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#1 Alucard


    Divinity(s) Dark Truth

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  • 442 posts
  • Location:Somewhere In The Darkness In the Void of Evil
  • Projects:EsoTen Productions Presents: Command & Conquer: Centrius Destimonia
  •  Die Schwarzen Reiter

Posted 12 April 2009 - 07:01 PM

Generations take the view
The center spoke around
Raising high the classes chose
The way we run the way we grow
Pressing forth a single waits
Tasting truth and holy haste
Darkness spires towards the sun cirle
Left in a shadow lost and forgone
The many are the few as Unity breeds one
Single now left in bane Obscureties weathers rain
The corridors of mass hive held by tightly woven
Cant reflect the ideals of the chosen
When placed in hue of the lights hours spent
One can be none as silence left for death
Hither now to the great machine spend your soul spill your seed
Empty to wander and all to feed in extact
Buried under dust of suffocating slumber
Reject no more the only begins to rumble
Stand fast in your weight and tread through to forsake
The ways will fall as the machine rusts life out
Standing in the raptors sight with talons a blaze
All is one against the only with blind sheep for flay
The restless one now takes heed with the power of divinity
To the core of the machine - rise rise rise the soul of God

Singularity Mass Porportions Density String Destruction

The people run as one individual - broken grasp of man theocracy corporation vigil
Nomadic once again free till all end acension felt true let no one stop you
Posted Image Posted Image
"When you refuse to give in with all your heart, only then do you transcend your humanity" -Alucard (HellSing)
"Lick the sounds that bleed from his mouth Rip the heavens with the horns of the south" -Deathstars
And on the eighth day, god created Tiberium.

WebMinon of the CNC Dynasty

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