Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Gnome
Weapons: Who needs 'em?
Height: 2'
Weight: 16 lbs
History: Shava Kartaan recieved a poor deal from the deck of life. Beyond the misfortune of being a gnome, Shava is dimunutive and insignificant even among her own kind. Her parents killed each other in a martial disagreement, and her adoptive parents abused her. Her foster father tried to rid himself of her by shoving her into an oven. However, the pain and anger unleashed a previously unknown talent at magic. Shava has since toned her ability--she is able to project an extrapolated manifestation of her own mindset on others. Generally this means that she can cause extreme pain and blinding rage to others at will, but of necessity Shava has had to learn to control her own emotions so that she can impress other types as well. Her face is melted and disfigured from the attempted murder.
Alignment: Neutral
Edited by Rafv Nin IV, 20 April 2009 - 04:52 PM.