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where do i put the XML files?

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#21 jumesyn

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 05:14 PM

so, its all about clips eh?, thanks for the info. btw thank you all :)

#22 jumesyn

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 10:39 AM

so, i think am understanding now but there something wrong:

[codebox]Microsoft Windows XP [versão 5.1.2600]
© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador>cd "c:arquivos de jogos"
O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador>cd "c:\arquivos de jogos"

C:\Arquivos de jogos>cd "command & conquer 3"

C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3>cd "mod sdk"

C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK>buildmod.bat test01
Mod Name: test01
Building Mod Data...
Command Line: C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\Mods\test01\data\
mod.xml /od:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /iod:C:\A
rquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /ls:true /gui:false /UseP
recompiled:true /vf:true
Command Line: C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\Mods\test01\data\
mod.xml /od:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /iod:C:\A
rquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /ls:true /gui:false /UseP
recompiled:true /vf:true
BinaryAssetBuilder started
Error: Could not load XIncludingReader from Mvp.Xml.Dll. xi:include is disabled
Cached session data not available.
Session cache age is 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\dat
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\dat
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyard.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd2_sn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd2_an.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd3_sn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd3_an.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_skn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_d3.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\a
rquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdi
constructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_idl.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gumcv_skn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gu\gumcv_sk
Error: Input file 'art:gumcv_pak.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gu\gumcv_pa
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\cnc3xml\globald
Critical: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'antl
r.runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its
dependencies. O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.
File name: 'antlr.runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
at BinaryAssetBuilder.ExpressionEval.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateDefinition(D
efinition definition)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.AssetDeclarationDocument.EvaluateDefinitions()
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocument(String fileName,
Boolean generateOutput, Boolean outputStringHashes)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.DoBuildData()
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.Run(String[] args)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.Main(String[] args)

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\M
icrosoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure lo
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fus

This is an internal error or potentially a bug.
Building Low LOD...
Command Line: C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\Mods\test01\data\
mod.xml /od:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /iod:C:\A
rquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /ls:true /gui:false /UseP
recompiled:true /vf:true /bcn:LowLOD /bps:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer
3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods\mods\test01\data\mod.manifest
Command Line: C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\Mods\test01\data\
mod.xml /od:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /iod:C:\A
rquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods /ls:true /gui:false /UseP
recompiled:true /vf:true /bcn:LowLOD /bps:C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer
3\MOD SDK\BuiltMods\mods\test01\data\mod.manifest
BinaryAssetBuilder started
Error: Could not load XIncludingReader from Mvp.Xml.Dll. xi:include is disabled
Cached session data not available.
Session cache age is 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\dat
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\dat
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyard.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd2_sn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd2_an.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd3_sn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardd3_an.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_skn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_d3.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\a
rquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdi
constructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gbconyardx_idl.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\
arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gd
iconstructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gb\gbconyar
Error: Input file 'art:gumcv_skn.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gu\gumcv_sk
Error: Input file 'art:gumcv_pak.w3x' not found (referenced from file://c:\arqui
vos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\mods\test01\data\gdi\structures\gdicons
tructionyard.xml). Treating it as empty.
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\gu\gumcv_pa
Loading 'file://c:\arquivos de jogos\command & conquer 3\mod sdk\cnc3xml\globald
Critical: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'antl
r.runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its
dependencies. O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.
File name: 'antlr.runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
at BinaryAssetBuilder.ExpressionEval.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateDefinition(D
efinition definition)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.AssetDeclarationDocument.EvaluateDefinitions()
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessIncludedDocuments(AssetDe
clarationDocument document, OutputManager outputManager)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocumentInternal(String l
ogicalPath, String sourcePath, Boolean generateOutput, OutputManager outputManag
er, String basePatchStream)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.Core.DocumentProcessor.ProcessDocument(String fileName,
Boolean generateOutput, Boolean outputStringHashes)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.DoBuildData()
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.Run(String[] args)
at BinaryAssetBuilder.BinaryAssetBuilder.Main(String[] args)

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\M
icrosoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure lo
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fus

This is an internal error or potentially a bug.
Copying str file if it exists...
Copying Shaders...
C:\Arquivos de jogos\Command & Conquer 3\MOD SDK\Shaders\ShaderWritingExample.fx

1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.
Creating Mod Big File...
Copying built mod...
1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).[/codebox]

i know there someting wrong but i still dont get it
sorry for bothering so much ;)

Attached Files

Edited by jumesyn, 06 December 2007 - 10:43 AM.

#23 Golan

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 10:59 AM

You have to install all required applications listed in the SDK documentation.

Posted Image

#24 jumesyn

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 10:09 AM

hummm, ive already instaled them, but i re-instaled it and now its working :) (tears of joy)
im making mods :p , this old timer is making mods :)
thank you all for de tips ;)

btw, is it possible to change the formation of the rifleman squad to X (2-1-2)?, i made it only have 5 in the team

#25 Phil


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Posted 08 December 2007 - 11:06 AM

Yes it is possible. All you need to do is modify the RankInfo blocks in the RifleSoldierSquad file. Basically just add a third rank and adjust the number of Position elements (and the coordinates of course). Don't forget to add another RankToReleaseWhenAttacking element for the third rank though.

My Political Compass

Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.

#26 jumesyn

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 08:44 PM

i tried that and it didnt worked

[codebox] <RankInfo
Y="0" />
Y="0" />
Y="10" />
Y="-10" />
Y="0" />

Attached Thumbnails

  • imagem.JPG

#27 Phil


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Posted 08 December 2007 - 08:54 PM

Yeah well, you don't need to add all 5 positions to a third rank. Adjust the first and second instead. So you'll have Rank 1 with 2, Rank 2 with 1 and Rank 3 with 2 soldiers...

My Political Compass

Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.

#28 jumesyn

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 09:48 PM

oooooh, now i got it :rolleyes:

btw, has been solved de apc problem?
is it possible to make a unit hover above water?, and to drive under the land?

why are guests been able to post here?, are you not afraid of spam?

#29 Phil


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Posted 08 December 2007 - 09:54 PM

btw, has been solved de apc problem?

I don't think so.

is it possible to make a unit hover above water?, and to drive under the land?

Hovering should be possible, digging in will be harder. Check out the locomotor file and see if you find some hints there.

why are guests been able to post here?, are you not afraid of spam?

Because we believe that you shouldn't need to register to ask a question or post a good comment. We have things like CAPTCHAs to prevent spam, although they don't hold off 100% of the spam bots.

My Political Compass

Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.

#30 jumesyn

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 07:33 PM

hi people
i now want to make an upgrade mod on the barracks
i wanted to make a veterancy upgrade level 1 so all soldiers will be coming out at 1 level of veterancy (if its possible :rolleyes: )
has been made a tutorial for that?, if not, what files do i need to modify?

thanks in advance!

#31 jumesyn

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 02:11 PM

ohh well :crazed:

sorry for the double post

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