I felt like working on a voxel & this was at hand uncompleted so I finished it off. It looks really smooth when moving around in-game, you would think that it uses RA2 & not TS normals I’ll probably recolour it to a dark grey tomorrow as a test for the first Nod unit.
Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.
I was wondering... since you're redoing the GDI camo scheme to match Godwin's art, maybe you could redo Nod's as well. I saw old toys once that used a multi-grey/black jagged-edge camo pattern that both looked sinister and ultra modern.
For the Nod version I basically just recoloured it to dark grey with VXLSE, it looks fine to me & I cant be bothered to do a complex camo scheme for them TBH.