Age: One hundred and twenty one
Gender: Male
Race: Vyre
Weapons: His claws and fangs
Height: Four feet, eight inches
Weight: Ninety three pounds
History: Chiron's past is shadowy and few know the whole story, he left his home on the path of a company of what some would call ''adventurers'', he has followed them for awhile and has studied them in combat, biding his time he readies for the prefect moment to strike at his prey. Other Vyre have come to fear him when he is on the hunt, nothing can stand in his way for long and those that do are usually powerful warriors of magi. His superior tracking skills are the only reason he has been able to follow his prey for such an extended duration
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Edited by Dark _Warden, 19 December 2009 - 01:30 AM.