1. Is it possible for any hovering vehicle to float on water by coding? Even the Hover MLRS in two C&C3 mods cannot float over water.
2. Is there a way to open GOB files after they were extracted from a BinOpener? Can GOB files be converted to xml? It's already possible to extract something from a BIG file and inside the BIG file are 'bin', 'manifest', 'relo' and 'imp' files.
3. What is the main program to convert 'dds' files into 'w3x' or 'tga' file?
4. How can you convert a model file (such as a 3ds file) into a w3x and/or tga file? I have a Mammoth MK III model file that is released somewhere in a cnc3 mod forum. The model is incomplete because the user did not put any texturing and skinning on the model.
5. Is it possible to extract KW models? How would I know which one that may be a unit, structure, weapon model, portrait icon, locomotor, object creation list, etc.?
Questions 6 - 10 are a bit harder to answer because very few in the CNC3 modding/mapping community has ever done this before.
6. Mapping: Is it possible to make a script and string message in KW Worldbuilder that when you load a mission map, the load screen should have a mission description just like the KW mission loading screen description? However, for the background selection, that is in Question 7.
7. Mapping: Is there a script that can change any loading screen background picture in the KW Worldbuilder? I do know there are three in KW: one with the Zone Raider in front (but was only used in Global Campaign Mode and that would have been for the GDI), one for Nod Campaign and one for the loading a save game or custom mission map.
8. Mapping: How is it possible to put/add custom music in KW Worldbuilder without the Mod SDK? What is the name of the program that can convert mp3 or wav files into a cdata file? It also needs a valid name in that cdata file in order for that valid name to be used in a script in WB.
9. Mapping: Any way I can get the Alien Control Node model to show up in KW Worldbuilder? There is none in KW, but can the model be transferred into KW? Is a Mod SDK required to do this?
10. The hardest question of all: How do make a reinforcement pad to work properly by scripting the simple way, not in a complex form? It never works if you just put that building there; it'll just do nothing. EALA did this in two GDI and two Nod missions in C&C3, plus a user in his skirmish map contest winner Winds of Desolation (which has the scripts but are copyrighted and cannot be copied without the permission of the creator).
11. There are a lot of missing models and materials in the KW WB that doesn't show up in any map. Is there any way to make them show up? I thought if EALA fixed it once more, those models should show up. One example is the Purifer.
12. Last but not least: Is there still a bug in KW WB when you make a script that destroying all enemy units and structures will trigger a victorious and end game screen? It does not work ingame due to a hidden enemy soldier in the bottom left corner of any KW mission map. Has anyone encounter this before?
You can answer as many as possible. I was hoping if a moderator or administrator can answer this quicker.
Edited by CommanderJC, 20 October 2008 - 03:40 PM.