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    El Shaddai

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Posted 13 February 2011 - 07:35 PM

Well I'll Check the codes again..

Mine work fine and I'll even try a fresh Install

Remember you should not have any other mods installed

... especially in the BFME2 folders

If anyone has the 13 FEB 2011 update and it works fine please post here ...

Edited by JUS_SAURON, 13 February 2011 - 07:39 PM.

#122 Spartan184



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Posted 14 February 2011 - 12:13 AM

I just installed it and it works fine. No errors or nothing.






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Posted 14 February 2011 - 12:29 AM

I just installed it and it works fine. No errors or nothing.

Sweet Spartan184 !

Thanks Alot man ..

I did a fresh install myself so I'm glad it's not the MOD

I suspect he has another mod that conflicts with it
as I used Cinematic object names for new objects to place in the map
and moved them out of the Cinematic folder

So somehow he's reading the objects twice .. giving duplicate moduletags

Edited by JUS_SAURON, 14 February 2011 - 12:32 AM.

#124 robbiedizzle

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Posted 14 February 2011 - 01:04 AM

This is the only Mod i have. Unless i somehow have two version of your mod installed. Im sure its not your mod and im not trying to assign any blame to anyone except maybe my comp.i'll just continue to install any updates that comes out and hope it gets fixed. Thanks for double checking tho.



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Posted 15 February 2011 - 11:21 PM

I'll try to see what the problem is ...

Try a Full Re-install and update to BFME2 1.06

It may be the solution

Do a computer search for this : MU_Banner01_W

See where it comes up .. should only have one object with this name

But as I and My trusted BetaTester Spartan184 has no problems
I'm thinking something wrong with the installation on your computer

Edited by JUS_SAURON, 15 February 2011 - 11:24 PM.

#126 Aelifax8

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 07:58 AM

This is the second MOD I'm downloading so still new to this whole thing...
But I downloaded the updated V. today and I cannot extract the files due to file "expansion1icons_003.dds"
Being corrupted ><!.
So I guess I'm asking what exactly should I do?
I tried repairing the file and redownloading it, but no cigar...
PS: If this question has been asked before, my bad!

Edited by Aelifax8, 16 February 2011 - 08:03 AM.

#127 robbiedizzle

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 08:43 PM

Looks like a clean install of game and mod did the trick as I'm back in. Now if i can just get rid of the Justin hero in the elf faction.....haha



    El Shaddai

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 12:22 AM

Looks like a clean install of game and mod did the trick as I'm back in. Now if i can just get rid of the Justin hero in the elf faction.....haha

Sweet ...And If you have any suggestions on improvements or something you would like to see in the MOD
Just post here !



    El Shaddai

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 12:27 AM

This is the second MOD I'm downloading so still new to this whole thing...
But I downloaded the updated V. today and I cannot extract the files due to file "expansion1icons_003.dds"
Being corrupted ><!.
So I guess I'm asking what exactly should I do?
I tried repairing the file and redownloading it, but no cigar...
PS: If this question has been asked before, my bad!

I don't mind any questions ...

That is usually a result of a faulty download ,
Which may be caused by low bandwith

The file is 14.2MB when zipped so make sure it's this amt when you download
If the download is faulty , delete and try again

#130 robbiedizzle

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Posted 18 February 2011 - 03:49 PM

Looks like a clean install of game and mod did the trick as I'm back in. Now if i can just get rid of the Justin hero in the elf faction.....haha

Sweet ...And If you have any suggestions on improvements or something you would like to see in the MOD
Just post here !

Not really an improve just more of a question. Why cant i set any of gollums powers to auto fire? did you purposely leave it that way? Thanks



    El Shaddai

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Posted 18 February 2011 - 10:35 PM

Not really an improve just more of a question. Why cant i set any of gollums powers to auto fire? did you purposely leave it that way? Thanks

I did not set any as auto abilities

Not really on purpose .. but he's not an attack based hero .. more of a scout/sneek
so I don't want him 'Blowing his cover' with an auto firing ability

BTW : If you are confused as to why I update at least 1 per week
Its because I do minor tweaks to the mod for balance / glitches
whenever I play Skirmish for a few Hours



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Posted 20 February 2011 - 04:58 PM

Update time !



A Dwarven special power used by one of the seven Dwarf Lords

Units are immobilized in the Quicksand , does not affect Heroes

( I'll be testing the Filter to make sure it affects the right type of units
i.e no Barrowwights , Fliers , RingHeroes etc. )

Together with his War Hammer that sends a Shockwave
and his Armour upgrade that makes him immune to Fire and Arrow Damage



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Posted 27 February 2011 - 04:39 PM

Yet another power Update ...

Harmony of the Beasts

Elven Power Pic

Hero's song slows nearby Enemy Beasts, Monsters and Cavalry speed reduced ,
Hero gains +200% Damage and +50% Armor , And can Heal Faster

Tried my best with the music notes Fx ..
Can't get them to always be upright

Also added ..

Rohirrim Bravery :

Purchased at the Rohan Golden Hall ,
All Rohirrim gain an increase in crush damage

#134 robbiedizzle

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Posted 03 March 2011 - 03:12 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the Mouth of Suaron is inferior to the Nazgul in this game? He costs more but to me none of his powers level 1-6 compare in utility to the dread visage and morgul blade. So what I'm saying is: Should he cost less or does his powers need to be beefed up to justify the cost?. I just go with 2 Nazgul for his price. Thanks for reading



    El Shaddai

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 09:21 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the Mouth of Suaron is inferior to the Nazgul in this game? He costs more but to me none of his powers level 1-6 compare in utility to the dread visage and morgul blade. So what I'm saying is: Should he cost less or does his powers need to be beefed up to justify the cost?. I just go with 2 Nazgul for his price. Thanks for reading

Well maybe ..

I was thinking of this power
Death mist : summon a black mist that slowly poisons enemy units and lowers enemy armor and makes them 25% slower

It will be in his wraith form , which I will set at level 3

In the meantime here's another update :

Poison Bomb pic

Created by Saruman ,and given to his Orc Liutenant
These bombs are triggered by passing enemies
They cause poison damage over time

#136 robbiedizzle

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 10:10 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the Mouth of Suaron is inferior to the Nazgul in this game? He costs more but to me none of his powers level 1-6 compare in utility to the dread visage and morgul blade. So what I'm saying is: Should he cost less or does his powers need to be beefed up to justify the cost?. I just go with 2 Nazgul for his price. Thanks for reading

Well maybe ..

I was thinking of this power
Death mist : summon a black mist that slowly poisons enemy units and lowers enemy armor and makes them 25% slower

It will be in his wraith form , which I will set at level 3

In the meantime here's another update :

Poison Bomb pic

Created by Saruman ,and given to his Orc Liutenant
These bombs are triggered by passing enemies
They cause poison damage over time

Yes that would be awesome. Anything to get him off that horse. When my Nazgul get lvl 3 i take them off the horses for the morgul blade, but the Mouth rides ahead and gets killed alot. Hmmm i'm going to have to try out other factions..seems like i use Mordor WAAAAY too much.

P.S. This level of post release support is amazing. Keep up the good work!



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Posted 06 March 2011 - 07:50 AM

New Power Update :

Plague of Death :

Plague pic

Mouth Of Sauron , in wraith form , can summmon a Plague which does
damage to enemies over time and slows their movement

The plague moves slowly , randomly over the map

The Fx is subtle not to overwhelm the map with lag ,
I'm especially pleased with the summon Fx , which faded to give what you see in the pic

Mouth of Sauron goes to wraith form at level 3 and has more armor now than the regular Nazgul



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Posted 08 March 2011 - 02:14 PM

A 'new' Unit with a new Power :

Gondor Elite Tower Guards :
Elite Guards pic

Left unused in BFME2 , originally in BFME1
these Elite Guards have their huge shield for protection ...

Elite Guards stop enemy Cavalry and are Invulnerable to Arrows ,
when in Shield Wall Formation : Passive Power

They cost $1000 and are buildable at the Fortress only .
They have more health than the regular guards
They make great frontline defenders ... but are still vulnerable to swords !

#139 robbiedizzle

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Posted 28 April 2011 - 01:33 PM

Aww man just a new install pic. You had me all excited thinking there was something new for me to try out.



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Posted 09 July 2011 - 03:57 PM

Trying my hand at a Split Mordor / Harad

Its up on the 3rdage.net

The Evilmen Faction is funtional with 3 new Harad Princes

1 : Malik the Magician

2 : Radik the Rider

3 : Anhik the Assassin

The faction has towers , Resource buildings , Mumakil Pens and Haradrim Palace
and Soldier Of Rhun units .

All Hordes can ride the Mamukil !

The spell book is fully funtional
TIER 1 : Chant , Taint , Cave Bats
TIER 2 : Arrow Volley , Scavenger , Devastation , Industry
Tier 3 : Wrym , Darkness , Bombard
Tier 4 : Dragon Ally , Rain Of Fire

The faction will not have Siege units or Cavalry ...Mumakils will be like BOTH combined !


AI is not yet funtional .. any help in this area is GREATLY appreciated
I will do some 'code clean-up' and re-upload in a week or so

Please TEST and GIVE Feedback .....

ENJOY ! on the 3rd.age.net in Work In Progress Mods


PS : May even Dump Wild Faction and merge it into Mordor

This will allow for the Evil men faction using the Building names and the AI from Wild

As its WIP I will test this coding change ....

EDIT : Best Option is to merge Harad into Goblins , using their AI
and re-structure the factions giving Mordor some units like the Goblins ,

SO FAR : Have WORKING AI for FACTION !!!!!!!!!

1. Mumakil Pens and Mumakils

2. Haradrim Palace and Easterlings and Archers

3. Haradrim tents replacing Goblin Tunnels ( resource )

4. The Main Haradrim Citadel replacing the Wild Fortress

Obsolete units for this faction : GoblinCave Troll , Marauders , Goblin Archers and Swordfighters

Best part is the game will still function as it thinks its the Wild Faction But builds Harad Units and Buildings !

Edited by JUS_SAURON, 09 July 2011 - 09:41 PM.

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