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Exception access violation

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#1 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 02:56 PM


I need to set up the ai bases for my new factions and I try to follow this tutorial :

I have extracted all bases and maps to the RotWK folder, and the WB starts normally and opens any map or base... ok.

Than I have created a _ai.big of the following structure :


where in rohan I have the structures I need to place in my new ai bases and in ini I have the playertemplate.ini, nothing more.

and I put this _ai.big into my RotWK folder, so it's just above the _patch201.big file

And when I want to start the WB now I get the following error message :

The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual
address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address 0x00000010 was written to.

Exception occured at
7c91b21a ntdll.dll+0x1b21a, RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x5b.

Version: internal

EAX:0x00000000 EBX:0x00000000 ECX:0x000018b0
EDX:0x022b77d0 ESI:0x022b77c0 EDI:0x00000000
EIP:0x7c91b21a ESP:0x0012fd24 EBP:0x0012fd98
CS:0x001b DS:0x0023 SS:0x0023
ES:0x0023 FS:0x003b GS:0x0000

ErrOfs: 0x016c361f ErrSel: 0x0000001b
DataOfs: 0x0012c640 DataSel: 0xffff0023
Cr0NpxState: 0x00000000
ST(0) 7f0220400000cc048529 -1.#IND00
ST(1) cce11200ace11200801f -1.#IND00
ST(2) 0000000000624de4fd3f 0.445903
ST(3) 000000000000409c0640 156.250000
ST(4) 00000000005176870540 67.731087
ST(5) 00000000000000000000 0.000000
ST(6) 00000000000000800040 2.000000
ST(7) 00000000000000000000 0.000000

8 addresses:
(unknown)(0): ntdll.dll+111130 RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+91
(unknown)(0): ntdll.dll+4166 RtlEnterCriticalSection+70
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+7436079 FXParticleSystem::ParticleSystemTemplate::createSlaveSystem+1375
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+4173257 FXParticleSystem::CategoryModuleInfo<6>::operator=+393
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+4173119 FXParticleSystem::CategoryModuleInfo<6>::operator=+255
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+2764977 IRegion2D::operator=+2712926
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+2764847 IRegion2D::operator=+2712796
(unknown)(0): Worldbuilder.exe+6779374 FXParticleSystem::CategoryModuleTemplate<6>::operator=+2599758

Bytes around EIP:
7c91b1fa 97 7c f6 d8 57 1b c0 f7 d0 25 e0 e1 97 7c 8b f8 —|öŘW.Ŕ÷Đ%ŕá—|‹ř
7c91b20a 8b 46 10 3b c3 89 45 fc 0f 84 9e 00 00 00 8b 06 ‹F.;ÉEü.„ž...‹.
7c91b21a ff 40 10 8b 45 fc 83 e0 01 89 45 e8 8b 06 ff 40 ˙@.‹Eüƒŕ.‰Eč‹.˙@
7c91b22a 14 f6 05 f0 02 fe 7f 01 0f 85 3e 87 02 00 39 5d .ö.đ.ţ..…>‡..9]
7c91b23a e8 57 53 0f 85 f8 84 01 00 ff 75 fc e8 03 2d ff čWS.…ř„..˙uüč.-˙

What do I do wrong ? I have tried to put there a compete _ai with all my mod's ini files, it did not help...


#2 Ridder Geel

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 03:22 PM

Did you remove the Macro's ? <3 It can cause issues... ;)
Ridder Geel

#3 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 03:25 PM

Well :) I did not put the new art files into the big file and these are refered to by the changed ini, I think that was the problem... now I opened the WB normally, I hope it will work...


...and no ;) I don't see the new structures or faction... ("plyrRohan/teamPlyrRohan") cannot be set... ?

aaaaaaa <3 I have wrong structure in the big file...

Edited by Mouth of Sauron, 08 February 2010 - 03:34 PM.

#4 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 03:43 PM

No, cannot open it with the full mod's big file, I get the same error message... I do not use the macros ;

I can do it if I delete the upgrades from my new structures... strange thing isn't it.

Edited by Mouth of Sauron, 08 February 2010 - 04:17 PM.

#5 Ridder Geel

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 04:10 PM

So... if you have em in the bigs stuff... does the game still run normally? (it may give an error report) <3
Ridder Geel

#6 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 06:02 PM

No, the game runs normally and everything works fine... it's just the worldbuilder that is unable to read some of these data. But I have solved it I guess, I have made my first ai base that might work (everything is set according to the tutorial) ; my problem now is this :

Open any map. Select Edit -> Edit Player List -> Add Skirmish Players

When I click on the Add Skirmish Players, nothing happens...


...aha, it was a MP map... it works for a WOR map ; sorry for these post, I am new to the WB <3

Edited by Mouth of Sauron, 08 February 2010 - 06:07 PM.

#7 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 08:56 PM

Hmmm... my Rohan faction moves, it builds units from the fortress and it builds farms, but that's it, the AI base does not work.

And I finally understood what you meant by "does the game still run normally?" - you mean the RotWK with the _ai.big file, not my mod using the -mod command, right ? I have created a full big file with all files of my mod ; it works ok with the -mod command... the original game reads the file, I can get into the game, no error, but the new art is not there, no models, no textures (although the big file brings the asset.dat in the root and the art files in the proper folders)...

and also the new lotr.str is ignored... (new text missing)

Why is that ? Anyway, I do not get any error message, and generally the modded files seem to work correctly.


...perhaps the englishpatch201.big overwrites any other lotr.str ? ...and a silly question - where is the asset.dat for the _patch201.big file ? Or did the patch modify the game's original asset.dat ?

Edited by Mouth of Sauron, 08 February 2010 - 08:59 PM.

#8 Ridder Geel

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:03 PM

what does your code referring to the factions' AI look like? <3
Ridder Geel

#9 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 11:24 PM

PlayerTemplate FactionRohan
	Side			  = Rohan
	PlayableSide	  = Yes
	Evil		  = No
	StartMoney		= 0
	PreferredColor	  = R:42 G:190 B:53
	StartingBuilding  = RohanFortress
	StartingUnit1 		= RohanPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset1 	= X:30 Y:200 Z:0
	StartingUnit0 		= RohanPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:1 Y:130 Z:0
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= RohanPorter	
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= RohanPorter
	IntrinsicSciences		= SCIENCE_GOOD
	IntrinsicSciencesMP 		= SCIENCE_MEN
	SpellBook			= GoodSpellBook
	SpellBookMp			= MenSpellBook
	PurchaseScienceCommandSet	= GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
	PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP	= MenSpellStoreCommandSet_old
	DisplayName			= INI:FactionRohan
	DefaultPlayerAIType		= MenSkirmishAI
	BeaconName			= MultiplayerBeacon
	LightPointsUpSound		= GondorLightPointsUp
	ObjectiveAddedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
	ObjectiveCompletedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
	InitialUpgrades			= Upgrade_MenFaction

	BuildableHeroesMP		= CreateAHero RohanEowyn RohanEomer RohanTheoden 
	BuildableRingHeroesMP		= ElvenGaladriel_RingHero
	SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
	SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
	ResourceModifierObjectFilter 	= RESOURCE_MODIFIER_OBJECT_FILTER
	ResourceModifierValues		= 100 100 100 100 90 85 80 75 71 68 66
	MultiSelectionPortrait		= UPRohan_Army
	LoadScreenMusic				= Shell2MusicForLoadScreen

What else ?


#10 Ridder Geel

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 11:28 PM

...have you not edited the \data\ini\default\skirmishaidata.ini?:p
Ridder Geel

#11 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 11:46 PM

Of course I have :p

ArmyDefinition RohanArmy

	Side = Rohan

	MustUseCommandPointPercentage_Phase1 = 90%	
	MustUseCommandPointPercentage_Phase2 = 80%
	MustUseCommandPointPercentage_Phase3 = 75%

	StructureRebuildPriorityModifier = 200%

	DefaultUnitPriority = 100.0f;			
	FortressRebuildPriority = 1950.0f		
	LowUnitPriorityModifier_Rush	= 50.0		
	LowUnitPriorityModifier_MidGame	= 80.0		
	LowUnitPriorityModifier_EndGame	= 100.0		

	EconomyBuilderMinFarmsOwned = 4
	EconomyBuilderMinMoney = 200
	EconomyBuilderPerFarmValue = 70
	EconomyBuilderPerSecPriorityIncreaseBase = 30.0
	EconomyBuilderMinTimeBetweenFarms_Rush = 15.0f;
	PercentToSave_Rush		= 1.0%
	PercentToSave_MidGame	= 3.0%
	PercentToSave_EndGame	= 4.0%

	PhaseDuration_Rush = 270.0	
	PhaseDuration_MidGame = 280.0 
	ChanceForUnitsToUpgrade = 65%
	UpgradeSciencePriorityNormalLow		= 200.0
	UpgradeSciencePriorityNormalHigh	= 700.0
	UpgradeSciencePriorityImportantLow	= 750.0
	UpgradeSciencePriorityImportantHigh	= 1000.0
	UnitUpgradePriorityLow	= 100.0
	UnitUpgradePriorityHigh	= 200.0

	MaxThreatForOpportunityTargets = 10.0	

	ValueToSetForMaxOnDefenseTeam = 10	
	CombatChainSearchDepthForTeamRecruits_AttackTeams	= 2;
	CombatChainSearchDepthForTeamRecruits_DefenseTeams	= 7;
	CombatChainSearchDepthForTeamRecruits_ExploreTeams	= 7;
	MaxTeamsPerTarget = 1			2				1			1

	SecondsTillTargetsCanExpire = 14.0
	ChanceForTargetToExpire = 50%

	MaxBuildingsToBeDefensiveTarget_Small	= 1
	MaxBuildingsToBeDefensiveTarget_Med		= 4

	ChanceToUseAllUnitsForDefenseTarget_Small	= 10%
	ChanceToUseAllUnitsForDefenseTarget_Med		= 25%
	ChanceToUseAllUnitsForDefenseTarget_Large	= 75%

	AIEconomyAssigment RohanFarm
		TemplateName = GondorFarm
	AIWallNodeAssignment RohanWallHub
		TemplateName = RohanWallHubSmall

	// yes, I know it doesn;'

	ArmyMemberDefinition RohanYeomanHorde_Member
		Unit			= RohanYeomanHorde
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 35.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 25.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 25.0

	ArmyMemberDefinition RohanSpearmenHorde_Member
		Unit			= RohanSpearmenHorde
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 30.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 20.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 15.0

	ArmyMemberDefinition RohanPeasantHorde_Member
		Unit			= RohanPeasantHorde
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 15.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 10.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 5.0

	ArmyMemberDefinition RohanRohirrimHorde_Member
		Unit			= RohanRohirrimHorde
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 10.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 35.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 45.0

	ArmyMemberDefinition RohanRohirrimLancerHorde_Member
		Unit			= RohanRohirrimLancerHorde
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 10.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 35.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 45.0
	ArmyMemberDefinition ElvenBattleShip_Member
		Unit			= ElvenBattleShip
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 0.02

	ArmyMemberDefinition  ElvenFireShip_Member
		Unit			= ElvenFireShip
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 0.02

	ArmyMemberDefinition ElvenShoreBombardShip_Member
		Unit			= ElvenShoreBombardShip
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 0.02

	ArmyMemberDefinition ElvenTransportShip_Member
		Unit			= ElvenTransportShip
		PercentageOfArmyPhase1	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase2	= 0.0
		PercentageOfArmyPhase3	= 0.0

	HeroBuildOrder = ElvenGaladriel_RingHero RohanEowyn RohanEomer RohanTheoden
	OffensiveBuildings =  RohanBattleTower RohanHeroStatue RohanWell


#12 Ridder Geel

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:12 AM

U have not added an AI base or something like that... And when you make one... make it all with lower-case letters :xcahik_: :p
Ridder Geel

#13 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 08:11 AM

I have, it's on top of the file :

AIBase RohanBase
Side = Rohan
Map = "AI BASE - Rohan - Base_01"
GameMapToUseOn = "<ANY>"

I don't think I would have forgotten something, I have followed the tutorial step by step.

Can't the problem be that I have used different objects (same name but much less data) for the creation of the base and the correct and full objects for the game ? Why would the game read my mod files but WB not ? There is nothing special in these files, just standard basic Rohan structures


#14 Ridder Geel

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 04:30 PM

LOWERCASE :p as in:
ai base - rohan - base_01 :dry: :xcahik_: That should be the map :xd: ;)
Ridder Geel

#15 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 05:08 PM

Aha, will try, thanks...

T H A N K Y O U... :p

It will need some perfection but it WORKS... give me three years and my mod will be ready :xcahik_:

Edited by Mouth of Sauron, 09 February 2010 - 08:48 PM.

#16 Lord Eniam

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 09:00 PM

I have the Exception Access Violation window as well and I haven't edited anything at all. Each time I try to run the WorldBuilder it gives me that messages with a bunch of code following it.

Message is:

The thread tried to read from or write a virtual
address for which it goes not have the appropriate access.
Access address 0x3d6a02 was read from.

#17 Mouth of Sauron

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 09:17 PM

Yes, the same problem I have... you are having this trouble with the original game files, no mod ?

Did you patch ?

#18 Lord Eniam

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:01 PM

no mods, no

Edited by Lord Eniam, 10 February 2010 - 02:29 AM.

#19 Kwen



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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:03 PM

I have been helping him with this, and it appears that patching the game corrupts it. He installs the game default, Worldbuilder runs. He installs the 1.03 patch and Worldbuilder now crashes. Has anybody had any experience with patches causing Worldbuilders to no longer work?

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#20 Ridder Geel

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:33 PM

No... And nobody else i know has problems with it... Strange... :rolleyes:
Maybe manually send him your patched bigs? :)
Ridder Geel

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