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Chapter 2: The Story Continues

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#81 Pastinator


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Posted 13 November 2007 - 05:04 PM

Jamie was the first to start running, aiming at the centre of the three shamblers. With a quick thrusting action with the blunt end of the crowbar, Jamie struck the central creature square in the chest. This caused it to stagger backwards, giving Jamie enough time to get past the group, in the space created by it. Running to the middle of the first flight he saw the shamblers turn to walk towards him, only tripping on the steps, ending up crawling slowly up the slope.
"Quick, get them while they're trying to get me, then get up the fucking stairs!"
Waiting on his heels, Jamie looked to see if his new found group would dispatch them. If not Jamie was ready to run.
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#82 Paladin58


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Posted 14 November 2007 - 05:03 AM

Titus scrambled behind Johnny, trying to level his pistol he found in the warehouse with his bad hand. He tried to get a clean shot on a shambler, only to find that his weaker right wrist couldn't quite keep the gun steady. Needless to say, he missed the first few shots, before planting a round in the head of one that he wasn't aiming at, just because Jaime happened to knock it in the path. Well, it looks like I won't be entering any Olympic marksmanship competitions...

"Keep moving, kid! We'll keep the bastards from nipping at your heels. Just make sure there aren't any mobs unsuspectingly waiting for us," said Titus, wondering who the kid was, and whether this was his former home they just rumbled through. He then pulled out a frag grenade he also pocketed from the warehouse, and asked John "What's the proper procedure for using these things? Pulling the pin, saying 'See you in Hell', throwing it at something and running the hell away?"

(OOC: Sorry guys, not much computer time recently. Finals week; studying; you know the drill. And, Pasty is back. Sweet!)

Edited by Nology5890, 14 November 2007 - 05:04 AM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#83 Copaman



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Posted 14 November 2007 - 01:51 PM

"Yeah, that's how you do it. Watch!"

Ryn yanked the grenade out of Titus' hand and pulled the pin. He rolled it down the stairs right towards the... whatever it was.

One of the good thing of staying at the back - you don't have to worry about anyone below you.


He fired off a quick few, and then turned to run up the stairs. If the grenade didn't do the trick and vaporize the shamblers, hopefully it would disorient them and buy the group some time.

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#84 Pastinator


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Posted 14 November 2007 - 06:00 PM

"Watch out!" Yelled Jamie, as he ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time to escape the grenade's blast! "That'll kill us!"
Down below him the grenade tore the shamblers to shreds, the shockwave disintegrating flesh and burning bone.

(OOC: i'm on a central staircase, with 3 shamblers on it. outside the apartment is a horde of zombs, with a hulking beast with them. Now, you mention 'the thing' in your post nology, so i left mine open ended, so you could choose where your char threw it, as you seemed a bit confused. I kind've hinted in mine that you threw towards me though.)
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#85 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 14 November 2007 - 08:17 PM

Everyone was out of the room, escaped through the back door. Gary heard gunshots and a deafening explosion. If that place wasn't clear by now then his friends weren't the people he thought they were...
The only problem was that he still had his back pressed to the main door of the room. 'OK,' he thought, 'I'm just gonna make a run for it. Throw off the door and sprint... On 3...'
Gary heard a sharp intake of breath from the monster on the other side of the door.
Air rushed part its charging form.
Gary exploded to his feet just as the creature swung down on the door. The two collided with a sickening crunch, and Gary was once again sent sprawling to the floor.
He came to groggily, his sight sliding from side to side and colour to black. But he could still see enough to know that this was bad. He couldn't see the door, but the impromptu barricade was scattered about the room. Worse, a small army of shambling infected were lurching into the room, the giant monster stood ominously still just inside the door.
Gary knew he had to get out. Right now. He scrambled on to his knees, but fell forward in dizziness. It was then that he gave up. By now his vision was clearing, and he could see that there was no way out. He forced himself back on to his knees, so that he might look his attackers in their cold, inhuman eyes. But what he saw shocked him much more.


The creatures were just stood there, all around him. A burgeoning circle of infected surrounded him, and while they all looked hungry, avaricious, none of them moved.
'It's the big one - it must be controlling them!' thought Gary, amazed. And sure enough, there it stood, across the circle, staring at him. Just staring.
A feeling of expectance filled the air as their eyes met, and suddenly Gary found his body filled with strength.
The creature assumed a combat stance, dropping to it's haunches and growling. It was only too clear what would follow. Roaring his defiance, Gary surged to his feet and leapt.
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#86 southsidediablo


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Posted 14 November 2007 - 08:55 PM

OOC: not really sure what to add, just throwing this in to let you know i'm here

John started running up the stairs following the rest of the group. He turned around to cover the door, making sure none of the infected got through.
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#87 Pastinator


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 10:55 PM

"Quick, get to the roof!" shouted Jamie, anxious to be away from that thing in the lobby. "We've got to shut the doors, bar them shut, and leave this building now! That monstrosity seemed to be controlling them, it must be intelligent, lets be away!"
Jamie got to the top of the stairs and threw open the metal door at the top of the stairs with a clang. Looking around he pulled up a television aerial and held it ready to shove in front of the door to bar it.
"Quick, get up!"
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#88 Copaman



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Posted 19 November 2007 - 05:51 PM

"Good idea! Move!"

Ryn sprinted up the stairs, completely polar from what he had done just before. He bursted out onto the roof from the staircase, the fresh air relieving his nostrils and the light of the sun blinding him for a moment.

"looks like we're clear up here. hurry up!"

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If you meet me:

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Or I'll lay your soul to waste.

#89 southsidediablo


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Posted 19 November 2007 - 05:59 PM

John ran up the stairs to the roof. "Who's seen the Matrix? Anyone want to jump roof to roof?"
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#90 Pastinator


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Posted 19 November 2007 - 07:18 PM

"Sure, if you want to risk a broken ankle, but how long do you reckon you'll survive with one of them round here. however, there's a ladder up here from the emergency exits. We could probably go either down the exit, to a horde of teeming freaks, or we could use the ladder to get across the ones we'd want to jump. Now you can follow me, but I'm taking the ladder."

With that Jamie scurried across the roof, picked up the ladder, and laid it across the roof to the next apartment block. On hand and foot he scrambled across, then held it steady for others to be able to move over to him.

"Quick, don't worry about the other guy, he's probably already dead!"
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#91 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 19 November 2007 - 07:48 PM

As the host of infected hungrily stared on, Gary and the great creature slammed into each other with terrifying force. Gary's shoulder hit it square in the chest as its enormous arms wrapped around him, crushing. He swung the axe mercilessly downwards into the monster's bicep and it growled and shoved him sprawling away.
Gary looked about himself as he scrambled to his feet. 'No sign of a rescue attempt.' he thought grimly.
The creature cocked it's head towards him, and its rotting mouth split into a putrid grin. It issued some strange gargling growl, once, twice.
Then Gary realized: it was trying to talk! As Gary stared in utter disbelief, it gargled again, before seeming to give up. But Gary still heard its voice.
'That's right. They've all abandoned you.' Gary's eyes opened ever wider, as did the creature's repulsive grin.
With that, it once again charged at Gary. He dived to the side, firing off a couple of rounds from his pistol. The shots served only to infuriate the creature, as it lashed out at him again. The two danced around one another, slashing and shooting for what seemed like hours. Gary struck out, scoring a gash across the monster's gargantuan chest; it replied by sending him crashing across the room with a powerful swipe of it's fist.
Gary rolled onto his back, but before he could raise his punished form the creature was on him, it's hand around his neck.
It spoke once again - 'Surrender. There is no hope.'
Gary struggled to reply, so it continued. 'Death does not need to follow. There is something more than death, more than life. I am Unlife incarnate.'
"Become...like you?! I...choose...death!" Gary rasped.
The creature slowly nodded, it's face filling Gary's vision.
'So be it.'
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#92 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 19 November 2007 - 09:03 PM

Darkman stood, half stunned by the grenade on the stairs. He was vaguely aware of a throbbing somewhere, but he wasn't entirely sure it was in his own body. It felt distant...

He had to find Gary. Gary had been there since the beginning. He had been at the Hospital, on the boat...he couldn't leave Gary. Someone kept shouting from above, it was starting to annoy him. He leaned over the rail...it was a long way down to the lobby. He turned his head back up again. Pretty long way up. He began making his way back down to the lobby, to find Gary. Shambler was on fire, blown in half but still biting, so he crushed in it's skull with his foot. Something was moving down near the bottom of the stairs. He glanced back down again...it was huge. And in it's hand...Gary.

There was a roaring, crackling sound he hadn't heard before...the fire. Everything began to come back into focus.


Darkman turned and began running. He charged full speed back up the stairs, stopping once to fire his shotgun down to the base of the stairs. Flight after flight of steps disappeared behind his feet.

"Run! Throw another nade down there and fucking book! Darkman flew towards the stairs, launched off the steps and for a second flew, than slammed onto the concrete of the roof. Opening his eyes, he noticed Ryn's feet. He stood, a stitch in his side burning. When he pulled his hand away from the side of his face he noticed blood on it.

"Gary's...he's dead. The thing, got him." Darkman panted. He looked up towards the kid with the ladder. "We gotta run." From behind the door to the roof, a sprinter lunged. It sped towards them, and as they turned, it's jaw opened...and was nearly disconnected by the bullets from a nearby roof.

Spinning around, Darkman spotted a man in a black sweatshirt carrying a large backpack on his shoulders, wielding a pistol remarkably similar to one he had been toting not very long ago.

OOC: There you go Pyth.
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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
I'll get to the moon if I have to crawl.
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#93 Fire Ze Missiles!

Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 22 November 2007 - 06:17 PM

((OOC: Hey! Somebody post already! Me and my dead char are getting bored here!))
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#94 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 23 November 2007 - 07:23 AM

((OOC: Yeah, i was going to say something, but i wasn't sure how long a wait is normally around here, looks like we're waiting for Pyth, hurry up Pyth))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#95 Redcoat


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Posted 25 November 2007 - 05:41 AM

OOC: So sorry! ><
Edward was silent. He kept his pistol aimed at the thing before him, knowing that the monsters were known for their extreme resilience.

He had heard the commotion just a while ago. Having been on the roof tops for some time, he had taken a look and decided to help out.

"Thought you might need some help down there," he said, keeping on the lookout for more Infected.

#96 Pastinator


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Posted 25 November 2007 - 11:00 AM

"No Time for introductions, everyone, down there I think i heard the fight stop, so they'll soon head for their next lunch, us!"
Jamie held down the ladder to help people across, ready to drop it down if any of those creatures got on it, any allies on it or not.

Edited by Pastinator, 26 November 2007 - 05:12 PM.

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#97 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 26 November 2007 - 09:12 AM


Alternate route, alternate route... Kelvin thought to himself ,
"damn it boo, all these alleyways look the same!... i thought you said you knew where you were going?"
the hamster just staired up at him, from its spot in his hand,
"well, theres no solution for it.. i guess we'll go this way"
he turned right and started heading out onto the street, he had just stepped his foot out when he noticed the 6 shamblers grouped around a body on the road, most likely gnawing on the remains, jumping back into the alleyway out of their view, Kelvin peeked around the corner again.
"that was a close one..."
Kelvin checked his hand gun, only 4 more rounds, he could use his knife but..
"nah, boo, i don't like our chances, lets go another way"
he quietly sneaks back down the alleyway, he looks back to see if there are any signs of pursuit, and nearly bumps right into a lone shambler,
"Holy Crap!" he yells,
grabbing the iron poll from his bag he smashes the infected across the head, and runs for it,
"damn it boo! why did you have to go and make so much noise!"
running as fast as he can, he places boo into his small backpack, he can hear the sound of his slow pursuers, but manages to escape
"ok, i defiantly do not want to do that again...", "thats it boo! i had almost forgot i even had that"
Kelvin pulls out of his pack his small pocket computer, it was a priceless asset, it had gps, mobile phone capabilities, and anything else a normal computer has, all small enough to fit in his pack ((OOC:no its not a laptop, its like one, but smaller)). First up he calls up a map of his area, "ok, lets see, we must be about here boo, and we want to head towards this way..." once he had his bearings, he set off.

As he walked down a small street, he finds a shop, and realizes wow, i haven't eaten all day! the food is right in sight...
"i would be doing a favor to the owner, i mean, if i didnt eat that food, it would just go to waste... what do you say boo? lets go eat"
Kelvin walks over the the shop window, and is just about to break his way in, when he notices something, "a security system... damn, if i had smashed that window, the alarm would have alerted every infected person anywhere near here"
well, Kelvin, what are you going to do... oh wait he laughed, "I'm a professional hacker, i can just turn off the security"
He pulls out his pocket computer once more, and reaches the security system box, he plugs into it, and before long...
"oh yeah, who's the master?" he looks down at the hamster "... ok boo, you can thank me later"
Kelvin smashes the glass door, and begins grabbing up a heap on junk food, and water "hey, we don't know how long its going to be till we can get into another shop, and i for one don't want to go hungry"
he fills his bag till it wont fit any more.
"now boo, lets dig in" he opens a packet of chips and starts eating, giving a few to the rodent, who hungrily eats its fill
"you know, I'm sure those aren't very good for you... then again, not any good for me either"

Kelvin decides to rest a while in the shop, and see if he can find anything else of use...

((OOC: Sorry if im not suppose to do this, if its any problem i can get rid of it, i just wanted to add something to the story, i was bored :ohmy: ))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#98 Paladin58


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Posted 28 November 2007 - 02:12 AM

"'Nade going out! Eat this, you poor pathetic bastards!" said Titus, as he pulled the pin, looked through a broken window for the stairwell, and got primed to throw, that is until he saw Gary. He swung his shotgun off his back, and wrapped the carrying strap around his arm, cradling the gun's butt in his elbow. "We're not gonna leave Gary." A fire in his eyes, he switched the Benelli pump to semi-auto, and went to the bottom of the stairs.

Almost out of an action movie, he smashed the face of a shambler with the door, and punched through the skull of another with his wrapped and splinted broken hand, barely fazing his movement. He then let the Benelli loose on three more shamblers, being just far enough away to be able to shred the shins and knees of all three, with little effort. He was finally in the face of the leader of this group.

"Let Gary go." said Titus, as he raised his Benelli up to head-level on the beast, just out of it's reach. He began to count the moments ticking by, in slow motion. Then, the creature gurgled it's reply.

What need do you have with the dead? He is what you believe us to be, a lifeless corpse!

And then a shot rang, into the beast's shoulder. Just wounding it, but it was enough to make it turn tail. As it ran, it dragged Gary's corpse behind it, like a little girl with a doll. Then, the shamblers and sprinters turned and faced Titus.

"Get back here, you ugly son of a bitch!" he yelled, while pulling out the still-primed grenade, having been tucked in a very tight pocket. He shoved it into a shambler's remnant of a shirt pocket, and took off running after the beast. Of course, from the adrenaline, this is all in slow motion, so when he heard a scraping ladder from upstairs, he remembered what the group was trying to do -- get across the buildings. As he proceeded to run back across the room, in his adrenaline-induced rampage, he forgot about the grenade, until about three-fourths of a second from detonation. He jumped through the doorway, as a fireball of death consumed the room.

(OOC: Hah! I am the action KING! :rolleyes: And now, back to FZM, with the weather! How's the weather, FZM?)

((OOC EDIT by FZM: Fuck me, that was awesome! *high fiiive*
The day is fine and sunny, with a plotline-front coming in from the north-east. Bar your windows for this one, folks.))

Edited by Fire Ze Missiles!, 28 November 2007 - 07:08 PM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#99 Pastinator


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Posted 28 November 2007 - 05:17 PM

The explosion shook the building, rocking the foundations, sending the ladder flying out of Jamie's hands, rushing down to meet the floor like a bailiff to a terminal gambler. Far below it impaled itself on one of the undead that was, as he spoke, swarming into the building, up the steps, towards them.
"You've got to jump! I doubt the shamblers will get up here any time soon, but the sprinters might be able, and worse, they might be able to jump after us! Jump across, I'll catch you! Be quick though, I don't have a gun, so if the creatures come with only me across, you're fucked!"
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#100 Copaman



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Posted 28 November 2007 - 05:51 PM

((LOL, totally gunna matrix-ify this up...))

"Right. Jump. Clear you mind. Clear. And then jump. Ok. Clear. Clear your mind. And then you jump." He walked to the edge and looked down. Shamblers. One dead, others waiting. Ryn took the bag off of his back and threw it across - it made it, but barely. He'd have to jump first to move it out of the way for the others.

"Clear your mind. Then you can jump. Clear."

And he sprinted towards the edge. He put one foot up on the ledge, and then pumped. He felt like he was flying. Looking down, he saw the shamblers. He had kept the MP7 in ready-to-fire position... no reason not to kill a few on the way by. One, two, three shots away. 3 shamblers dead. Honestly, he wasn't really aiming - they were just asking for it, standing next to each other like a moving sea and all that. He looked at the roof he was rapidly approaching, and hoped to whatever was out there that he'd make it.

His trailing foot caught the ledge of the building, but his push-foot made it fine. He felt a jerk as his leg extended past its normal capacity and bent forward, not back. The roll he tumbled into brought him precariously close to the next alleyway... he tried to stand up to move the bag out of the way, but collapsed with the pain.

Darkness was all he saw. But he wasn't seeing at all.

Edited by Copaman, 29 November 2007 - 02:12 PM.

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If you meet me:

Have some courtesy,

Have some sympathy,

And some taste.

Use all your well-learned politesse,

Or I'll lay your soul to waste.

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