I have spend the last few days addressing these comments and generally improving the campaign for re-release.
Most of the problems that you have experienced with GFFA and GFFA_Lite have been to do with the extremely high load times and the slow frame rates/lag of the game in galactic mode.
The majority of these problems are simply down to the size of the campaign file - the full version of GFFA campaign is 1400kb, compared to 500kb for the Core Worlds campaign. This is the primary reason for the poor performance, with a partial contribution to perfomance loadings being added simply by the number of planets.
I have rectified this problem by reducing the file size of this campaign considerably, mostly by reducing the quantity of extraneous units and replacing them with other craft to maintain balance. A perfect example of this would be one of the many separatist worlds.
In the original file, I had listed, say 20-30 assorted light fighter craft (Vulture droids and Mankvims for example), and 12 carrack light cruisers as part of the line of battle. This has been replaced with a single Venator_Droid - so 30 lines of code are reduced to 1 line, and you probably won't see much change in the actual battle as I have replaced individual fighters with carriers.
This lesson has been well noted and will ensure the reduction of file sizes in the future. If you modders want to make campaigns, remeber to use fleet carrers to give you your fighter presence, not massive lists of indivudual fighters and light cruisers!
Overall, a divided theme is emerging:
If you want totally epic space battles, play the Core Worlds, Inner Rim and Outer Rim campaigns, as these retain the massive fleets in all their glory. We can get away with this due to the small number of planets in play, hence keeping the file size small.
In contrast, if you want to see an massive galaxy, go for the Galaxy, Far Far Away campaign, which will be basically the same force structure as the smaller campaigns, but with some judicious trimming to keep the file size down. Battles will still be tough, but not quite on the epic scale as the sub-campaigns, and with some subtle simplification of forces - cruisers rather than spam frigates - capitals instead of spam cruisers!
To give you an idea of this, while the original GFFA file was a nasty 1450Kb , it has now been trimmed to just over 900KB - hardly bigger the Outer Rim campaign. It runs much more smoothly as a result. Get ready to conquer the galaxy soon!
Edited by Ghostrider, 31 December 2008 - 08:50 AM.