds of Rhovanion -

Side: Rohan / Gondor

Effect: Any other weather effect will be dispelled; all soldiers gain +50% movement speed and +50% attack speed


Name: Amara the Huntress

Side: Harad

Role: Selath's spy and assassin

Appearence: a brown-skinned, young woman, dressed as a Haradrim hunter. Wields a sword and carries a bow on her back.

Description: "Amara is known as the "Huntress" in the lands of Harad, and with a good reason. If there is anything that insults or threatens her or her tribe, then most likely this being or group will be hunted down. Amara is highly skilled with her bow and sword, and is currently working as King Selath's spy and assassin."


Level 1 - Toggle Weapon
Switches between Bow and Sword.

Level 2 - Snake Venom
Shoots a poisoned arrow at a single enemy, causing high damage and making it immobile.

Level 4 - Healing Plants
Heals nearby heroes.

Level 5 - Desert March
Gives +50% armor and +50% damage to Desert Spearmen and Desert Raiders.

Level 6 - Pillage
Nearby units gain resources for killing enemies.


Name: Kurok

Side: Harad

Role: Half-Troll Chieftain of Far Harad

Appearence: well... I'll leave it to your imagination :) ; my only note is that he should hold a spear.

Description: "Chieftain of the Half-Trolls of Far Harad, Kurok agreed to aid King Selath in return of the lands south of Gondor. His terrible might makes him a dangerous opponent."


Level 1 - Hurl Spear
Hurls an oversized spear at a single enemy, causing high damage.

Level 3 - Giant Howl
Releases a great howl, so loud that it makes enemies immobile (stunned) for a short time.

Level 5 - Half-Troll Chieftain
Nearby Half-Trolls gain +25% damage and +25% armor.

Level 8 - Tribes of Far Harad
Summons 3 groups of Half-Trolls from Far Harad. They don't have any upgrades.


Name: Valranur

Side: Gondor

Role: A renegade Captain from Rhun

Appearence: A man from Rhun. Wears a strange armor, which is a combination of Gondorian and Rhunic plate armor. Wields a saber holds a Rhunic shield, carries a pike of Rhun on his back.

Description: "When Khoragon emerged, some of the people of Rhun were afraid from his lust for power, and feared that the result of his rule would be a tyranny like during Sauron's time. While many of Rhun's people joined his armies driven either by hatered against Gondor or fear, some of Rhun's men - including a Captain, Valranur - decided to make a rebellion and overthrow him. Knowing that without allies it's impossible, Valranur decided to make peace with Gondor and Rohan, in hopes that he will be able to save his people from Khoragon's darkness."


Level 1 - Pike of Rhun
Hurls a spear at a single enemy, dealing high damage.

Level 2 - Shield of the East
When activated, it gives Valranur +65% armor.

Level 4 - Common Goal
Nearby Warriors of the Southern Fiefdoms, Marksmen of Ithilien and Soldiers of Western Rhun gain +25% damage and +25% armor.

Level 6 - Rebels of East
Summons 2 battalions of "Soldiers of Western Rhun". Their armors aren't, but their weapons are upgraded.

Level 8 - Captain of Western Rhun
Gives experience to nerby allies.

I hope you like these more :lol:

Edited by MorrisB, 12 June 2007 - 10:36 AM.

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#14 Lauri


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 05:09 PM

Anyway, about the orcs/uruks/trolls:

Well, what can I say? I also think that the remaining orcs fled and started tribes of their own, hiding in places Gondor wouldn't search for them (mostly within the shadows of the Ash and Shadow Mountains, but also everywhere else). Uruk-Hai would surely do the same, but I still do not belive there was many, or any, Uruk-Hai from Isengard that managed to escape. I'd need some Tolkien expert to clarify that all Uruks that fled Helm's Deep died by all the Huorns (or\and ents?) that they had to run through to get back to Isengard. Also, I dont' think many fled from Isengard, as they probably wanted to chop the Ents, if there was any uruks left there.... Saruman sent his whole army to HD, and I don't know how many uruk-hai he'd "make" meanwhile.... And about them keeping their race going in forever... I don't think that neither trolls, orcs or uruks really age ;)
For trolls... I don't really know what they did... Some could probably escaped with orcs or uruks, but I don't think they made any clans or anything, beeing dumb as they are :sad2: (especially after Sauron fell).

- Troll of Rhun -

Hm... interesting thought, but I doubt that they will be recruitable... But since you made me kinda wanna try to make them, I'll see how they could look, and if they look cool, I guess I could have them in the mod, but only via the Troll Rampage power you suggested ;)

- Soldiers of Western Rhun -

This idea... totally rocks! :D I really really like it, and will sure as hell implent it! ;) If they will replace the Spearmen of Minas Tirith or not... we'll see ;) Maybe, maybe not... I really wanna add them though, as they sound rather cool :)

- Orcs of the East -
- Troll Rampage -

As I've said, orcs will be in, so that rcs of the East is quite possible :) And I've also said now that the Troll Rampage might be included... although I will alter the name, as it doesn't really fit to summon trolls.... :p But, I might throw orcs, uruks and trolls in a big summon instead.. like, instead of the Balrog spell (that mordor and Isengard had) it would summon an 'army' of orcs, uruks and trolls (all with rhunic-influenced equipment...)

- Heroic Valor -

hm, this is quite the cool power :) Will throw something like this in for sure!

- Winds of Rhovanion -

Hm, I don't see why winds would cancel the weather much ('cept for pushing the clouds away :p) But since I don't think that I will have Darkness or Freezing Rain in the mod, I will think about it... I will have Rhovanion Units summonable, but I don't think it would be the wind :p But it's a very good thought of idea though :)

Name: Amara the Huntress
Side: Harad
Role: Selath's spy and assassin

Good name, good idea, good description :) Will do that!

Name: Kurok
Side: Harad
Role: Half-Troll Chieftain of Far Harad

Well, they could use a hero, so yeah, most likely :) I don't think that the Hurl Spear would be a power, but the Giant Howl should only frighten enemies nearby ;)

Name: Valranur
Side: Gondor
Role: A renegade Captain from Rhun

Of course, if I add the units for him :) I'll think about the Pike of Rhûn, but the other powers sounds great :) Although, I don't think that he should really give nearby SF units and Marksmen leadership, as he ain't really a captain of Gondor :p And he should only train his own men ;)

I hope you like these more :)

Sure did, thanks for the ideas, and do keep 'em comming :) But still, less of the filthy creatures, orcs, uruks and trolls, and more of the men\women now :p


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#15 Caluadan


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:29 PM

wow morris took seriously upon this ;)
most of them are really good ideas...will be cool to see how lauri makes them ingame

Edited by Caluadan, 12 June 2007 - 06:29 PM.

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| Battles of Gondor | Wars of the East | Last Alliance

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#16 MorrisB


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:10 PM

Thanks, Calaudan ! Anyway, I'm always serious if there's something about making a mod or game better :sad2:

I'm a suggester in the game called "Adventure Quest" anyway...

(If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at the links:

1.: http://www.battleon.com/ - the game's link

2.: http://forums2.battl...m.asp?m=7637531 - my suggestion thread

I hope you enjoy them :p )

__And now, back to Lauri's case__


Trolls: what about "Call Eastern Trolls" or simply "Summon Trolls" ? Anyway, thanks :p

Orcs: they should be avaible BOTH to Harad and Rhun, I think.

Uruk-hai: I always wondered what exactly happened with their race. If any of them survived, then most likely they were smaller (or larger) war parties who escaped after the defeat at Helm' Deep, and/or Uruk-hai who escaped from Isengard before the dam was destroyed, for they saw that there's no chance for finning, so in fear they fled. Anyway, if that happened then most likely they had chosen their own leader(s) and fled to Dunland. Look, Uruk-hai are (a bit) smarter than most orcs, so they weren't so mad to rush blindly into Fangorn with so few warriors.

Anyway, I think there could be a power which summons some Uruk-hai (for Rhun or Harad, I dunno) - BUT this time the Uruk-hai would be very effective units. They are few, but well-equipped and strong.


- Soldiers of Western Rhun -

<Blinks> What ? You... add them ? OM*G !!!
<Runs out to the street and starts the happy-chiken-dance)

Altrough Gondor will have quite strange spearmen, what to say :p

- Valranur, Renegade Captain of Rhun -

Well, I wanted him to be a "crossover" between a Gondorian and a Rhunic captain. For the "Pike of Rhun", I wanted to give a use for the spear on his back. As for the leadership bonus: since he's a "combined" captain, I wanted to make him able to lead not only his own men, but also certain Gondorian units. The skill is named as "Common Goal" anyway... and a good captain can teach ANYONE how to fight, or not ? :p

- Amara the Huntress -
Fear the Huntress of Harad :) ; I always wanted to make such a unit anyway...

- Kurok, Half-Troll Chieftain -
Well... I just wanted to see a half-troll, hurling a big javelin... oh, well ;)

And I'm glad you liked the other power-ideas.

And now...


- Spearmen of Eastfold -

Side: Rohan

Role: Spearmen (as far as I know, they don't have any real "pike"-units anyway...)

Appearence: Rohirrim soldiers on foot, wielding spears, holding wooden round-shields.

Description: "Feohtan, Lord of Eastfold had fought alongside the Gondorian forces in many battles against rebelling Haradrim and Rhunic tribes. During the fight with the Rhunic rebels, he noticed the importance of chariots and cavalry for the opposing army, therefore he raised battalions of soldiers equipped with long spears, able to take out mounted enemies and chariot-riding warlords quickly. Now, these spearmen are ready to fight again against the Rhunic invaders to protect their lord and homeland."


- Horn of Rohan -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Gives +50% armor and +50% damage to units in a small area

- Palantir of Minas Tirith -

Side: Gondor

Effect: Reveals a selected area on the map


- Royal influence -

Side: Gondor

Effect: When activated, this power makes Gondorian units to train faster (so less time is needed to train units)


- Overseer of Khoragon -

Side: Rhun

Effect: This would replace the "Eye of Sauron" power. This spell summons a special ghost (a mist or something), which strengthens units in its area of effect. Also would scare enemies if they are on level 1.


...what do you think ?
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#17 Lauri


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:37 PM

I know that the Uruk-hai wouldn't flee into Fangorn, and they didn't :) If you've seen the EE of TTT, you can see all the uruks flee into a forest that wasn't there the day before, which is lots of huorn and stuff :) or, I belive... anyways, of course the remaining Uruk-Hai would aim for Dunland :p but I don't know if they'd choose a captain, or just fled, then select one :) And orcs would be in both Harad and Rhûn for sure ;)
And uber-uruk-hai summons sounds rather cool too, but I think that should be on only one of the factions... perhaps Harad, and Rhûn has Trolls, while both have orcs?

Valranur, Renegade Captain of Rhun
We could try to make him able to toggle the spear and sword (sword is just an easier word for saber :sad2:), with spear beeing better against cavalry.. But it's easier if we let him throw it :)
Well... If we think about it as he's been loyal to the Gondorian influence for all his life, I guess he could do as an all-arounder :p

Kurok, Half-Troll Chieftain
You'll see lots of Half-Trolls (check the site) but they won't throw any weapons...

Spearmen of Eastfold
Hmm, I don't really know... I mean, I don't really know if I wanna have many infantry units for Rohan... But seeing as they have 7 units, and gondor has 11, I might add them :) but they won't be soo much better than the warriors.. But since they counter cavalry, I might do alittle something special about their shields and equipment... (aka, making thme special :p)

Horn of Rohan
Hm, nice idea, sure... maybe a tiny bit different... I was thinking about giving the rohirrim an upgrade Horn of the Rohirrim, where one of them gets a horn, and when you make them blow the horn, they get a tiny speed-bonus, and attack\armor... for a few seconds.. but I might just have it as a power, as that'll be a good thing to use for Rohan early-game :p

Palantir of Minas Tirith
sure, that's a nice thing..

Royal influence
Hm, I don't really know if the name fits the purpose... but then again, it sounds kinda cool... we'll see :)

Overseer of Khoragon
Sounds cool :p We'll see on what it becomes (mist, ghost, crows, ect...)


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#18 MorrisB


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 08:58 PM

I don't know how would the Uruk-hai descendants join Harad... needs storyline :rolleyes:

But true, if Rhun has already Trolls, then it's quite fitting to give the Uruk-hai for Harad's side.

- Valranur -
Just let him throw that spear :crazed:

- Kurok -
And what about a "Hurl Rock" (powerful ranged attack with small area of effect) or "Rage" (bonus attack speed and damage) ability ?

- Spearmen of Eastfold -
Look, Rohan is currently quite vulnerable to early cavalry rushes (correct me if I'm wrong), so they just need at least one anti-cavalry unit. However, maybe you could add "Dwarven Equipment" or such for them - which means that their spears and shields were made by dwarves, since dwarves are bad at holding back enemy cavalry. Men are better in that, but they need effective "tools" for that. And so, the dwarves make these...

- Horn of Rohan -
I always wanted to have such a power in BfME 1 (in 2, there was the "Rallying Call" power); maybe you could have both :blush:

Glad that you liked the rest :)



- Uruk-hai Warriors -

Side: Harad

Note: Only avaible by using the "Uruks of Dunland" power

Role: Strong swordsmen / spearmen

Appearence: well, much like the Half-Uruks were :cool2: ; ragged clothes, and only parts of once full plate mail armors. They wield swords, but also carry short spears on their backs.

Description: "After the fall of Saruman, the Uruk-hai who survived the defeat at Helm's Deep and the destruction of Isengard had fled to Dunland, where they formed their own clans and took a small territory for themselves. Hardened by the local wars - thanks to the greedy wildmen tribes - the Uruk-hai descendants became strong and hard, and perhaps even more terrible than their ancestors once was. Even since the lost battles against Theoden's armies, they had been waiting for the time to strike back and take Isengard, Fangorn and northern Rohan for themselves. Now that a new shadow emerged and Rohan had suffered great losses, the time has come."

Special ability: can toggle between sword and spear

NOTE: hope this is fitting.



- Desert Winds -

Side: Harad

Effect: Awakens a sandstorm (or such); debuffs all enemy leadership bonuses and dispells other weather effects

NOTE: takes place of "Freezing Rain"

- Uruks of Dunland -

Side: Harad

Effect: Summons 3 groups of Uruk-hai Warriors

NOTE: you asked for it... see the Uruks above

Edited by MorrisB, 13 June 2007 - 12:07 PM.

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#19 Eonwe


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 09:56 PM

I like the Idea of Western Rhun too. In how they will fight for Gondor, ETC.....

Edited by Lord of the Grunts, 12 June 2007 - 09:58 PM.

#20 Lauri


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 02:02 PM

I have no idea on why you'd repost your Uruk-Hai ;) and the Description doesn't really fit the story of the mod :p :p And making them toggle between sword and spear... I don't really want to, as it'd mean alot of animating, and since I'm not 100% for adding them, I don't really wanna animate them anything special...
anyways, instead of the Desert Winds, It could be something with a sun that's soo hot, and maybe slows down the enemy.... loads of sandstorms would create a large amount of lag :)

oh, and not to sound rude or anything, but it would be nice if we'de put down the suggestions for Uruks, orcs and trolls now... I mean, I've already said that their gonna be in the mod, but I don't really want them to be recruitable ;)

Rohim Spearmen... How the hell would they be quite vulnerable to early cavalry rushes? I mean, they are the ones that makes early cavalry rushes ;) One thing I'd like to add though, are Men of the Eastfold, where they carry a sword, a spear and a shield. They can throw their spears (once every minute, or every 3 minutes, or something...) This could be an elite unit.. But since I already have dwarves... We'll see ;)

Kurok, well, Rage could do :p


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