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#1 Alucard


    Divinity(s) Dark Truth

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  • Location:Somewhere In The Darkness In the Void of Evil
  • Projects:EsoTen Productions Presents: Command & Conquer: Centrius Destimonia
  •  Die Schwarzen Reiter

Posted 11 April 2009 - 04:10 PM

Many of you may have heard about the recent and serious talk of combining all the C&C divisions on the Revora Network to one central hub. I -Alucard- have been added to help ease and combine this grand transistion. As I am now staff I would like to say hallo und guten tag.

I have been a fan of C&C ever since I played the dos demo on a PC Entertainment CD back in '94... needless to say I was awe struck and played the first and eleventh GDI missions over and over again - course in the demo you started with three mammoth tanks. Getting to the point - I am a C&C fan to my purest of core. I won't disappoint. I have a YR mod in the works that I hope to release a beta some time late summer - it will be fun.

I wanna hear what you all have to say on this - ideas and concerns on the coagulation are more than welcome.


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