Hey everyone!
I am eager to know what to work on next and how things are going with everyone else, but am unable to attend this week's meeting. You see, it falls smack dab in the middle of my church service, which I won't be able to get out of on a regular basis.
If you could please dedicate some time to discussing the successes/failures of this weeks concepts at vyew, then I will be able to read it later and receive the proper input and feedback I need. Also, anything else that you think I could work on would be appreciated. I could start to combine these different elements to make full scenes (like this
http://i613.photobuc...LUE/mood_01.jpg ; i could up the quality significantly if i need to). If ambershee has some mapping basics he would like me to paint over, I am also up for that; just email them to me.
I attended an interesting meeting in tf2 where they picked apart various aspects of the map design. It was cool for me, because that's something im interested in, but have never done. He talked about using some of the default brushes in a way to create the illusion of a world larger than it really is. I'm not familiar with props in ut3; are there brushes that we could use to our advantage considering the theme of this mod, or do we intend all our brushes to be custom made? I hope I'm properly grasping this stuff and not asking dumb questions, lol. I ask mainly to know just how many props I will be designing (like rubble, barriers, and things like that).
Question: My brother suggested a granade-like weapon that would explode with light or darkness, rather than hurt the enemy. Is this possible? It could vary the gameplay a little more.
Other than that I have no questions right now. Sorry I couldnt attend this week. I'll read your responses in vyew chat later.