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"SGC" - Saved Games Crash!

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#161 Archon


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Posted 11 September 2009 - 02:35 PM

You are wrong.

Yeah, hm...
It SEEMS like we can establish a few things:

1) The crash ALWAYS happens in Beta 4.6d (4.7), but
2) the crash was not especially frequent in Beta 4.5 (the current official rel)

Ergo: The crash bug has increased for this next beta :( and something done since 4.5 has made it so...

3) The crash SEEMS to be related to the CaH, but removing CaH in current WiP (Beta 4.7) won't help (anylonger)

= We might have to realize that me might never solve this bug...

And once more, to all Players and BTs:
Forget EVERYTHING that has to do with Campaign and WotR!

However, there is a workaround I figured out (for Windows only). If you press the Start key on your keyboard, it should shrink the game down to the taskbar. You can then start it up again at any time and pick up from that point. No saving is necessary.
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#162 Guest_Guest_Char741_*_*

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 10:02 PM

what do you mean no saving necessary?

#163 Skipper 24

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 09:48 AM

You are wrong.

Yeah, hm...
It SEEMS like we can establish a few things:

1) The crash ALWAYS happens in Beta 4.6d (4.7), but
2) the crash was not especially frequent in Beta 4.5 (the current official rel)

Ergo: The crash bug has increased for this next beta :( and something done since 4.5 has made it so...

3) The crash SEEMS to be related to the CaH, but removing CaH in current WiP (Beta 4.7) won't help (anylonger)

= We might have to realize that me might never solve this bug...

And once more, to all Players and BTs:
Forget EVERYTHING that has to do with Campaign and WotR!

However, there is a workaround I figured out (for Windows only). If you press the Start key on your keyboard, it should shrink the game down to the taskbar. You can then start it up again at any time and pick up from that point. No saving is necessary.

Alternatively you can use alt+tab or on vista win+tab is another option

what do you mean no saving necessary?

As long as you don't shut down your pc you game will just be minimized. You can hibernate and sleep your pc without saving but if you shut down you will lose it.
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#164 Nazgûl


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Posted 19 October 2009 - 04:16 PM

I can establish a few facts for SURE now...

1) In SEE Beta 4.5, the crash never happens to me! :)

2) In SEE Beta 4.7 WiP it always happens! :dry:

This is not affected by CaH on or off... :)

We need to SERIOUSLY figure out what's been done (by me) since 4.5... that might cause this. I'm thinking the new faction, missing AI, etc... I still dont understand why so many seem to have it in 4.5 when I don't... I REALLY want to solve this for next beta release!

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#165 av8r


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Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:27 PM

Hey Naz

Am trying to recall, but it seems like Sul suggested it had something to do with coding or graphics?? Not sure.

Also, are you still getting the crash in 4.7? Thought it was fixed?
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#166 Nazgûl


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Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:47 PM

No, it's devastating now. Happens each and every time. It's simply impossible to load a saved skirmish in B4.7... We have to find the cause of this! We have to... *sighs* =/ I'll talk to Sûl as we go along... and at some stage we might need the BT's assembled again, to try this, and this alone. But we need to find more clues to where to look first...

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#167 charlie

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Posted 19 October 2009 - 10:36 PM

I hope you can get this fixed because it is a big annoyance to try to load a saved game and have the game crash.
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#168 Nazgûl


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Posted 20 October 2009 - 05:37 AM

You think? :p

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#169 Guest_Guest_CapturetheBomb_*_*

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:13 AM

Just my noobie tech help, but maybe the game is trying to load the game with regular BFME 2 files instead of the SEE files. It could experience problems in that way. I had the same thing happen with EAW and FOC (Star Wars RTS) mods. One would try to load its saved game with another completely different mods info.

#170 Nazgûl


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 12:40 PM

Thanks, I have thought along those lines too... but, why do other mods work? Why do the current beta work better than the upcoming one... there must be a "simple" explanation. We just have to find it =/ Do keep posting your ideas :thumbsdownsmiley:

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#171 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:25 PM

I have an idea you won't like. It may be one of the gazillion things added to the mod that, when active at the time of the save, makes the system unable to reload. It may have to do with initial memory allocation, which could be a dynamic procedure, just not dynamic enough at the start of the game.
We could try by starting a game and saving it every minute right from the beginning. If i am right, the first few saves should still work while at some point it will just stop.

Also i am not sure, how many units/objects have the AI modules incorporated. Maybe 4.5 wasn't exactly done, but by now every unit should have them, and several conflicting ones as well, which may be a situation that the game just cannot save. If so, only a complete scritped overhaul (read: destruction of skirmishAI_2, implementation of skirmishAI_1) will do the trick, and a slow moving trick that would be. :thumbsdownsmiley:

Edited by Sûlherokhh, 23 October 2009 - 02:26 PM.

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#172 Nazgûl


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:42 PM


- I usually save the INSTANT the game begins... with and without CaH enabled and nothing built. I always get the same crash now, so it's definitely something that has bees INCREASED for this beta. In 4.5 I never get the crash, even though others do... But it's pretty obvious something in this WiP made it a LOT worse!

- IF there's even a slight chance we could solve this, I REALLY want to try everything possible. This is like having the best restaurant in the world, but the china is so fragile that each and every plate breaks... kind of. It feels like we're sitting on a gold mine here - a real TREASURE of combined efforts and work from LOADS of modders.... in a way, SEE is a community project... and - with ALL this stuff, it's almost "embarrassing" that this god damn crash won't go away. We really need to - HAVE to - do our best to try to solve this. Out of respect for all the people that have helped out =) So, I really don't mind the time, as long as we do our very best. If we solve it, it will be worth the wait and the work load of checking the codes...

I still think however, that we should aim for getting "everything" in game, and THEN polish the codes, cause that's something that's REALLY needed. Bug or not... :closedeyes:

Edited by Nazgûl, 23 October 2009 - 02:42 PM.

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#173 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 03:15 PM

True, except it doesn't shame me. On the contrary, i see it as a sign of accomplishment: i am proud we where able to push the engine over it's limits. :closedeyes:

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#174 Hermoor


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 05:07 PM

I never use save so it's not a problem :closedeyes: Just keep adding stuff to it. xD
This is just a suggestion...the text above.

#175 Nazgûl


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Posted 24 October 2009 - 11:23 AM

True, except it doesn't shame me. On the contrary, i see it as a sign of accomplishment: i am proud we where able to push the engine over it's limits. :p

Off course I'm proud too... it's just a darn shame that this "small" thing has such a big effect on the mod :p

Edited by Nazgûl, 24 October 2009 - 11:24 AM.

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#176 Jonasking


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Posted 24 October 2009 - 05:55 PM

I loaded a serious number of games without problem, even Campaign.

Cant it have something to do with its trying to load a regular BFME2 game and cant identify the modded stuff?

#177 Nazgûl


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Posted 25 October 2009 - 07:09 AM

In theory, sure... But why does 4.5 work, and not 4.7. And why don't other mods have this? I suspect the added faction might have something to do with this...

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#178 Nazgûl


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Posted 25 October 2009 - 11:56 AM

I... might be on to sommething here!...

Today I was spending a couple of hours at "cleaning" the files, to ease up the coding for Sûl and me. Mst of all I've been splitting all the ENORMOUS balance data into smaller documents for only heroes, only fortresses, only siege, only monsters, etc... This has worked fine in the past, but suddenly I got a Game Dat error when trying to boot the game (mod). This was very surprising as I did exactly what I did before, using:
#include "balance_SEE\fortresses.inc" 					;All fortresses!

...for all the balance docs... But, I could not get past the error and I could not locate anything wrong. It simply crashed and gave me a vague reference to an unknown "#define", which the whole file consists of. I had no defines without any reference, so I simply think that the engine couldn't handle any more INC files. I'm not sure... but MAYBE this has something to do with the SG crash :shiftee2: SEE is using a LOT of INC files and I have made several more for B4.7... Who knows! Currently I'm rolling back to the SVN repository from yesterday (love that system), and I'll try again... SLOWLY... bit by bit, and we'll see if I can find any more interesting results...

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#179 Nazgûl


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Posted 25 October 2009 - 02:51 PM

Hm... all done! Same amount of files and codes moved, and no crash now... hm, I guess this wasn't it either =/ Darn

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#180 Hermoor


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Posted 25 October 2009 - 02:57 PM

It's only when you save right? Then it's not a big problem...but if you find a solution it would be good never the less :p
This is just a suggestion...the text above.

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