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Praetorians Voice Script List

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#1 thudo


    Wacko AI Guy!

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  • Location:Lemonville North, Canada
  • Projects:DoW AI Scripting Project
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Posted 18 February 2010 - 03:03 PM


Engineer (Combat Engineer/Royal Sapper/Lay Adept Sapper/ Sapper) – this is prob nitpicky, there’s a fluff conflict in imperial guard regiments having easily accessible “combat engineers”. Miniatures exist for lots of different IG combat engineers but the mechanicus in the fluff is supposed to be exceedingly tightfisted in their monopoly through techpriest enginseers. Therefore only the squats were supposed to have “engineers” in any real number before their doom and formations like the Armaggeddon Engineer Corps are suppose to be rare military orders of Mechanicus sanctioned lay adepts owing to pacts/especially close association with Mars. Well enunciated, speaking proper british English and seasoned.
Unit_Complete1: I’ve arrived
Unit_Complete2: Technician of Praetoria on the field
Unit_Complete3: This planet.......truly a dump
Unit_Complete4: From Praetoria to you, excellency
Unit_Complete5: Much to be done I see
Unit_Complete6: Let see, how shall i begin
Unit_Complete7: Right then, where’re those schematics
Selection1: Sir!
Selection2: Your excellency?
Selection3: Fit for duty, sir
Selection4: Eyes peeled
Selection5: How might I assist?
Selection6: Space to build
Selection7: Fresh air
Move1: I understand, sir
Move2: Carrying on, sir
Move3: Yes, excellency
Move4: Indeed, m’lord
Move5: Watch my back
Move6: Copy that location, on my way
Move7: No problem at all, sir
Attack1: Bloody heathens
Attack2: Yarrrrghhhhh!!!!!
Attack3: Combat drill!
Attack4: War is but another machine
Attack5: Praetoria and Mars!
Attack6: I’ll hammer them good!
Attack7: For empire and homeworld
Build1: Never you mind the challenge, sir
Build2: Your will, my hands lord
Build3: Making the redoubt sir
Build4: I wouldn’t be a lay adept of the mechanicus if I couldn’t, sir
Build5: It shall be a monument worth of Praetoria!
Build6: For the holy mechanicus!
Build7: You shall not find me lacking, excellency
Capture1: I know my duty, sir
Capture2: Securing that site
Capture3: In the name of the Mechanicus
Capped1: Marker set
Capped2: Point secured initial prepared
Capped3: For the Mechanicus and Praetoria
Lay_Mines1: The mines sir. I’m beseeching the machine spirits for maximum effect
Lay_Mines2: Emperor’s sake, I’ll do it gently
Lay_Mines3: Mines to be laid and marked, let them come
Load_Transport1: Moove ya bloodie arses!
Load_Transport2: Get this Junker moving!
Unload_Transport1: Thank the emperor eh?
Unload_Transport2: Thanks for the lift my good man
Morale_Break1: Sweet Emperor, blessed Omnissiah!
Morale_Break2: Throne of earth, we’re lost!
Morale_Break3: They’re all around us!
Morale_Restored1: That it aye!
Morale_Restored2: Still got my spanner, sir
Morale_Restored3: By the Savior Emperor, that was close
Charge1: Praetoria!
Charge2: Die heathen!
Charge3: Have heart now lads!
Ability1: Eat grenade! [Grenade]
Ability2: They call that armour? [Krak grenade]
Ability3: Melt that on ya crumpet! [Melta Bomb]
Ability4: A wall of steel can never yield! [Defensive]
Ability5: Take cover here chaps!] [Defensive]
Repair1: Emprha.......you ballsed this up didn’t you!
Repair2: Right then boyos out the way let me work
Repair3: whistles “Rule Brittania” whilst drill spinning up in background.
Combat1: Eat steel, heathen!
Combat2: Sun never sets on the Imperium!
Combat3: Praetorian Pride lads!
Under_Fire1: Taking rounds!
Under_Fire2: Hit the deck!
Under_Fire3: Hold them!
Damage1: I’m hit!
Damage2: *muffled scream*
Damage3: ahhh my eye!
Death1: They can crush our bodies.........but not our spirits
Death2: Emperor............praetoria........mechanicu...uurrgg
Death3: This is ....it then.............
Death4: Bugger…

Notes: Mix of cocky, tempered, throaty, and cautious. These engineers are tough little buggers.
Unit_Complete1: {Casual Voice} I’ve arrived
Unit_Complete2: {Casual Voice} Technician of Praetoria on the field
Unit_Complete3: {Surprised Voice} This planet.......what a dump!
Unit_Complete4: {Causal Voice} From Praetoria to you general
Unit_Complete5: {Causal Voice} Much to be done I see
Unit_Complete6: {Casual Voice} Let see where do i begin
Unit_Complete7: {Casual Voice} Right then, where’s those schematics!?
Unit_Complete8: {Casual Voice} From the hives of Praetoria I bring my experience to you here, General!
Selection1: {Alert voice} Yes general, where do you want me?
Selection2: {Alert Voice} Alrighty?
Selection3: {Alert Voice} Wow space to build! that makes a nice change!
Selection4: {Calm Voice} Fresh air (Deep breath) sure beats Promethean!
Selection5: {Alert Voice} How can I assist?
Selection6: {Calm Voice} Of course.. at attention.
Selection7: {Alert Voice} What to build, then?
Move1: {Casual} Moving to designated construction site
Move2: {Cocky Tone} This gear ways a ton! It’s far too light!
Move3: {Casual} I got the tools
Move4: {Casual} Watch my back lads
Move5: {Causal} Location confirmed, on my way
Move6: {Frantic} Move there! Easy for you to say!
Move7: {Frantic} We're on the way for Pete's sake!
Attack1: {Stern Voice} Come taste my drill heathen!
Attack2: {Scream} Yarrrrghhhhh!!!!!
Attack3: {Quiet Voice} Where is my blasted hammer?
Attack4: {Loud but calm voice} War is yet another machine I attend to!
Attack5: {Stern Voice} I shall construct a fate worse than death!
Attack6: {Stern Voice} Come take it right to the head!
Attack7: {Stern Voice} For Praetoria!!
Build1: {Casual} Construction Site confirmed
Build2: {Casual} Design plan allocated
Build3: {Casual} It shall be a monument worth of Praetoria!
Build4: {Causal} Materials Required
Build5: {Casual} For the mechanicus!
Build6: {Casual} You shall not find my skills lacking!
Build7: {Angry} Be careful with that you bloodie idiots!
Capture1: {Triumphant} For the Imperium & Praetoria!
Capture2: {Cocky} Secure that sight so we may learn its secrets!
Capture3: {Casual} In the name of the Mechanicus secure that area!
Capped1: {Cocky} I thought this was supposed to be a Tough challenge
Capped2: {Triumphant} For the Mechanicus & Praetoria
Capped3: {Causal} Point secured initial set up prepared
Lay_Mines1: {Casual} Mines set for maximum sensitivity
Lay_Mines2: {Nervous} Gently Gently!
Lay_Mines3: {Casual} Mines laid and marked, let them come!
Load_Transport1: {Hastily} Moove ya bloodie arses!
Load_Transport2: {cocky} get this Junker moving!
Unload_Transport1: {Cocky} ehh thank the emperor........
Unload_Transport2: {Cocky} Thanks for the lift, keep the change my good man
Morale_Break1: {Nervous} I want me mum!
Morale_Break2: {Nervous} They never said we would lose!
Morale_Break3: { Nervous} Urg right in me bladie balls!
Morale_Restored1: {Triumphant} That it aye!
Morale_Restored2: {Cocky} Whew good thing i had me spanner to save me nuts!
Morale_Restored3: {Defiant} Im never doing that again........well perhaps once more
Charge1: Pretoria!!!!
Charge2: *Drill sound effect*
Charge3: die peasants!
Ability1: Eat grenade!
Ability2: They call that armour?
Ability3: Melt that on ya crumpet!
Ability4: A wall of steel can can never yield!
Ability5: Take cover here chaps!
Repair1: {Bemused} Emprha.......you ballsed this up didn’t you!
Repair2: {Arrogant} Right then boyos out the way let me work
Repair3: {casual} whistles British national anthem whilst drill sounds in background.
Combat1: { Righteous} Eat steel heathen!
Combat2: {Short and sharp with emphasis on the P} Praetorian Pride lads!
Combat3: {Loud Shout} Soldiers aint got nothing on me!
Under_Fire1: {confident} taking rounds!
Under_Fire2: {Loud Shout} HIT THE DECK!
Damage1: {painful cry} ahhh me dam eye!
Damage2: {painful cry} muffled scream
Damage3: {nervous} its okay......its okay....i dont need 2 arms......
Death1: You can crush our bodies... but not out spirits
Death2: Emperor... praetoria.... mechanicu... uurrgg..
Death3: This is... it.. isnt it..
Death4: Buggar it!
Death5: Arrghhhh!!
Death6: Oommmpphh!


Conscripts (Yeoman Conscripts/Yeoman Light Infantry)
Notes: more of a rural accent than the guardsman. Cockney-ish? Hint of a scottish burr? Something like that
Unit_Complete1: All hail th’ officers, good sir
Unit_Complete2: We ain’t no joesy provincials, sir [pronounced "joe-see"]
Unit_Complete3: We ain’t no blue bloods, sir
Unit_Complete4: Militia in battledress, sir
Unit_Complete5: Ready for anything, good lord
Unit_Complete6: We shall be worthy, your excellency
Unit_Complete7: Praetorians don’t bend or break
Selection1: Oi, you gave us such a start sir
Selection2: Beggin’ your pardon, sir?
Selection3: What’s on ma’lord’s mind?
Selection4: Standing to
Selection5: Mark a target when he comes
Selection6: Damn good shot at a hundre’ yards, sir
Selection7: Scout element, sir
Move1: Jumpin’ to it, lord
Move2: It ain’t a no go, sir
Move3: We ought to, sir
Move4: Givin’ orders, young gennelmen often is [pronounced "gennelmen"] (slightly off rural pronouncement of "gentleman")
Move5: Way’s clear lads
Move6: For Emperor and Empire
Move7: We volunteer, sir!
Attack1: Don’t ’ave no thought for our necks, sir!
Attack2: We’ll carry the day
Attack3: Make ready, lads!
Attack4: We’ll disperse ‘em, sir
Attack5: We’ll do our duty
Attack6: By twos!
Attack7: Take aim!
Capture1: That’s sure ta be a well done from the major
Capture2: Faithful to your order, sir!
Capture3: God-Emperor on his throne, have faith in us
Capped1: We’ve done it! By Terra, we’ve done it!
Capped2: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Capped3: Good work, all
Load_Transport1: First in, last out
Load_Transport2: It’s us, lads!
Unload_Transport1: Off your trolley, lads
Unload_Transport2: Clear off!
Morale_Break1: Leave us be! Scatter! Scatter!
Morale_Break2: They’re among us! Oh hell, oh Emprah save us!
Morale_Break3: Throne of earth, I can’t see a target, I can’t see a target!
Morale_Restored1: We’ll make the best of it, sir
Morale_Restored2: Very careless, we was, sir
Morale_Restored3: Sorry sir, we was hurt bad
Charge1: Tallyho!
Charge2: Valor, lads!
Charge3: Jerido, Sabbatine, Iconarch! [pronounced "Jair-eh-doe", "Sab-ba-teen", "Icon-arch"]
Charge4: Huzzah!
Jump_Teleport1: Throne preserve our souls…
Jump_Teleport2: Emprah protect us from the warp…
Deepstrike1: The Emprah protects
Deepstrike2: We’ll follow our orders, sir
Ability1: [offensive] First rank FIRE! second rank FIRE!
Ability2: [offensive] Give them a volley!
Ability3: [offensive] Open fire, men!
Ability4: [defensive] Good as we can do it, my lord
Ability5: [defensive] Understood, thank you sir
Combat1: Hold fast!
Combat2: Hold your ground!
Combat3: Stand firm!
Under_Fire1: Enemy sightings
Under_Fire2: Blast! They’re shooting at us
Under_Fire3: Intrusion!
Damage1: Son of an ork!
Damage2: We’re bloody outgunned!
Damage3: Position’s gone pear shaped, sir!
Death1: Oh. My. Throne…
Death2: Sacred… Praetoria…
Death3: Throne's sake…
Death4: We’re cut off…

Conscripts -- ALTERNATE LINES #1
Notes: Recruits – totally raw, nervous, and unsure.
Unit_Complete1: er… yes sir?
Unit_Complete2: Recruits ready, sir!
Unit_Complete3: We’ll be home by St Celestine’s Day!
Unit_Complete4: We’ve taken the Emperor’s shilling!
Unit_Complete5: By the Emperor, this uniform itches...
Unit_Complete6: When we going in, Sir?
Unit_Complete7: Remember you training, boys.
Selection1: Sir!
Selection2: Advance arms by numbers!
Selection3: Not another parade, is it?
Selection4: Present... arms!
Selection5: All present and correct, sir!
Selection6: Sir!
Selection7: Suck that gut in,
Move1: Keep in step!
Move2: left, left, left, right, left.
Move3: At the ordinary pace!
Move4: Watch your dressing....
Move5: I’m not sure they’re ready for this.
Move6: You call that marching!
Move7: I’ve seen orks march better than this!
Attack1: Give fire!
Attack2: Present... fire!
Attack3: Squad will give volley fire!
Attack4: Firing!
Attack5: Just point the bloody thing and pull the trigger!
Attack6: Let them have it!
Attack7: To the last man!
Capture1: We did it boys!
Capture2: Well I never! We got it!
Capture3: this one’s ours, lads!
Capped1: We claim this in the name of Praetoria!
Capped2: The colours are flying!
Capped3: Job well done, lads!
Load_Transport1: Here we go... pack ‘em in.
Load_Transport2: Mount up, boys!
Unload_Transport1: Good to stretch your legs again.
Unload_Transport2: What? Go out in this weather?
Morale_Break1: Time to go!
Morale_Break2: Fall back! Fall back!
Morale_Break3: Sod this for a game of soldiers...
Morale_Restored1: Get the line formed!
Morale_Restored2: Come on, boys, we’re not licked yet!
Morale_Restored3: I want another go at them, sarge!
Charge1: Get ‘em!
Charge2: Fear not, lads!
Charge3: Emperor for Praetoria! For Terra!
Charge4: CHARGE!
Jump_Teleport1: Bloody hell… I’ll never get used to that.
Jump_Teleport2: Where the bloody hell are we?
Deepstrike1: Quickly now, quickly! Into line!
Deepstrike2: Form up!
Ability1: Ha ha ha! Didn’t expect that, did you?
Ability2: Had enough, have ya?
Ability3: We got them! We got them!
Ability4: We will stand!
Ability5: We can take it, can’t we boys!
Combat1: Get ‘em with the pointy end, you idiot!
Combat2: Hold them back!
Combat3: Courage, lads, courage!
Under_Fire1: We can take it, boys!
Under_Fire2: It’s getting hot here, lads!
Under_Fire3: Not sure we can take much more of this, sarge!
Damage1: Plenty more where they came from...
Damage2: That the best you can do?
Damage3: Should we get out of here now, sarge?
Death1: Mummy!
Death2: I want to... go... home.
Death3: (cowardly scream)
Death4: (crying)

Conscripts -- ALTERNATE LINES #2
Notes: Conscripts are the everyday, less than working classes, fresh from the mills and forges. They're meant to be tough, so i'm not too sure about whether to have them at all formal. If it's british-based, we want a heavy industrial accent- yorkshire, black country, brummie, cockney, you know the sort.
Unit_Complete1: 3rd Light infantry, On the field.
Unit_Complete2: Cannon Fodder, All present.
Unit_Complete3: Disposables, at your command!
Unit_Complete4: On the field. Which way's the mess tent?
Unit_Complete5: 'Evening sir!
Unit_Complete6: Midlanders, ready to win the day!
Selection1: Sir?
Selection2: Shush up, It's the boss.
Selection3: Stand To!
Selection4: What is it?
Selection5: What's the job?
Selection6: Arr/Aye/Yes/other regional equivalent?
Selection7: Boss?
Move1: Double time!
Move2: Come on lads!
Move3: Onwards and Upwards!
Move4: Don't Dawdle back there!
Move5: Move it you lazy lot!
Move6: No time to rest now.
Move7: Get in there before those bloody regulars!
Attack1: Take aim, Fire!
Attack2: Fire at will!
Attack3: Cut 'em, down like they were northeners!
Attack4: Kill the buggers!
Attack5: Gun them down!
Attack6: For the Bloody Emperor!
Attack7: Open Fire!
Capture1: You can trust us, guv.
Capture2: Let's take it for our own!
Capture3: Got a job for you lads!
Capped1: We got it for you sir!
Capped2: Outpost taken. Where's our medals?
Capped3: All for us.
Load_Transport1: Get in lads, take the wait off your feet.
Load_Transport2: Just like the 42 into town.
Unload_Transport1: This is our stop!
Unload_Transport2: Time to stretch our legs.
Morale_Break1: Sod this for a case of Bananas!
Morale_Break2: Bloody hell, SCARPER!
Morale_Break3: LEG IT!
Morale_Restored1: Let's hope as noone saw that.
Morale_Restored2: They were scarier than me last Wife!
Morale_Restored3: Come on you lot, let's get back.
Charge2: *Whistle* (as in WWI over the top)
Charge3: To the last man!
Charge4: Take no prisoners!
Jump_Teleport1: Oof, that turned me stomach.
Jump_Teleport2: Where'd the command centre go?
Deepstrike1: I'll not be wanting to do that again anytime soon.
Deepstrike2: Dropzone safe.
Ability1: Send a Grenade!
Ability4: Dig in!
Combat1: Blimey! We won!
Combat2: Try Some!
Combat3: And Stay out!
Under_Fire1: 'Steeth, GET DOWN!
Under_Fire2: Return Fire!
Under_Fire3: Asking fer support!
Damage1: Stand your ground!
Damage2: Close Ranks!
Damage3: Need drugs over here!
Death1: MEDIC!
Death2: Man down!
Death3: Why... us?
Death4: Go on without me!

Conscript Sergeant (Junior Officer)
Notes: Speaking the Queen’s English, in contrast to the conscript units in his squad. Speaks smartly and properly
Unit_Complete1: Never think ill of your betters
Unit_Complete2: Going about the Imperium’s service
Unit_Complete3: Section has been drilled, excellency
Unit_Complete4: Good men all, well for the most part
Unit_Complete5: The militia stands with the army, sir
Unit_Complete6: Discipline makes bravery
Unit_Complete7: Spare the rod, spoil the child, sir
Selection1: Stand tall
Selection2: Present arms!
Selection3: Praetorian discipline, sir
Selection4: Standing to
Selection5: Mark a target when he comes
Selection6: Damn good shot at a hundre’ yards, sir
Selection7: Scout element, sir
Move1: Jump to, lads
Move2: On ye go, lads
Move3: Jump to it, lads
Move4: Givin’ orders, young gennelmen often is [pronounced "gennelmen"] (slightly off rural pronouncement of "gentleman")
Move5: Way’s clear lads
Move6: For Emperor and Empire
Move7: We volunteer, sir!
Attack1: Whatever the cost!
Attack2: Mark your targets!
Attack3: We’ll give them a volley
Attack4: We’ll disperse ‘em, sir
Attack5: We’ll do our duty
Attack6: By twos!
Attack7: Take aim!
Capture1: That’s sure ta be a well done from the major
Capture2: Faithful to your order, sir!
Capture3: God-Emperor on his throne, have faith in us
Capped1: We’ve done it! By Terra, we’ve done it!
Capped2: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Capped3: Good work, all
Load_Transport1: First in, last out
Load_Transport2: It’s us, lads!
Unload_Transport1: Off your trolley, lads
Unload_Transport2: Clear off!
Morale_Break1: Leave us be! Scatter! Scatter!
Morale_Break2: They’re among us! Oh hell, oh Emprah save us!
Morale_Break3: Throne of earth, I can’t see a target, I can’t see a target!
Morale_Restored1: We’ll make the best of it, sir
Morale_Restored2: Very careless, we was, sir
Morale_Restored3: Sorry sir, we was hurt bad
Charge1: Tallyho!
Charge2: Valor, lads!
Charge3: Jerido, Sabbatine, Iconarch! [pronounced "Jair-eh-doe", "Sab-ba-teen", "Icon-arch"]
Charge4: Huzzah!
Jump_Teleport1: Throne preserve our souls…
Jump_Teleport2: Emprah protect us from the warp…
Deepstrike1: The Emprah protects
Deepstrike2: We’ll follow our orders, sir
Ability1: [offensive] First rank FIRE! second rank FIRE!
Ability2: [offensive] Give them a volley!
Ability3: [offensive] Open fire, men!
Ability4: [defensive] Good as we can do it, my lord
Ability5: [defensive] Understood, thank you sir
Combat1: Hold fast!
Combat2: Hold your ground!
Combat3: Stand firm!
Under_Fire1: Enemy sightings
Under_Fire2: Blast! They’re shooting at us
Under_Fire3: Intrusion!
Damage1: Son of an ork!
Damage2: We’re bloody outgunned!
Damage3: Position’s gone pear shaped, sir!
Death1: Despair is an… illusion of the… mind
Death2: Disaster…
Death3: No…
Death4: We’re cut off…

Conscripts Sergeant -- ALTERNATE LINES #1
Notes: Very regimental sergeant major – very harsh and brutal
Unit_Complete1: I’ll lick these scum into shape, sah!
Unit_Complete2: Company ready, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: You! Get back in line!
Unit_Complete4: Yes STAND UP STRAIGHT YOU SCUM sir?
Unit_Complete5: Care to inspect the men, sir?
Unit_Complete6: All present and correct, sir!
Unit_Complete7: SQUAD! SQUAD….. ‘SHUN!
Selection1: Squad…Front!
Selection2: Sah!
Selection3: To the right…. DRESS!
Selection4: Present... arms!
Selection5: All present and correct, sir!
Selection6: Sir!
Selection7: Suck that gut in,
Move1: Get your arse moving!
Move2: Move scum!
Move3: Quick March! Left right left right left right left right!
Move4: Watch your dressing....
Move5: I’m not sure they’re ready for this.
Move6: You call that marching!
Move7: I’ve seen orks march better than this!
Attack1: You will not retreat!
Attack2: I will shoot the last man to die!
Attack3: At them, boys!
Attack4: Firing!
Attack5: Just point the bloody thing and pull the trigger!
Attack6: Let them have it!
Attack7: To the last man!
Capture1: We did it boys!
Capture2: Well I never! We got it!
Capture3: this one’s ours, lads!
Capped1: We claim this in the name of Praetoria!
Capped2: The colours are flying!
Capped3: Job well done, lads!
Load_Transport1: Here we go... pack ‘em in.
Load_Transport2: Mount up, boys!
Unload_Transport1: Good to stretch your legs again.
Unload_Transport2: What? Go out in this weather?
Morale_Break1: Time to go!
Morale_Break2: Fall back! Fall back!
Morale_Break3: Sod this for a game of soldiers...
Morale_Restored1: Get back in line, you maggots!
Morale_Restored2: Come on, boys, we’re not licked yet!
Morale_Restored3: I want another go at them, sarge!
Charge1: Get ‘em!
Charge2: Fear not, lads!
Charge3: Emperor for Praetoria! For Terra!
Charge4: CHARGE!
Jump_Teleport1: Bloody hell… I’ll never get used to that.
Jump_Teleport2: Where the bloody hell are we?
Deepstrike1: Quickly now, quickly! Into line!
Deepstrike2: Form up!
Ability1: Ha ha ha! Didn’t expect that, did you?
Ability2: Had enough, have ya?
Ability3: We got them! We got them!
Ability4: We will stand!
Ability5: We can take it, can’t we boys!
Combat1: Give ‘em hell, lads!
Combat2: Your coat will hide the blood!
Combat3: Courage, lads, courage!
Under_Fire1: You do not have permission to die!
Under_Fire2: Steady… Steady!
Under_Fire3: Not sure we can take much more of this, sarge!
Damage1: Plenty more where they came from...
Damage2: That the best you can do?
Damage3: Should we get out of here now, sarge?
Death1: I knew you lot would be the death of me…
Death2: Remember… what I taught you, lads.
Death3: Aggrhhhh..
Death4: Oorrpppphhh...

Conscript Sergeant -- ALTERNATE LINES #2 (Unfinished)
Notes: This chap's going to be attached to the Conscript platoons in order to keep the untrained men in order, so pretty well a drill sergeant. Just not one of the American ones. Also, the 'sir's should be a short sharp SAH!, not sir.
Unit_Complete1: Drill sergeant, Taking command, Sir!
Unit_Complete2: Stand straight you Slovenly Bunch!
Unit_Complete3: You're taking orders from me now!
Unit_Complete4: 'Evening Gents!
Unit_Complete5: Pay attention, you lot!
Unit_Complete6: Drill sergeant, on the field.
Unit_Complete7: You lot are going to be putting effort in now!
Selection1: Listen Up you lot!
Selection2: Aye sir?
Selection3: Orders, sir?
Selection4: Ready for orders, sir!
Move1: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left!
Move2: Come on you lot!
Move3: Hurry up!
Move4: Advancing!
Attack1: Commence firing!
Attack2: Volley one! Fire!
Attack3: Show them you're not a waste of equipment!
Capture1: Take it for the emperor!
Capture2: Get it before they do!
Capture3: Sah!
Capped1: Area secured, sir! What next?
Capped2: Taken for the imperium!
Capped3: Strategic point secured, Sir!
Load_Transport1: Get in there, you lot!
Load_Transport2: Time for a little ride!
Unload_Transport1: Get out!
Unload_Transport2: Rides over!
Morale_Break1: RUN!
Morale_Break2: Retreat!
Morale_Break3: We can't handle them, sir!
Morale_Restored1: Show some backbone, or i'll beat you in with mine!
Morale_Restored2: Next time it's the firing squad!
Morale_Restored3: Get back In there, you cowardly scum!
Charge1: ATTACK!
Charge2: Stick 'em!
Charge3: Smash them in!
Deepstrike1: Landing successful, sir!
Deepstrike2: That wasn't uncomfortable, you wimp!
Ability1: You can throw harder than that! [grenade]
Ability2: Had enough, have ya?
Ability3: We got them! We got them!
Ability4: We will stand!
Ability5: We can take it, can’t we boys!
Combat1: Maybe you lot aren't so useless after all!
Combat2: That was almost good work!
Combat3: You call that fighting?
Under_Fire1: Taking fire!
Under_Fire2: Don't just stand there!
Under_Fire3: Where'd they come from?!?!
Damage1: Don't you dare get killed!
Damage2: Keep your heads down!
Damage3: We need fire support!
Death1: My Nan could kill me better than you just did!
Death2: Ah, sodding hell.
Death3: I could've made Lieutenant...

Notes: Praetorians are Colonial British. More specifically, Colonial British from the film "Zulu". Go watch that film if there's any doubt in your mind what this force should look or sound like. Voicewise, you want very, very British. Almost overly so.
Unit_Complete1: Praetorians at your service, Sir!
Unit_Complete2: Polish those buttons, trooper!
Unit_Complete3: Parade! Ateeeen-SHUN!
Unit_Complete4: Squad! Squaaaaad-SHUN!
Unit_Complete5: Praetorian Guard, reporting!
Unit_Complete6: This isn't Glazer's Creek...
Unit_Complete7: Pay attention, Jenkins! There's a war on!
Selection1: Yes Sir!
Selection2: For Praetoria, and the Emperor!
Selection3: Awaiting orders, Sir!
Selection4: Listen in!
Selection5: Orders, sir?
Selection6: Belt up! Officer talking!
Selection7: At ease, men.
Move1: Forwaaaard MARCH!
Move2: By the left!
Move3: Hut-hut-hut!
Move4: Command says to go this way.
Move5: This had better not mess up the uniform...
Move6: You think there's a medal in it for us?
Move7: I was hoping for a tea break...
Attack1: First rank, FIRE! Second rank, FIRE!
Attack2: Just like Big Toof River!
Attack3: Show them what Lasguns can do!
Attack4: Independents, fire at will!
Attack5: We'll do to them what the XXIV (24th) did to Grishnak! [pronounced "Grish-nahk"]
Attack6: Show 'em you're not just a pretty face!
Capture1: That'll be ours then!
Capture2: A fine addition to the Imperium!
Capture3: I'm sure it'll be useful, sir!
Capped1: Mission accomplished!
Capped2: One flag successfully planted!
Capped3: The objective is ours! Time for tea and biscuits!
Load_Transport1: Get your arses aboard!
Load_Transport2: I don't care what it smells like, get in!
Unload_Transport1: Time for a spot of fresh air!
Unload_Transport2: That's enough comfort for one day!
Morale_Break1: Sound the retreat!
Morale_Break2: Reinforcements! Send reinforcements, damn it!
Morale_Break3: Back to Blighty!
Morale_Restored1: If you LADIES are quite finished, there's fighting to do!
Morale_Restored2: Pull yourselves together!
Morale_Restored3: Grow a bloody pair! Get back to fighting!
Charge1: Fix Bayonets! CHAAAAARGE!
Charge2: Lay into them!
Charge3: We'll rip them a new set of holes!
Charge4: Give 'em a knife up the jacksey!
Jump_Teleport1: How did we get here?
Jump_Teleport2: Hmm. That was convenient!
Deepstrike1: Surprise attack successful!
Deepstrike2: Urgh... that was rougher than the sergeant's ballsack!
Ability1: Let em have it!
Ability2: Have at them, lads!
Ability3: Give em hell!
Ability4: This'll show them.
Ability5: Blimey.. that was a close one!
Combat1: They certainly are eager to die!
Combat2: Hah! Look at them run!
Combat3: We aren't just good looking, you know!
Under_Fire1: The enemy has engaged!
Under_Fire2: Permission to return fire, Sir?
Under_Fire3: Who said you could bleed on that uniform?
Damage1: We've lost Jenkins!
Damage2: Taking a thrashing, sir!
Damage3: That's going to be a Blighty One!
Death1: It's only a flesh... wound...
Death2: Tell my ol' mum I lover her!
Death3: Damn... spilt the tea...
Death4: We need bigger guns! Urgh!

Notes: Praetorians are Colonial British. More specifically, Colonial British from the film "Zulu". Go watch that film if there's any doubt in your mind what this force should look or sound like. Voicewise, you want very, very British. Almost overly so.
Unit_Complete1: Praetorians at your service, Sir!
Unit_Complete2: Polish those buttons, trooper!
Unit_Complete3: Parade! Ateeeen-SHUN!
Unit_Complete4: Squad! Squaaaaad-SHUN!
Unit_Complete5: Praetorian Guard, reporting!
Unit_Complete6: This isn't Glazer's Creek...
Unit_Complete7: Pay attention, Jenkins! There's a war on!
Selection1: Yes Sir!
Selection2: For Praetoria, and the Emperor!
Selection3: Awaiting orders, Sir!
Selection4: Listen in!
Selection5: Orders, sir?
Selection6: Belt up! Officer talking!
Selection7: At ease, men.
Move1: Forwaaaard MARCH!
Move2: By the left!
Move3: Hut-hut-hut!
Move4: Command says to go this way.
Move5: This had better not mess up the uniform...
Move6: You think there's a medal in it for us?
Move7: I was hoping for a tea break...
Attack1: First rank, FIRE! Second rank, FIRE!
Attack2: Just like Big Toof River!
Attack3: Show them what Lasguns can do!
Attack4: Independents, fire at will!
Attack5: We'll do to them what the XXIV (24th) did to Grishnak!
Attack6: Show 'em you're not just a pretty face!
Capture1: That'll be ours then!
Capture2: A fine addition to the Imperium!
Capture3: I'm sure it'll be useful, sir!
Capped1: Mission accomplished!
Capped2: One flag successfully planted!
Capped3: The objective is ours! Time for tea and biscuits!
Load_Transport1: Get your arses aboard!
Load_Transport2: I don't care what it smells like, get in!
Unload_Transport1: Time for a spot of fresh air!
Unload_Transport2: That's enough comfort for one day!
Morale_Break1: Sound the retreat!
Morale_Break2: Reinforcements! Send reinforcements, damn it!
Morale_Break3: Back to Blighty!
Morale_Restored1: If you LADIES are quite finished, there's fighting to do!
Morale_Restored2: Pull yourselves together!
Morale_Restored3: Grow a bloody pair! Get back to fighting!
Charge1: Fix Bayonets! CHAAAAARGE!
Charge2: Lay into them!
Charge3: We'll rip them a new set of holes!
Charge4: Give 'em a knife up the jacksey!
Jump_Teleport1: How did we get here?
Jump_Teleport2: Hmm. That was convenient!
Deepstrike1: Suprise attack successful!
Deepstrike2: Urgh... that was rougher than the sergeant's ballsack!
Ability1: Let em have it!
Ability2: Have at them, lads!
Ability3: Give em hell!
Ability4: This'll show them.
Ability5: Blimey.. that was a close one!
Combat1: They certainly are eager to die!
Combat2: Hah! Look at them run!
Combat3: We aren't just good looking, you know!
Under_Fire1: The enemy has engaged!
Under_Fire2: Permission to return fire, Sir?
Under_Fire3: Who said you could bleed on that uniform?
Damage1: We've lost Jenkins!
Damage2: Taking a thrashing, sir!
Damage3: That's going to be a Blighty One!
Death1: It's only a flesh... wound...
Death2: Tell my ol' mum I lover her!
Death3: Damn... spilt the tea...
Death4: We need bigger guns! Urgh!

Guardsmen Sergeant
Notes: Typical sarge – not quite so over the top as a Sergeant Major, but far from nice!
Unit_Complete1: Wait for it…wait for it!!
Unit_Complete2: Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Right…. Dress!
Unit_Complete4: I’ll have you on a charge if you don’t stand still!
Unit_Complete5: Squad re – YOU WILL STAND STILL YOU ‘ORRIBLE LITTLE MAN – ready, sir.
Unit_Complete6: Them buttons could do with some polish, son.
Unit_Complete7: Ready for inspection!
Selection1: Squad formed, Sir!
Selection2: Eager to be at the foe, sir!
Selection3: SQUAD!!! As you were…
Selection4: Listen in!
Selection5: Orders, sir?
Selection6: Belt up! Officer talking!
Selection7: At ease, men.
Move1: Left, right, left, right!
Move2: By the centre, quick… March!
Move3: Squad will advance!
Move4: Command says to go this way.
Move5: This had better not mess up the uniform...
Move6: You think there's a medal in it for us?
Move7: I was hoping for a tea break...
Attack1: Make ready… present… FIRE!
Attack2: Volley fire!
Attack3: Commence firing by files!
Attack4: Independents, fire at will!
Attack5: We'll do to them what the XXIV (24th) did to Grishnak!
Attack6: Show 'em you're not just a pretty face!
Capture1: That'll be ours then!
Capture2: A fine addition to the Imperium!
Capture3: I'm sure it'll be useful, sir!
Capped1: Mission accomplished!
Capped2: One flag successfully planted!
Capped3: The objective is ours! Time for tea and biscuits!
Load_Transport1: Get your arses aboard!
Load_Transport2: I don't care what it smells like, get in!
Unload_Transport1: Time for a spot of fresh air!
Unload_Transport2: That's enough comfort for one day!
Morale_Break1: Sound the retreat!
Morale_Break2: Reinforcements! Send reinforcements, damn it!
Morale_Break3: Back to Blighty!
Morale_Restored1: Reform the line!
Morale_Restored2: Pull yourselves together!
Morale_Restored3: Grow a bloody pair! Get back to fighting!
Charge1: Fix Bayonets! CHAAAAARGE!
Charge2: Lay into them!
Charge3: We'll rip them a new set of holes!
Charge4: Give 'em a knife up the jacksey!
Jump_Teleport1: How did we get here?
Jump_Teleport2: Hmm. That was convenient!
Deepstrike1: Surprise attack successful!
Deepstrike2: Urgh... that was rougher than the sergeant's ballsack!
Ability1: Let em have it!
Ability2: Have at them, lads!
Ability3: Give em hell!
Ability4: This'll show them.
Ability5: Blimey.. that was a close one!
Combat1: They don’t like the taste of our steel, sir!
Combat2: Thrust! Develop! Recover!
Combat3: We aren't just good looking, you know!
Under_Fire1: Hold the line… hold the line!
Under_Fire2: Wait till you see the reds of their eyes…
Under_Fire3: Who said you could bleed on that uniform?
Damage1: We've lost Jenkins!
Damage2: Taking a thrashing, sir!
Damage3: That's going to be a Blighty One!
Death1: I did… my duty…
Death2: Carry on without me…
Death3: Do me proud, boys…
Death4: Arrgghhhh..

Guardsman Sergeant -- ALTERNATE LINES
Notes: Once again, the sergeant major type, as in the film Zulu,
but as an experienced regular he'll likely be more friendly towards the squad who he's been with over the campaign.
Unit_Complete1: Squaaaad, Squad 'shun!
Unit_Complete2: There's work to be done, you lot!
Unit_Complete3: 'Evening, boys!
Unit_Complete4: How's the situation today?
Unit_Complete5: Ready!
Unit_Complete6: Them buttons could do with some polish, son.
Unit_Complete7: Inspection time!
Selection1: New orders, sir?
Selection2: Fix... BAYONETS!
Selection3: PreeeeSENT!
Move1: Hop it!
Move2: Quiiiiiiiiiick... MARCH!
Move3: Quickly, now!
Attack1: Rear rank, Fire! Advance!
Attack2: Load!
Attack3: At 100 yards, volley fire!
Capture1: Don't forget the flag!
Capture2: On it!
Capture3: Got a job for you lads!
Capped1: We'll defend it to the last.
Capped2: Position 492,429 taken and secuure, sah!
Capped3: Taken!
Load_Transport1: Time for a change of scenery, eh?
Load_Transport2: Hate these bloody rickety things.
Unload_Transport1: Get out, you lot.
Unload_Transport2: All change!
Morale_Break1: I think they've got more guts than we have!
Morale_Break2: Retire the position!
Morale_Break3: Pull out!
Morale_Restored1: Come on, we've got work to do!
Morale_Restored2: Those bastards, they're taunting us.
Morale_Restored3: Come on lads, you're better than this!
Charge1: With me!
Charge2: For the Emperor and the Imperium!
Charge3: Follow me, lads!
Charge4: At-taaackk!!!!!
Jump_Teleport1: How did we get here?
Jump_Teleport2: Hmm. That was convenient!
Deepstrike1: Surprise attack successful!
Deepstrike2: Urgh... that was rougher than the sergeant's ballsack!
Ability1: Let em have it!
Ability2: Have at them, lads!
Ability3: Give em hell!
Ability4: This'll show them.
Ability5: Blimey.. that was a close one!
Combat1: Cease firing!
Combat2: Good work chaps.
Combat3: Damn. never get that blood out my uniform.
Under_Fire1: Fire at the smoke!
Under_Fire2: Keep them pinned down!
Under_Fire3: Don't shoot 'till you see the whites of their eyes!
Damage1: Orderly!
Damage2: Come on, you're not badly hurt!
Death1: Oh, up yours...
Death2: Damn all you butchers...

Notes: An elite – slightly upper class tone – a higher class of soldier.
Unit_Complete1: Grenadier Guards reporting, Sir!
Unit_Complete2: Grenadiers ready!
Unit_Complete3: You can rely on us, sir!
Unit_Complete4: No finer regiment on praetorian, sir!
Unit_Complete5: Praetoria’s finest, ready for orders!
Unit_Complete6: Grenadiers, Assemble!
Unit_Complete7: Fall in, double ranks!
Selection1: Present... arms!
Selection2: A-ten-shun!
Selection3: Praetorian Grenadiers!
Selection4: We are ready to do our duty!
Selection5: Your orders, sir?
Selection6: Keen to be at the foe, sir!
Selection7: Just give the command, sir!
Move1: Grenadiers will advance!
Move2: Best marching this side of Praetoria!
Move3: Grenadier guards! For-ward!
Move4: By the centre!
Move5: Advancing, sir!
Move6: Advance in files from the right!
Move7: At the ordinary pace, MARCH!
Attack1: Light the fuses!
Attack2: Let them have it, boys!
Attack3: Choose your targets carefully, lads!
Attack4: Oh, I say! Good shot!
Attack5: They don’t stand a chance, sir!
Attack6: For Praetoria!
Attack7: Fire and advance!
Capture1: Raise the colours!
Capture2: Fly the flag, my boys!
Capture3: Flag raised, sir!
Capped1: Jolly good show, chaps!
Capped2: Makes you proud, doesn’t it?
Capped3: Done! Now, lets get a brew on.
Load_Transport1: We can’t march everywhere, boys!
Load_Transport2: All aboard!
Unload_Transport1: Fall in! Quickly now...
Unload_Transport2: Grenadiers, Reform the line!
Morale_Break1: Retire!
Morale_Break2: Grenadiers retiring, sir!
Morale_Break3: Run for your lives, men!
Morale_Restored1: Fall in on the right marker!
Morale_Restored2: Squad! Fall in!
Morale_Restored3: Well, we couldn’t let you chaps have all the fun...
Charge1: Charge bayonets!
Charge2: Charge!
Charge3: The Emperor for Praetoria!
Charge4: Grenadiers will prepare to charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Grenadiers deployed, sir!
Jump_Teleport2: Grenadiers ready and willing, sir!
Deepstrike1: Grenadiers, fall in!
Deepstrike2: Grenadiers ready for orders, sir!
Ability1: Let them fly!
Ability2: Ready grenades!
Ability3: Throw!
Ability4: Take cover!
Ability5: Better than a cup of tea, eh boys?
Combat1: Not one step back, my lads!
Combat2: Show them what you’ve got, my boys!
Combat3: They don’t like it up them, boys!
Under_Fire1: We will stand our ground, sir!
Under_Fire2: Taking fire, sir!
Under_Fire3: They couldn’t hit the broad side of a chimera at this distance...
Damage1: A noble death for a proud son of Praetoria!
Damage2: Get them to the first aid station!
Damage3: Another one for the surgeon...
Death1: We did our duty...
Death2: Permission to die, sir?
Death3: We can’t hold them!
Death4: We are overrun!

Grenadiers Sergeant
Notes: An elite – slightly upper class tone – a higher class of soldier. Sergeants of this calibre are VERY proud, full of honour and distinction.
Unit_Complete1: Praetoria’s finest, ready!
Unit_Complete2: My boys will do you proud, sa’h!
Unit_Complete3: Bit of spit and polish does no one any harm, sa’h!
Unit_Complete4: We’ll teach them to dance, sa’h!
Unit_Complete5: Guards! Guards, shun!
Unit_Complete6: Grenadier Guards reporting for duty!
Unit_Complete7: My men are keen to see some action, sa’h!
Selection1: The guards... best regiment in the galaxy.
Selection2: S’ah! Ready for orders!
Selection3: Grenadiers, present arms!
Selection4: We are ready to do our duty!
Selection5: Your orders, sir?
Selection6: Keen to be at the foe, sir!
Selection7: Just give the command, sir!
Move1: Grenadiers! By the right, quick march!
Move2: Grenadiers! March!
Move3: Grenadier Guards! Quick march!
Move4: By the centre!
Move5: Advancing, sir!
Move6: Advance in files from the right!
Move7: At the ordinary pace, MARCH!
Attack1: Cry Emperor for Praetoria!
Attack2: Show them what Praetorians are made of!
Attack3: Give fire!
Attack4: Oh, I say! Good shot!
Attack5: They don’t stand a chance, sir!
Attack6: For Praetoria!
Attack7: Fire and advance!
Capture1: Raise the colours!
Capture2: Fly the flag, my boys!
Capture3: Flag raised, sir!
Capped1: Jolly good show, chaps!
Capped2: Makes you proud, doesn’t it?
Capped3: Done! Now, lets get a brew on.
Load_Transport1: We can’t march everywhere, boys!
Load_Transport2: All aboard!
Unload_Transport1: Fall in! Quickly now...
Unload_Transport2: Grenadiers, Reform the line!
Morale_Break1: Retire!
Morale_Break2: Grenadiers retiring, sir!
Morale_Break3: Run for your lives, men!
Morale_Restored1: Grenadier lines reformed!
Morale_Restored2: Squad! Fall in!
Morale_Restored3: Well, we couldn’t let you chaps have all the fun...
Charge1: Charge bayonets!
Charge2: Charge!
Charge3: The Emperor for Praetoria!
Charge4: Grenadiers will prepare to charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Grenadiers deployed, sir!
Jump_Teleport2: Grenadiers ready and willing, sir!
Deepstrike1: Grenadiers, fall in!
Deepstrike2: Grenadiers ready for orders, sir!
Ability1: Let them fly!
Ability2: Ready grenades!
Ability3: Throw!
Ability4: Take cover!
Ability5: Better than a cup of tea, eh boys?
Combat1: Not one step backwards, boys!
Combat2: Get to it, boys! Give them hell!
Combat3: They don’t like it up them, boys!
Under_Fire1: Keep your heads up!
Under_Fire2: Show no fear, my boys!
Under_Fire3: They couldn’t hit the broad side of a chimera at this distance...
Damage1: A noble death for a proud son of Praetoria!
Damage2: Get them to the first aid station!
Damage3: Another one for the surgeon...
Death1: It is a glorious death!
Death2: This corner of an alien field will be forever Praetoria!
Death3: Kismet, men! (pronounced kis-may, I think!)
Death4: Arrgghhhh..

Notes: The cavalry were usually recruited from those already skilled in horse riding – often those rich enough to afford horses. On a hive world like Praetoria, it would only be those able to afford land who could do this – so the hussars are going to be quite aristocratic.
Unit_Complete1: Ours not to reason why…
Unit_Complete2: Ours to do and die!
Unit_Complete3: Troop ready, sir!
Unit_Complete4: Hussars reporting, sir!
Unit_Complete5: Steady those horses!
Unit_Complete6: Troop, fall in!
Unit_Complete7: Hussars stand ready, sir!
Selection1: Hussars, shun!
Selection2: The cavalry stand ready for your orders.
Selection3: Ready to ride into battle, sir!
Selection4: Ready to do our duty, Sir!
Selection5: Prepared to advance!
Selection6: Hussars, assemble!
Selection7: Hussars here, Sir.
Move1: Troop will advance…
Move2: Hold the line!
Move3: Troop will advance by sections.
Move4: Forward, the hussars!
Move5: At the quick trot!
Move6: Maintain formation!
Move7: Tally ho!
Attack1: Draw pistols!
Attack2: Give fire in your own time!
Attack3: Let them have it!
Attack4: Fire when ready!
Attack5: We’ll give them what-for!
Attack6: By the pistol, lance or sword, we will defeat them!
Attack7: Enemy to the front! Attack!
Capture1: Claim it in the name of Praetoria!
Capture2: Another glorious victory.
Capture3: Never send infantry to do the cavalry’s job!
Capped1: Objective achieved, Sir!
Capped2: Sir, we will hold this point!
Capped3: Position held. Good show, chaps!
Load_Transport1: But... we have horses!
Load_Transport2: Get those horses on board!
Unload_Transport1: Thank the Emperor, that’s no place for a horse.
Unload_Transport2: Mount up!
Morale_Break1: Retreat! Retreat!
Morale_Break2: Back to the lines!
Morale_Break3: A horse! A horse! Praetoria for a horse!
Morale_Restored1: Reform! Reform!
Morale_Restored2: Back in line!
Morale_Restored3: Troop reformed!
Charge1: Draw Swords!
Charge2: Run them down!
Charge3: CHARGE!
Charge4: *cavalry charge bugle sound effect*
Jump_Teleport1: woah, boy... take it easy!
Jump_Teleport2: Form the troop!
Deepstrike1: Troop ready for deployment, sir!
Deepstrike2: Hussars ready, sir!
Ability1: Into the valley of death!
Ability2: We will ride them down!
Ability3: Nothing can stand before the Praetorian cavalry!
Ability4: The Emperor protects!
Ability5: Taking cover, sir!
Combat1: Troop engaged!
Combat2: Hussars in combat, sir!
Combat3: We will ride them from this world!
Under_Fire1: We need to move from this position, sir!
Under_Fire2: Sir! We need to counter attack!
Under_Fire3: Sir, we are under attack.
Damage1: Troop taking casualties!
Damage2: Save the horses!
Damage3: It is our duty to die!
Death1: Ours not to...reason...
Death2: Hussars down!
Death3: We die in glory...
Death4: *horse cry sound effect*

Hussar Sergeant
Notes: The cavalry were usually recruited from those already skilled in horse riding – often those rich enough to afford horses. On a hive world like Praetoria, it would only be those able to afford land who could do this – so the hussars are going to be quite aristocratic. Sergeant is more deeper, throaty, authoritative.
Unit_Complete1: My men are ready to do their duty!
Unit_Complete2: Most disciplined cavalry in the galaxy, sir.
Unit_Complete3: Keep those horses dressed, men!
Unit_Complete4: Trooper, when was that horse last brushed??
Unit_Complete5: Riders or Praetoria.. steady those horses!
Unit_Complete6: Troop, fall in!
Unit_Complete7: The Hussars stand ready, sir!
Selection1: Men, you are being judged.
Selection2: I will lead my cavalry where you order, Sir.
Selection3: Praetoria expects, men!
Selection4: Ready to do our duty, Sir!
Selection5: Prepared to advance!
Selection6: Hussars, assemble!
Selection7: Hussars here, Sir.
Move1: Troop will advance, by the centre!
Move2: The enemy will flee at the sight of us!
Move3: Block up the ranks!
Move4: Forward, the hussars!
Move5: At the quick trot!
Move6: Maintain formation!
Move7: Tally ho!
Attack1: Into the Valley of death!
Attack2: Run them down!
Attack3: Prepare to charge... CHARGE!
Attack4: Fire when ready!
Attack5: We’ll give them what-for!
Attack6: By the pistol, lance or sword, we will defeat them!
Attack7: Enemy to the front! Attack!
Capture1: Claim it in the name of Praetoria!
Capture2: Another glorious victory.
Capture3: Never send infantry to do the cavalry’s job!
Capped1: Objective achieved, Sir!
Capped2: Sir, we will hold this point!
Capped3: Position held. Good show, chaps!
Load_Transport1: But... we have horses!
Load_Transport2: Get those horses on board!
Unload_Transport1: Thank the Emperor, that’s no place for a horse.
Unload_Transport2: Mount up!
Morale_Break1: Retreat! Retreat!
Morale_Break2: Back to the lines!
Morale_Break3: A horse! A horse! Praetoria for a horse!
Morale_Restored1: Rally on me, men!
Morale_Restored2: Back in line!
Morale_Restored3: Troop reformed!
Charge1: Draw Swords!
Charge2: Run them down!
Charge3: CHARGE!
Charge4: *cavalry charge bugle sound effect*
Jump_Teleport1: woah, boy... take it easy!
Jump_Teleport2: Form the troop!
Deepstrike1: Troop ready for deployment, sir!
Deepstrike2: Hussars ready, sir!
Ability1: Into the valley of death!
Ability2: We will ride them down!
Ability3: Nothing can stand before the Praetorian cavalry!
Ability4: The Emperor protects!
Ability5: Taking cover, sir!
Combat1: I am going to have at you, my son!
Combat2: ‘Ain’t no Commissar of Queensbury rules here, boys!
Combat3: We will ride them from this world!
Under_Fire1: We can take their fire, sir!
Under_Fire2: Guns to the right of us, guns to the left of us!
Under_Fire3: Sir, we are under attack.
Damage1: Troop taking casualties!
Damage2: Save the horses!
Damage3: It is our duty to die!
Death1: Honour the charge we made...
Death2: I have fallen!
Death3: Avenge me!
Death4: Arrghhhhh..

Heavy Weapons Team (Praetorian Fire Team)
Notes: Sounds same as standard praetorian guardsman squad
Unit_Complete1: Ammunition laid in, excellency
Unit_Complete2: Mustered for engagement, sir
Unit_Complete3: Truly an honor to serve, excellency
Unit_Complete4: Train and train some more for perfection
Unit_Complete5: Heavy Weapons team to arms!
Unit_Complete6: When in His service, behave accordingly
Unit_Complete7: Respect for the fallen, sir
Selection1: Annihilation team, milord
Selection2: Most grave and reverend lord?
Selection3: Emperor be praised
Selection4: Begging your pardon, sir
Selection5: Praetorian pride!
Selection6: Sir!
Selection7: Heavy weapons, milord
Move1: Trusting in your order, sir
Move2: Aye, sir
Move3: Grateful in your confidence, sir
Move4: Yes, sir
Move5: Very good sir
Move6: Make way
Move7: Keep moving
Attack1: Field of fire sir
Attack2: Directing fire
Attack3: Holding the line!
Attack4: Warp-damned nest of the enemy
Attack5: Eyes on ironsights, sir
Attack6: No fear in death
Attack7: Barrel to barrel, steel to steel!
Capture1: You can count on it, sir
Capture2: Now there’s a beastly objective
Capture3: The point will be taken sir
Capped1: Well that’s just ace, old chap
Capped2: All secure, sir
Capped3: There, that’s done
Load_Transport1: Advise caution
Load_Transport2: Team at general quarters
Unload_Transport1: The Emperor first in all things
Unload_Transport2: Steadfast!
Morale_Break1: We’re shot. Falling back to secondary positions
Morale_Break2: For shame!
Morale_Break3: Well bullocks to that
Morale_Restored1: That was an unfortunate business, sir
Morale_Restored2: Murderous business, sir
Morale_Restored3: Your lead, sir
Charge1: Fusillade!
Charge2: Forward light brigade!
Charge3: Shot and lance!
Charge4: I do not fear the valley of death!
Jump_Teleport1: Well throw me to the commissars, we made it (tone of amazement)
Jump_Teleport2: For the operation, sir
Deepstrike1: That was a tough dance
Deepstrike2: Holding up fine, sir
Ability1: [offensive] They’ll be all sixes and sevens
Ability2: [offensive] Volley in open order!
Ability3: [offensive] Rise and address!
Ability4: [defensive] Take cover!
Ability5: [defensive] Stand fast!
Combat1: Courage, now
Combat2: Let ‘em fly straight and true!
Combat3: Victorious in war is made glorious in peace!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Engage!
Under_Fire3: Well knock me down with a feather
Damage1: Blimey vicious buggers
Damage2: They snookered us well
Damage3: Sod it… we’re wounded
Death1: Proper… discipline…
Death2: Loyal… to your command…
Death3: Carry on…
Death4: *scream*

Heavy Weapons Team -- ALTERNATE LINES
Notes: Pretty well the same as the guardsman. no further comment.
Unit_Complete1: .50 belt fed, on the field.
Unit_Complete2: Field support, reporting.
Unit_Complete3: Machine gun Corps sent us to help you, sir.
Unit_Complete4: We'll keep you covered.
Unit_Complete5: Heavy weapons team for you sir.
Unit_Complete6: Big guns here.
Selection1: Yessir?
Selection2: Where to?
Selection3: Do you want us dug in here?
Selection4: This is bloody heavy, you know?
Selection5: This weight isn't at all good for my back.
Selection6: Sir!
Move1: Take up position there!
Move2: Looks as good a place as any.
Move3: To that chokepoint!
Move4: Help me carry this damned thing!
Move5: Supporting the advances.
Move6: We'll move up in support!
Attack1: Open fire!
Attack2: Range- Seven hundred yards, Commence firing!
Attack3: They'll never reach our positions.
Attack4: Reload me, quick!
Attack5: Eat some of this!
Attack6: On three, Two, Three, FIRE!
Capture1: We'll have it for you, sir.
Capture2: Now, where's my flag in this lot?
Capped1: Shall we defend this? It's what we do best.
Capped2: Now, where're we to dig in?
Load_Transport1: At least I've not got to carry this damned thing any more.
Load_Transport2: All aboard!
Unload_Transport1: Out already?
Unload_Transport2: Wasn't that a pleasant trip?
Morale_Break1: Sod this, I'm off.
Morale_Break2: If we can't keep them off, noone else will!
Morale_Break3: Pack up! Quicker!
Morale_Restored1: I (huff) can't run (huff) much more with this thing (huff)
Morale_Restored2: Right, let's get back before anyone finds out.
Morale_Restored3: I was only following my loader!
Charge1: I don't like this idea!
Charge2: If you insist!
Charge3: This isn't what we're trained for!
Charge4: Imperator, save us!
Jump_Teleport1: Relocating..
Jump_Teleport2: Redeploying..
Deepstrike1: We're there...
Deepstrike2: Fast going..
Ability1: Go Go Go!!
Ability2: Hurry up and pack up!
Ability3: Our work here's done.
Ability4: Set up here!
Ability5: Digging in.
Combat1: I'd suggest we stay out of contact from now on, sir.
Combat2: Thought as we'd be overrun there!
Combat3: Would you look at that- We're still alive.
Under_Fire1: Permission to return fire?
Under_Fire2: Keep your head down!
Under_Fire3: Sod off, will you!
Damage1: I don't know as these sandbags are strong enough.
Damage2: Oi! Be careful of the equipment!
Damage3: The quartermaster won't like this.
Death1: We held this point, we hold it still...
Death2: Ah, fff....
Death3: We need support!
Death4: (choke, gurgle, splutter, etc.)


Command Squad - Colonel
Notes: The Colonel is the very definition of an upper-crust English gentleman, and is far more 'jolly good show old chap' than the 'oh bloody 'ell' rougher common troopers. I picture the character as sounding quite like Michael's Caine's Lieutenant Bromhead in Zulu; well spoken, dry, arrogant, and slightly nasally.
Unit_Complete1: I am here in service of His Majesty, old bean
Unit_Complete2: Salutations from Praetoria
Unit_Complete3: Pleasure to war beside you, m'lord.
Unit_Complete4: Quite ready to give these scoundrels what-for, old boy!
Unit_Complete5: I am a Lieutenant ["Left"-enant]-Colonel of Praetoria, and you will show me due respect!
Unit_Complete6: Snuff-boxes away and women to the rear gentlemen, we have a war to attend
Unit_Complete7: We are the jewel in the crown of Him on Earth
Selection1: My Lord?
Selection2: Orders, General?
Selection3: Where's that bloody runner?
Selection4: You have my undivided (*sarcasm*) attention, Sir
Selection5: Hmmmmm, yes?
Selection6: What do you wish of me?
Selection7: Pay attention my boys, pay attention.
Move1: The battalion will advance at a walk!
Move2: I order you to advance
Move3: Onward! For Praetoria and Him on Earth!
Move4: (*mumbling*) Where's my bloody horse?
Move5: Pip-pip then!
Move6: Sons of Praetoria, forward for the Emperor!
Move7: Advance in His name!
Attack1: Praetorians! Annihilate this...filth.
Attack2: Don't fire 'till you see the reds of their eyes!
Attack3: Praetorian's make ready! ...FIRE!
Attack4: At them lads, at them!
Attack5: You shall maintain firing discipline, or on my oath you shall face a flogging!
Attack6: For Praetoria! FOR PRAETORIA!
Attack7: I order you to gun these scoundrels down!
Capture1: Raise the flag high!
Capture2: Add it to the colonies
Capture3: Take it for Praetoria and the Imperium!
Capped1: The sun never sets on the Imperium
Capped2: Jolly good show!
Capped3: Simply spiffing chaps, simply spiffing!
Join1: I am the senior officer here, attention!
Join2: No need to salute old boy, your obedience is more than enough
Join3: Follow me to glory!
Detach1: It was a pleasure, but needs must chaps
Detach2: Alas, I must away
Load_Transport1: (*grumbling*) I'd much rather a horse...
Load_Transport2: (*grumbling*) Hardly a proper cavalry charge...
Unload_Transport1: Tally-ho!
Unload_Transport2: The battalion will advance at a trot!
Morale_Break1: Blast and damnation, fall back!
Morale_Break2: (*Angry*) Praetorians never retreat! (*long pause, more subdued*) ...the battalion will advance to the rear!
Morale_Break3: Form square, form square!
Morale_Restored1: The lash for you if you flee again, now form line!
Morale_Restored2: Back into the fray my boys, back into the fray
Morale_Restored3: You are His Chosen men of Praetoria... it is now time to act like it!
Charge1: Cut them down! For Praetoria and the Golden Throne!
Charge2: The battalion will CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!
Charge3: A commission to the man who brings me their flag!
Charge4: Tally-ho and pip-pip and let's cut these bloody buggers to ribbons!
Jump_Teleport1: What a barbaric mode of transportation
Jump_Teleport2: Simply ghastly! Give me a good stallion betwixt my thighs over this techno-sorcery any day!
Deepstrike1: Charge their supply train chaps; I seem to have run out of pickled eel
Deepstrike2: These honour-lous bloody heathens do not deserve a stand-up fight!
Ability1: Tally Ho!
Ability2: Splendid...quite splendid indeed
Ability3: Feel the wrath of your betters, cur!
Ability4: My command tent shall go here methinks...
Ability5: For Praetoria and Terra!
Combat1: Try not to bleed on my uniform, cur
Combat2: Come duel me then you heathen swine!
Combat3: Six years in the tutelage of Sword-Master Thistlethwaighte; gaze upon me with awe scum, and witness your death! [pronounced "Thiss-o-leth-white"]
Under_Fire1: Return fire, blast it!
Under_Fire2: Hold...HOLD!
Under_Fire3: Guns to the fore, fire!
Damage1: Damnation! They are punishing us, General!
Damage2: Wounded to the rear, fall in!
Damage3: (*pained*) Bah...where is that ham-fisted steward and his thrice-damned needle and thread?
Death1: (*gasping*) One...last...charge...
Death2: Praetoria...shall live on!
Death3: Leeches, I need leeches!
Death4: Scoundrels...scoundrels and bloody scallywags all! Fight on my boys, (*coughs*) fight on!

Command Squad - Bugler
Notes: The Praetorian Bugler is no common line trooper; no, the bugler is a musician! He is a true artist in his own mind; a middle-aged master of multiple instruments (including his voice) that has been ‘unfairly’ conscripted from his decadent life in the upper hive-spires into the common ranks of the Praetorian Imperial Guard. I imagine the Bugler as sounding Welsh (see Zulu again), with a baritone, lilting sort of speech that always sounds as though he is about to break into song...in those situations where he actually isn’t singing outright. (obviously this will be dependent on the voice artist – where a line has been written with singing in mind, I will mention this and include the name of the song it is based off in brackets)
Unit_Complete1: Reveille already?
Unit_Complete2: A true artist of war has arrived.
Unit_Complete3: I am ready for the parade, sir! [pronounced "sahr"]
Unit_Complete4: Men of Praetoria, stop your dreaming! [Men of Harlech – Zulu version]
Unit_Complete5: Shall I wake the men?
Unit_Complete6: So how about a tune then, boyo?
Unit_Complete7: So enters a true musician! *mumbling* ...not like those bloody drummer-boys...
Selection1: Aye milord?
Selection2: Do you wish me to sound the charge?
Selection3: I be ready to play, boyo.
Selection4: *clears throat* Yes?
Selection5: *vocal exercises – me me me me, etc* errrhmmm, aye sahr?
Selection6: Shall I play you a tune, general?
Selection7: *mumbling* C...no, C flat...bollocks...*angry* oh what is it? *flustered* oh, beg pardon milord!
Move1: Sounding the march!
Move2: Over the hills and far away (Over the Hills and Far Away – traditional English song, used as theme for Sharpe series)
Move3: I’m a musician, not a dancer!
Move4: Something jaunty for the road then?
Move5: I’ve got just the bloody tune, boyo!
Move6: I’ll play a marching hymn that will have the Emperor Himself tapping his foot on the Throne!
Move7: *mumbling* ‘Praetoria the Brave’ is vulgar, but perhaps appropriate...no....no...Hmmm ’God-Emperor save the Primarchs, perhaps? No...no, too bombastic...
Attack1: Emptying spit-valve in their general direction, sahr!
Attack2: Sound the attack, sound the attack!
Attack3: I am a lover, boyo, not a fighter!
Attack4: TO BATTLE! *mumbles* ...I’ll just support those men over there, then...
Attack5: Flee! Flee! My music is my weapon!
Attack6: Oh ho ho! Now these lads shall feel the force of true Praetorian lungs!
Attack7: Can’t you see their spear-points gleaming? [Men of Harlech – Zulu version]
Capture1: Seems a good place for a podium...
Capture2: Take it for the Emperor and his glorious sense of rhythm!
Capture3: For Praetoria and forced conscription!
Capped1: Such splendid efforts call for a song!
Capped2: Raise the flag high and sing the songs low, me boyos!
Capped3: Time now for these common soldiers to build me a stage!
Join1: Cheer up laddies, wars are won with music!
Join2: Enriching your lives, one note at a time.
Join3: It is not a trumpet, Private Harper, and I most certainly will not be inserting it there!
Detach1: I must spread the joy amongst your peers.
Detach2: My gift is needed over yonder.
Load_Transport1: Ahhhh, now this is more like it!
Load_Transport2: Now tell me driver, does this vehicle have a vox?
Unload_Transport1: ...well how was I to know that ditty was about your mother?
Unload_Transport2: My bugle will tarnish in this weather, let me back in!
Morale_Break1: Sounding the retreat!
Morale_Break2: Oh bugger the bugle, run away!
Morale_Break3: I am far too valuable to die here!
Morale_Restored1: I live to toot on!
Morale_Restored2: Follow my example, boyos; back into the melee!
Morale_Restored3: Music soothes the cowardly beast!
Charge1: Sounding the charge, to arms!
Charge2: I hope you enjoy burst eardrums!
Charge3: What in Terra’s name am I doing?!
Charge4: What on Praetoria did I do to deserve this?
Jump_Teleport1: *choking* I think I swallowed the mouthpiece!
Jump_Teleport2: I could handle this better if it took me away from the battle...
Deepstrike1: Uggh, I believe I may have vomited into my bugle...
Deepstrike2: Surround sound, ha!
Ability1: Here is a song for you, boyos!
Ability3: I’ve got a dirge ready for you!
Ability4: Let’s get the band together!
Ability5: This song is for all the lasses with the baggage train!
Combat1: I need a bayonet for my bugle!
Combat2: See they now are flying! Dead are heap’d with dying! [Men of Harlech - traditional]
Combat3: With your drums and guns and drums and guns, hurroo, hurroo! [Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye – traditional]
Under_Fire1: Gah, they’ve shot a hole in my bloody bugle!
Under_Fire2: Save me General, I’m too talented to die!
Under_Fire3: There be only so many drummer-boys to hide behind!
Damage1: They’re hurting me boyo, they’re hurting me!
Damage2: *pained* The bell is tolling for us...
Damage3: I am far too valuable to this army to be suffering such treatment!
Death1: *gasping* ...far too handsome...to...die like...this!
Death2: Praetoria! Praetoria! *gasping* ...I wish I was still on bloody Praetoria!
Death3: Terra...preserve...my lungs...
Death4: *pained slurring* I go now to play at the side of the Emperor...

Command Squad - Standard Bearer
Notes: First, you should see the 1964 film Zulu, starring Michael Caine. The Praetorian Guard was inspired by the handful of British soldiers that fought off a vastly larger Zulu horde. In this vein, you’ll be close to the mark if you think of the Standard Bearer as English, low to middle class, born and raised in a small, country town. The Standard Bearer, like all Praetorians, grew up in one of the teeming hives of his planet, so he definitely does not have the accent of a high-born noble. However, the surly accent of a hive ganger (think inner-city London hooligan) has been softened by years of discipline, self-sacrifice, and obedience (think Jason Statham on his best behavior at Buckingham Palace). The Standard Bearer is immensely proud of his station, having been chosen to bear the colors of his regiment due to his many brave and valorous actions on the battlefield. He would literally sooner die than drop his banner or let the enemy steal it from him. He is utterly dependable and devoted to his regiment, his planet, and his Emperor.
Unit_Complete1: The standard of Praetoria flies high!
Unit_Complete2: Behold the colors of Praetoria!
Unit_Complete3: Our banner flies over a new battlefield.
Unit_Complete4: Regimental standard bearer, reporting for duty.
Unit_Complete5: Let the enemy behold our banner and know fear!
Unit_Complete6: Praetorian Guard! Salute your flag!
Unit_Complete7: I will not let the banner fall.
Selection1: Standard bearer ready, commander.
Selection2: I will never grow weary of my duty.
Selection3: Where shall I plant the standard?
Selection4: The eyes of the Emperor are on us this day.
Selection5: Put me where the fighting is thickest!
Selection6: What are your orders, sir?
Selection7: Ready, willing, and able.
Move1: Follow me, lads!
Move2: The Praetorian Guard march.
Move3: Left. Left. Left, right, left.
Move4: We march under the gaze of the Emperor.
Move5: Follow the standard to victory!
Move6: Planting the flag in a new position.
Move7: Moving.
Attack1: For Praetoria! For the Imperium!
Attack2: Kill all who defy the Holy Emperor.
Attack3: They will not withstand our fury.
Attack4: For the Emperor! Crush the curs!
Attack5: Grind them into dust.
Attack6: We will defeat them, I swear it.
Attack7: We shall destroy the Emperor’s foes!
Capture1: That point shall be ours.
Capture2: I shall plant our flag on that point.
Capture3: The banner of Praetoria shall fly atop that point.
Capped1: Captured, in the name of the Emperor.
Capped2: We have successfully captured this point.
Capped3: Captured, for Praetoria. Make sure it stays that way!
Join1: The honor of protecting the banner is now yours.
Join2: Together we shall destroy the foe.
Join3: We fight together under the banner.
Detach1: Taking leave of you, lads.
Detach2: I am needed elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Embarking.
Load_Transport2: Entering transport.
Unload_Transport1: Back into the fight!
Unload_Transport2: The standard returns to the field!
Morale_Break1: I cannot allow the banner to fall!
Morale_Break2: The Emperor has abandoned us to our deaths!
Morale_Break3: Forgive me, my Emperor, but I must flee.
Morale_Restored1: Rally on me, Guardsmen!
Morale_Restored2: Look to our colors and fight on!
Morale_Restored3: Take heart, lads, the flag flies on!
Charge1: Into the breach!
Charge2: Into battle! Follow me!
Charge3: Follow the banner into battle!
Jump_Teleport1: We shall raise the banner in the midst of them.
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting to a new location.
Deepstrike1: Standard Bearer in the field.
Deepstrike2: Standard Bearer in position.
Ability1: It is my honor to destroy you!
Ability2: The Emperor orders you to die.
Ability3: There will be no survivors.
Ability4: Take shelter beneath the banner of Praetoria.
Ability5: Behold the standard and fight!
Combat1: Giving them hell, sir!
Combat2: Fight! Praetoria demands victory!
Combat3: For the glory of the Imperium!
Under_Fire1: The banner is under attack!
Under_Fire2: Standard Bearer taking fire!
Under_Fire3: They’re trying to take down our banner, sir.
Damage1: Standard Bearer taking damage!
Damage2: Ouch, that bloody hurt!
Damage3: That bastard just put a hole in the flag!
Death1: Don’t… let them take… the banner…
Death2: Oh, Praetoria! Arghhh…
Death3: Someone… take the standard… urghhh…
Death4: Aaaah! … Take the flag, I’m done for.

Command Squad - Vox Operator
Notes: Queen’s English. Slightly distorted by speaking into a vox receptor
Unit_Complete1: Communiqués on regimental net
Unit_Complete2: Code word crimson clearance
Unit_Complete3: Coded communication ciphers
Unit_Complete4: Shall I send a cipher, sir?
Unit_Complete5: Vox-channel to auxiliary frequencies
Unit_Complete6: Vox open with battalion command
Unit_Complete7: What is it that you need, sir?
Selection1: Operations
Selection2: Comm-net open
Selection3: Security protocols
Selection4: Status update
Selection5: Vox discipline
Selection6: Say the word, my lord
Selection7: Reporting, over
Move1: By your grace and authority, sir
Move2: Just so, my lord
Move3: Cycling operational frequency
Move4: Sierra echo
Move5: Op frequency one zero niner, niner zero eight
Move6: Coordinate grid breaker-eight-bravo
Move7: Trace on all code-channels
Attack1: Fire clearance copy
Attack2: High Command concurs battle clearance
Attack3: Eight eight secondary
Attack4: Breaking voice discipline
Attack5: Who dares wins
Attack6: Up and at them!
Attack7: Double time!
Capture1: I copy
Capture2: Full-mask
Capture3: Aspire and achieve, sir
Capped1: Broadcaster deployed
Capped2: Cogitator spirit on location
Capped3: Orbital auspex linked
Join1: Mind if I join you?
Join2: Keep it quiet, lads, while I contact command.
Join3: Joining a new squad.
Detach1: Leaving the squad.
Detach2: My vox is needed elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Vox getting on station
Load_Transport2: Operator in transit
Unload_Transport1: Ready aye, ready
Unload_Transport2: Bugger that,
Morale_Break1: We’re going to die!
Morale_Break2: Calling all reinforcements
Morale_Break3: High alert, we’re overrun!
Morale_Restored1: Signaling combat readiness
Morale_Restored2: Command blesses the victorious dead
Morale_Restored3: Communication capabilities restored
Charge1: Holy Throne!
Charge2: Heroes fall!
Charge3: Shot and shell!
Jump_Teleport1: Our is not to question why
Jump_Teleport2: Good thinking, sir
Deepstrike1: Time is always against us
Deepstrike2: Vox Operator in position.
Ability1: [offensive] Open fire!
Ability2: [offensive] Firing solution fix!
Ability3: [offensive] Signaling the attack!
Ability4: [defensive] Look to life and limb
Ability5: [defensive] That’s bloody wonderful!
Combat1: Glory does not fade!
Combat2: Look lively!
Combat3: Keep on them!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Now that’s a sight!
Under_Fire3: Notifying high command
Damage1: Post command, situation dire!
Damage2: They have us on the back foot
Damage3: Do you want to live forever?!
Death1: I followed in… the footsteps of great men… sir…
Death2: Noise… discipline…
Death3: Flesh wound…
Death4: Orders… relayed…

Command Squad - Vox Operator -- ALTERNATE LINES
Notes: The Vox Operator has been given the job he has for two reasons. First, he has a remarkable ability to keep calm under fire. Second, his voice is clear and strong. These two qualities together mean that he can be relied upon under just about any circumstances to operate his vox clearly and effectively. However, this does not mean that the Vox Operator is particularly courageous. He’s not exactly a coward, but he enjoys his job because he thinks it means he can stay out of harm’s way a bit longer than his fellows. For a real world example of what the Vox Operator might sound like, remember that like all Praetorians, he is modeled after the colonial British army at Rorke’s Drift. As someone chosen for the quality of his voice, think of a BBC news broadcaster: someone with an educated, but not noble, English accent. Or, alternatively, you could go for an English soccer—I’m sorry, football commentator.
Unit_Complete1: Vox Operator standing ready.
Unit_Complete2: Vox Operator on the battlefield.
Unit_Complete3: Ready to communicate with command.
Unit_Complete4: Vox Operator, reporting for duty.
Unit_Complete5: Your vox is juiced up and ready, sir.
Unit_Complete6: Ready to vox your orders, sir.
Unit_Complete7: Vox channel open with command, sir.
Selection1: I’m your mouth and your ears.
Selection2: I’ve got a line open with command.
Selection3: Nothing new from command, sir.
Selection4: Do you have a message for me to transmit, sir?
Selection5: Signal’s strong; ready to transmit!
Selection6: What orders shall I transmit?
Selection7: Command’s blathering on, sir. Don’t worry; nothing important.
Move1: I don’t think the signal’s going to be any stronger over there, sir.
Move2: On the move.
Move3: I can transmit just as easily from here...
Move4: But I’ve got four bars right here!
Move5: Seeking a better signal.
Move6: Moving to a new position.
Move7: I’d prefer a little less walking and a little more talking.
Attack1: I’ll do what I can, sir.
Attack2: It’s not my specialty, but I’ll give it a shot.
Attack3: For the Emperor, attack!
Attack4: Do you expect me to beat them with my mouthpiece?
Attack5: The Praetorian Guard will crush them!
Attack6: It’s not my cup o’ tea, but I’ll give it my best.
Attack7: There are more qualified candidates for that attack, sir...
Capture1: We’ll capture that point.
Capture2: That position shall be ours.
Capture3: I’ll alert you by vox when the point is secured.
Capped1: Captured in the name of the Emperor.
Capped2: Command, we’ve successfully captured this point.
Capped3: Captured for Praetoria! [Muttering:] Now I can get back to operating the vox...
Join1: Mind if I join you?
Join2: Keep it quiet, lads, while I contact command.
Join3: Joining a new squad.
Detach1: Leaving the squad.
Detach2: My vox is needed elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Vox Operator embarking.
Load_Transport2: I need to use this tank’s vox.
Unload_Transport1: Back onto the battlefield.
Unload_Transport2: The signal’s a little better out here.
Morale_Break1: We cannot hold this position!
Morale_Break2: We must retreat!
Morale_Break3: Command, we’re getting slaughtered out here!
Morale_Restored1: Whew, that was close.
Morale_Restored2: Command, we are back in the fight.
Morale_Restored3: Command, your soldiers are ready to fight once more.
Charge1: Kill them all! Quickly!
Charge2: For the Emperor and Praetoria!
Charge3: Die you bastards!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporting.
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting to that position.
Deepstrike1: Vox Operator on the battlefield.
Deepstrike2: Vox Operator in position.
Ability1: Transmitting coordinates. Fire for effect.
Ability2: Artillery! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Ability3: Burn them out!
Ability4: Command, we need reinforcements yesterday!
Ability5: Command, requesting support. Transmitting coordinates.
Combat1: Vox Operator, sir, in combat.
Combat2: Give them hell, gentlemen!
Combat3: For the glory of the Imperium!
Under_Fire1: Command, we are under attack.
Under_Fire2: Vox Operator taking fire.
Under_Fire3: Taking fire, sir, shall I alert command?
Damage1: Vox Operator taking damage.
Damage2: Ach! My leg! Don’t worry, I can still talk.
Damage3: They broke the vox, sir. It will no longer go to eleven.
Death1: I didn’t think it would end like this.
Death2: Sorry, sir, I’m not... going to make it.
Death3: Oooof! [Cough] ... ughhh...
Death4: Aaargh!

Command Squad - Sergeant Major
Notes: Aristocratic well enunciated British English, all the same with a veteran roughness that comes from long war service (think the vanilla imperial general).
Unit_Complete1: The God-Emperor has singular vision for we, his Imperium
Unit_Complete2: Zeal, for Emperor and Imperium
Unit_Complete3: The enemy is beginning to smack of pride
Unit_Complete4: Learn your duties, and no harm can come to you
Unit_Complete5: Mark your orders, look to your front
Unit_Complete6: The honor is in the end, not the means
Unit_Complete7: Command belongs to men of the right class, and station
Selection1: So, what’s the butcher’s bill?
Selection2: I shall demand satisfaction
Selection3: Amina Imperator [pronounced "A-mean-a Im-per-a-tor"]
Selection4: Damn funny, this
Selection5: Good fellow
Selection6: Good Emperor protect you
Selection7: Obedience
Move1: Emperor keep you
Move2: Well my commission isn’t up *yet*
Move3: I understand
Move4: I would see it so
Move5: Everyone is a student of tactics, it would seem
Move6: Do your duty and all will be well
Move7: Right now
Attack1: As my father did, and his father before him
Attack2: May the better man win
Attack3: Bandet charge
Attack4: We fight and win, old chap
Attack5: By strength and guile then
Attack6: The good Emperor favors the brave!
Attack7: Emperor save Praetoria!
Capture1: This matter touches my honor, it does
Capture2: Well that’s just the bees’ knees, isn’t it?
Capture3: I would have you know, I haven’t been beaten yet
Capped1: Hear hear, old boy
Capped2: Such is expected of an officer and a gentleman
Capped3: Tea at officers’ club back in orbit then?
Join1: Form up around me!
Join2: Attention! Sergeant in charge!
Join3: At ease, men... We have work to do!
Detach1: I shall depart from you.
Detach2: Sally forth without me.
Load_Transport1: Take me fast, good man
Load_Transport2: Drive well, the Emperor is watching
Unload_Transport1: It seems I owe you a mether, good lad
Unload_Transport2: The Emperor is first in all things
Morale_Break1: May the Emperor have mercy on our souls
Morale_Break2: This is folly!
Morale_Break3: Close your eyes and think of Praetoria
Morale_Restored1: Emperor bless you all
Morale_Restored2: Obey your orders
Morale_Restored3: This is conduct up with which I will not put!
Charge1: Remember Harlech! [pronounced "Har-lech"]
Charge2: Victory or death! Victory or death!
Charge3: To me!
Jump_Teleport1: Holy throne, man!
Jump_Teleport2: Anything in the service, I suppose
Deepstrike1: I will not falter
Deepstrike2: For the mission
Ability1: [offensive] The Emperor’s holy work
Ability2: [offensive] Drink from the cup of the Emperor’s will!
Ability3: [offensive] Rule, Praetoria!
Ability4: [defensive] Watch your ammo counters!
Ability5: [defensive] Get up, lads!
Combat1: Emperor’s Holy Word!
Combat2: Damnation on all enemies of the Empire!
Combat3: For the love of Terra
Under_Fire1: I’ll have them on the ropes!
Under_Fire2: How uncivil!
Under_Fire3: Uncouth savages!
Damage1: True, pure minds have nothing that fear may use!
Damage2: Throne above, I will not yield to the likes of you!
Damage3: By the colors of Praetoria!
Death1: Touché old chap… ahh…
Death2: Honor is satisfied then…
Death3: A good hit… well done indeed…
Death4: Oof…


Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Through adversity to the stars
Unit_Complete2: Arm yourselves, men of Praetoria
Unit_Complete3: Well be damned, action
Unit_Complete4: Wolves and felids of the Imperial Guard, sir [pronounced "Fee-lids"]
Unit_Complete5: True and faithful are Praetorians
Unit_Complete6: Ready to take the Emperor’s Guardsmen
Unit_Complete7: Be selfless for the Throne on Terra
Selection1: On watch
Selection2: At your service
Selection3: Beg pardon, sir?
Selection4: Sir?
Selection5: Is it time, sir?
Selection6: Danger is close
Selection7: Instructions?
Move1: As you wish, sir
Move2: With complements
Move3: As you wish, sir
Move4: in the Emperor’s service
Move5: It is as you say
Move6: Affirmed
Move7: Armored transport incoming
Attack1: Just go straight at them
Attack2: Let’s have this then
Attack3: Hura!
Attack4: Aiming high
Attack5: True and bold
Attack6: For the Throne
Attack7: How unfortunate for the enemy
Charge1: Armor charge!
Charge2: Keep at them
Charge3: Keep tracking them
Ability1: [offensive] Against the weight of hostiles
Ability2: [offensive] Taking the hostiles down
Ability3: [offensive] Take down the knvaes
Ability4: [defensive] Thone save us all
Ability5: [defensive] Hull down
Combat1: What the bugger?
Combat2: Fusillade!
Combat3: Engaged
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Clipped style of speech, proper when speaking to commanding officers. Should be gruff but enthusiastic, like the commander has seen it all but loves the smell of engine grease and the din of battle. The sirs (pronounced with an 'ah' as opposed to 'ir') may be omitted
Unit_Complete1: Chimera deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Proud to be under your command, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Cavalry at your command, Sah!
Unit_Complete4: Transport waiting charges, Sah!
Unit_Complete5: Our engines are revved for war, Sah!
Unit_Complete6: The Armored fist of Praetoria has arrived, Sah!
Unit_Complete7: Chimera ready to perform His orders, Sah!
Selection1: Waiting orders, Sah!
Selection2: What is our destination, Sah?
Selection3: Prepared to play our part, Sah!
Selection4: Ready for a good bit of Soldering, Sah!
Selection5: Engines are primed for orders, Sah!
Selection6: Jolly good day for a battle, Sah!
Selection7: Where do you want our lads, Sah?
Move1: Alright lads, off we go!
Move2: Give us all you’ve got driver, the lads are restless!
Move3: Full throttle driver, we have our orders!
Move4: Right away, Sah!
Move5: Keep her steady, driver!
Move6: All ahead full!
Move7: Taking them to the thick of it, Sah!
Attack1: Give ‘em hell, lads!
Attack2: Fire at will lads!
Attack3: Gunners, at your leisure!
Attack4: Give them a taste of Praetorian drill lads!
Attack5: Weapons systems online, if you please!
Attack6: For the Emperor!
Attack7: Fire, lads!
Ability1: Give it full on!
Ability2: Punch though them!
Ability3: Ordnance package.. launch!
Ability4: Counter-measures..
Ability5: Initiating failsafe..
Charge1: Hold on lads, it’s going to get bumpy!
Charge2: Ramming speed driver!
Charge3: What say we give them a proper Praetorian hello!
Combat1: No retreat, Lads!
Combat2: Give ‘em Hell!
Combat3: For The Emperor and Praetoria!
Death1: Bail out lads! *Explosion*

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent, with a reverent religious edge
Unit_Complete1: With fire repay what we owe the Throne
Unit_Complete2: Clean-cut and Throne-fearing flamer crew, sir
Unit_Complete3: Bugles, battles, and the fires of Terra
Unit_Complete4: Duck and shield, flamer up
Unit_Complete5: Flamers to make hostiles shiver in their boots
Unit_Complete6: Discipline keeps the chin up. So does a flamer
Unit_Complete7: By the saints, we’ll kick the spurs and burn some heretics
Selection1: Where to, sir?
Selection2: Ready promethium canisters
Selection3: Reporting position
Selection4: Make ready
Selection5: Heavy flamer
Selection6: Send down orders?
Selection7: Tank pressure jolly good
Move1: To victory, sir
Move2: Affirm
Move3: Swift and bold
Move4: Hereward
Move5: Faster!
Move6: Inbound
Move7: On approach
Attack1: Getting to range
Attack2: Saint Promethia’s touch
Attack3: Leaving nothing alive, sir
Attack4: Say hello to Mister Yellow
Attack5: No place of safety
Attack6: Into them
Attack7: Time for some joy then
Charge1: Setting aflame
Charge2: Fire and sword
Charge3: Saturate
Ability1: [offensive] Laying a field of burning promethium
Ability2: [offensive] The spirit of Praetorian patriotism, sir! (british pronouncation, eg Pat-ree-tism, not Pay-tree-tism)
Ability3: [offensive] Quite so, flamers at full, sir
Ability4: [defensive] Bloody silly place to die
Ability5: [defensive] It’s all to the good, sir
Combat1: Burn in sin!
Combat2: Flame solar
Combat3: Tank pressure good
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Clipped in speech, but should have a slight maniacal edge. The Attack and charge lines should be said gleefully, eager to get in the thick of a firestorm.
Unit_Complete1: Hellhound Flame Tank deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Hellhound ready to burn, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Any one need a light?
Unit_Complete4: Hellhound ready to torch the enemy.
Unit_Complete5: Promethium tanks at full and ready to let loose.
Unit_Complete6: Hellhound ready to burn a path.
Unit_Complete7: The flames of Hell at your command, Sah!
Selection1: Want do you want burned?
Selection2: Ready to move, Sah!
Selection3: We’re itching for a good scrap, Sah.
Selection4: Waiting for directions to the enemy, Sah.
Selection5: For you Sah, the pilot light is always on.
Selection6: Ready to incinerate, Sah!
Selection7: Fuel line is primed, and our engines burning, Sah!
Move1: All out, driver!
Move2: I can see a place in need of fire…
Move3: Fast driver, get us in the thick of it!
Move4: Keep us moving closer!
Move5: Get us moving Driver! The enemy won’t burn themselves.
Move6: Let on heavy with the throttle, Driver!
Move7: Hurry, I can smell the enemy burning!
Attack1: Light ‘em up!
Attack2: Burn! Burn! Burn!!
Attack3: The enemy looks cold, lads! Let’s see about warming them up.
Attack4: Nice and toasty, eh lads?
Attack5: Turn up the heat!
Attack6: Ain’t this the life, lads?
Attack7: Get the fires stoked high lads!
Charge1: Burn ‘em and crush ‘em!
Charge2: Kill ‘em all!
Charge3: Teach’em to fear Praetorian flame!
Ability1: Fuel line at maximum output!
Ability2: Give me more fire!
Ability3: I want them to be able to see this blaze from RHQ!
Ability4: .Check the tank for ruptures! I don’t want to go out blazing just yet
Ability5: Watch those lines!
Combat1: Praetoria!
Combat2: Welcome to our own little Hell!
Combat3: Torch’em all!
Death1: Put it out! Put it out! *Explosion*

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: By the ministry of the Throne, we will have victory
Unit_Complete2: Subject to the guidance of the Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Escort detail at the front
Unit_Complete4: There is no time better to charge the opposition
Unit_Complete5: Fight on, even when all hope is lost
Unit_Complete6: Scouting trumps chair audience every time
Unit_Complete7: Do you not have a hat, sir?
Selection1: Armor element bannon
Selection2: Armored reconnaissance
Selection3: Identify
Selection4: Imperial Guard recon
Selection5: Eyes of Praetoria
Selection6: Carry on
Selection7: Scouting control
Move1: Countermand
Move2: Driving to coordinates
Move3: Nothing to worry about
Move4: Nomenclature be damned [pronounced "No-men-cla-ture"]
Move5: Read you loud and clear
Move6: Blustery advance
Move7: Two-six
Attack1: We pierce
Attack2: Striking swiftly
Attack3: Will confirm kills
Attack4: Attack is go
Attack5: Service to the God-Emperor
Attack6: Quick breakthrough
Attack7: Striking hot zone
Charge1: Combat reconnaissance
Charge2: Pushing ahead
Charge3: Getting closer
Ability1: [offensive] Against serious opposition
Ability2: [offensive] Urgent response code dercius black [pronounced "Der-see-us"]
Ability3: [offensive] Steady guns!
Ability4: [defensive] Exigencies of the service
Ability5: [defensive] Well I’ll be gobsmacked
Combat1: Load cannon
Combat2: Fire fire
Combat3: Fast vollies
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Needs to be said strongly, but also softly, to imply a sense of sneakiness. Still should follow a clipped style of speech. Sahs may be omitted
Unit_Complete1: Ready to perform reconnaissance, Sah.
Unit_Complete2: The enemy cannot hide from us now, Sah.
Unit_Complete3: We will hunt them down.
Unit_Complete4: Forward reconnaissance vehicle ready for deployment, Sah.
Unit_Complete5: Salamander scout vehicle deployed, Sah.
Unit_Complete6: We are ready to seek out our foe.
Unit_Complete7: Ready for Scouting.
Selection1: What are our orders, Sah?
Selection2: Waiting for deployment coordinates
Selection3: Prepared to move out Sah!
Selection4: Whatever our orders, they shall be done.
Selection5: What is our destination, Sah?
Selection6: Where do we need to root them out?
Selection7: Command us to Hell, and we will find you a comfortable spot, Sah!
Move1: Moving out, Sah!
Move2: Report, pending.
Move3: They will never hear us coming, Sah.
Move4: By the time they find us, they’ll already be dead.
Move5: We’ll be there and back before you know it, Sah!
Move6: Engines at full speed!
Move7: They will never see us coming.
Attack1: Moving to engage, Sah!
Attack2: Give them Praetorian steel!
Attack3: Gunner, mow them down!
Attack4: Eliminating target!
Attack5: Target identified!
Attack6: They never thought we’d hit them from there, Sah!
Attack7: Gunner, hit them with all we have!
Charge1: Surprise!
Charge2: Try not to damage the camouflage, driver!
Charge3: Run them down!
Ability1: All weapon systems engage!
Ability2: Pick your targets
Ability3: Fire at will!
Ability4: Defensive systems online!
Ability5: Repair systems activated!
Combat1: Praetoria!
Combat2: For the Emperor
Combat3: For the Throne!
Death1: *Explosion*

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Full of beans ‘n ready for action
Unit_Complete2: Ready to throw some hot metal at the opposition
Unit_Complete3: Trouble is what we do, sir
Unit_Complete4: Field artillery, the salt of Praetoria
Unit_Complete5: Top of the morning, sir
Unit_Complete6: Ready for forward advance drills
Unit_Complete7: Griffon tank of Praetoria coming in support
Selection1: Excellence, sir
Selection2: A fair assessment
Selection3: Full report
Selection4: Weapons check
Selection5: Full load
Selection6: Unit receiving
Selection7: On station
Move1: Jolly good
Move2: No time for a kip
Move3: Following orders sir
Move4: No excuses, sir
Move5: Wise choice, sir
Move6: Half a league onward
Move7: Objective understood
Attack1: Target lies just yonder
Attack2: That’s where we’ll hit them
Attack3: Hard and direct
Attack4: Lighting up some pyrotechnics
Attack5: We’ll teach those smarmy buggers a thing or two
Attack6: Shells falling like rain
Attack7: Hot for strike on grid target!
Charge1: Moving to range
Charge2: Acquiring target
Charge3: Getting trajectory
Ability1: [offensive] Salvo!
Ability2: [offensive] Hell in a handcart
Ability3: [offensive] Battlefield blessing
Ability4: [defensive] Chosen men, sir
Ability5: [defensive] Cover the battery smoke
Combat1: Fire!
Combat2: Laying ordinance!
Combat3: Sowing some hell, sir
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Loud and bombastic, secure in the knowledge that no infantry can stand against his mortars. A sense of joviality mixed in the clipped and direct style of speaking. Sahs may be omitted.
Unit_Complete1: Artillery deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Griffon at you command!
Unit_Complete3: Light artillery available, Sah!
Unit_Complete4: Shell count at full, Sah!
Unit_Complete5: Ready to move out, Sah!
Unit_Complete6: Proud to be under your command, Sah!
Unit_Complete7: The enemy has something new to fear, Sah!
Selection1: Waiting for target coordinates, Sah!
Selection2: Mortar ready to deliver a good thrashing, Sah!
Selection3: Where are we needed, Sah?
Selection4: What poor chap gets it next, Sah?
Selection5: Standing by for orders, Sah!
Selection6: Our guns are waiting for the orders, Sah!
Selection7: Guns ready, Sah!
Move1: Moving to Position, Sah!
Move2: Seeking the new vantage point, Sah!
Move3: They won’t expect fire from there, Sah!
Move4: We’ll be ready to fire on arrival, Sah!
Move5: Right Away, Sah!
Move6: New trajectories will be calculated before we get there, Sah!
Move7: Stow the ammo lads and hang tight!
Attack1: Looks like it’s going to rain, don’t it lads?
Attack2: Give those bloody infantry something to think about, lads!
Attack3: Fire and reload!
Attack4: Give’em a good volley.
Attack5: Open Fire!
Attack6: Rip’em to shreds, lads!
Attack7: Get those shells downrange, you louts!
Charge1: Brace yourselves, Lads!
Charge2: Give uss full speed, Driver!
Charge3: This mortar ain’t our only weapon!
Ability1: High explosive round loaded, Sah!
Ability2: Fire for effect, lads!
Ability3: Give’em hell!
Ability4: Counter-measures are online, Sah!
Ability5: Keep your heads down and keep firing!
Combat1: For the Throne!
Combat2: Watch that fire!
Combat3: Die!
Death1: *Explosion*

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Armor hunter detail deployed
Unit_Complete2: Laser lance platform
Unit_Complete3: Gears greased with prom-jelly and ready to go
Unit_Complete4: Fancy a strike at the enemy armor, your grace?
Unit_Complete5: Destroyer on station and staying sharp
Unit_Complete6: Ready to come to grips, if you please sir
Unit_Complete7: It’s to be a busy day, sir?
Selection1: Master Sergeant here
Selection2: It’s not over yet
Selection3: What do we do?
Selection4: Begging your pardon, sir
Selection5: Laser lance
Selection6: Armor beware
Selection7: Great Throne above us
Move1: Rolling
Move2: A goodly way
Move3: Moving with purpose
Move4: Stand ready to maneuver
Move5: Advance
Move6: Obeying the proper blood, sir
Move7: In quick time sir
Attack1: Doing a good turn
Attack2: Laser lance powered
Attack3: Discharging power cells
Attack4: By the living God-Emperor
Attack5: Regiment commands and we obey
Attack6: On the hunt, sir
Attack7: Targeting scanning, sir
Charge1: Getting range
Charge2: They’re so close
Charge3: Acquiring
Ability1: [offensive] Nice one!
Ability2: [offensive] Good Throne, a good target
Ability3: [offensive] Getting off a salvo
Ability4: [defensive] Steady!
Ability5: [defensive] No cowardice, sir!
Combat1: Free fire
Combat2: Engaging at will
Combat3: Keeping the armor at arm’s length
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Strong and contemptuous, as if his voice was that of his gun. Clipped and direct speech. Sah’s may be omitted.
Unit_Complete1: Destroyer Tank Hunter deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Energy cell at full capacity.
Unit_Complete3: Armor Counter-Measure deployed.
Unit_Complete4: Their tanks are already doomed.
Unit_Complete5: Destroyer Laser Cannon Online
Unit_Complete6: Destroyer Systems operational.
Unit_Complete7: Nothing can stand against our might now, Sah!
Selection1: What are your orders, Sah?
Selection2: Prepared to destroy Armor, Sah!
Selection3: Weapon at full charge, Sah!
Selection4: What needs our attention now, Sah?
Selection5: Waiting for a new Target, Sah!
Selection6: Where do you need the big guns, Sah?
Selection7: Ready to discharge, Sah!
Move1: Moving right away, Sah!
Move2: Rodger Sah, moving now!
Move3: Thunder rolling, Sah!
Move4: On the double, Sah!
Move5: Move it, driver!
Move6: Get a move on!
Move7: Shift into gear, driver.
Attack1: This ain’t called a Destroyer for nothing, lads!
Attack2: Hit’em with full charge, gunner!
Attack3: Fire and recharge!
Attack4: Time to score another kill for Praetoria!
Attack5: Give’em a full charge!
Attack6: Nothing like the smell of ozone, eh lad?
Attack7: Time to wreck another one, lads!
Charge1: Don’t damage the gun!
Charge2: Take care of this lot and then one to the real targets!
Charge3: Pity this makes the treads dirty, lads. I rather like the sounds.
Ability1: Maximum charge, safety pass code Zulu!
Ability2: Full Charge!
Ability3: Drain the cell on this shot, gunner!
Ability4: Damage control! Keep that gun online!
Ability5: Keep this bucket going!
Combat1: Time for another kill!
Combat2: For the Throne and Praetoria!
Combat3: Keep the cell charged, Lads!
Death1: *Explosion*

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Don’t both with whys and wherefores
Unit_Complete2: Compliments of the Office of Tactics, sir
Unit_Complete3: Born into the ranks, to serve lord and Emperor
Unit_Complete4: Ammunition and a proper officer is all we need
Unit_Complete5: Born into the ranks to man the Emperor’s war-machines
Unit_Complete6: This isn’t the horse guards, sir
Unit_Complete7: As they say in the colonies, money talks, merit walks
Selection1: No need to panic
Selection2: Who goes there?
Selection3: Faithful forever
Selection4: No bleeding hearts
Selection5: Good expediency
Selection6: Victory is what counts
Selection7: Siege tank
Move1: Advance pattern lion-two
Move2: Move out
Move3: Rolling, sir
Move4: Don't doubt that that's an order
Move5: Hot work is good for the soul
Move6: Transit discipline
Move7: Smooth ride
Attack1: Reload and give ‘em hell!
Attack2: End of the road
Attack3: Engagement authorized
Attack4: Close the line
Attack5: Volley and thunder
Attack6: No nonsense
Attack7: Search and destroy
Charge1: Combat underway
Charge2: Suppressing enemy
Charge3: Siege guns forward
Ability1: [offensive] Providing fire support
Ability2: [offensive] Engaging hostiles
Ability3: [offensive] Mark my words, they’re finished
Ability4: [defensive] Your grace?
Ability5: [defensive] Never say die, sir
Combat1: Get back!
Combat2: Siege pattern
Combat3: Breaking opposition
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Corse and loud. Should sound very much like the ‘lower class’ Cockney-esque sergeant. Sahs may be omitted. Thunderer should be pronounced ‘Thunderah’
Unit_Complete1: ‘Eavy guns deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Ready to give’em hell, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Thunderer deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete4: Siege tank deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete5: ‘Ere to bust some ‘eads, Sah!
Unit_Complete6: Glad to be back in the thick of it, Sah!
Unit_Complete7: Ready to be moved to the front, Sah!
Selection1: What needs to be broken, Sah?
Selection2: Thunderer ‘ere, Sah!
Selection3: Our cannon is ready, Sah!
Selection4: Ready to attack, Sah!
Selection5: What do we need to do, Sah?
Selection6: Me ole beauty is at your command, Sah!
Selection7: What do you need me and the lads to do, Sah!
Move1: Right away, Sah!
Move2: You ‘eard him, lads! Get it moving!
Move3: For’ard!
Move4: Moving to range, Sah!
Move5: On the double, Sah!
Move6: Keep ‘er steady, driver!
Move7: To the fighting!
Attack1: Break’em apart!
Attack2: ‘It’em hard Lads!
Attack3: Give’em a roar!
Attack4: Ain’t this the best of it, lads!?
Attack5: Let them ‘ear the thunder, eh lads?!
Attack6: Let’s see them stand up after that, lads!
Attack7: Get your backs into it lads; the gun ain’t going to load itself!
Charge1: This is going to ‘urt ‘em, lads!
Charge2: Let ‘em ‘ave it, driver!
Charge3: ‘Ere we go lads!
Ability1: Get that round in there!
Ability2: Give ‘em our best, lads!
Ability3: Siege shell loaded, Sah!
Ability4: Get back to it, lads! A little fire ain’t going to ‘amper us!
Ability5: Keep to your posts!
Combat1: Praetoria!
Combat2: Give ‘em ‘ell, lads!
Combat3: I don’t envy this lot!
Death1: Damn it! *Explodes*

Notes: Malcador's script should be done in the style of a "Zulu wars" British officer; one who is not particularly impressed by his ancient, backwards vehicle. Voice actor should read most / all of these lines with a "what did I do to deserve this" attitude.
Unit_Complete1: Malcador reporting, sir!
Unit_Complete2: The Malcador is here!
Unit_Complete3: Sir? SIR!? I can't hear you over the engine, sir!
Unit_Complete4: Malcador ready!
Unit_Complete5: Malcador prepared for battle, just about!
Unit_Complete6: We're finally back from the Enginseers!
Unit_Complete7: What scrapyard did you dig this up from?
Selection1: Malcador!
Selection2: Sir?
Selection3: You'll have to speak up, sir!
Selection4: Bloody thing stalled again!
Selection5: Put the kettle on!
Selection6: What's that warning light mean?
Selection7: Something just went 'clonk!'. Is it supposed to go 'clonk!'?
Move1: Thing this MOVES?
Move2: What? Where? Over there?
Move3: We'll get there, eventually...
Move4: Forward! No, I said FORWAAAARD!
Move5: Not THAT lever you pillock!
Move6: We can but hope, sir...
Move7: Sixteen gears and fifteen K.P.H. *exasperated sigh*
Attack1: Ready the guns!
Attack2: Let fly, chaps!
Attack3: Finally, something we CAN do!
Attack4: All guns to bear!
Attack5: Who needs a Russ anyway?
Attack6: Shells go in POINT first!
Attack7: I knew this tank would kill someone, glad it's not me!
Charge2: Grind them beneath our treads!
Charge3: Fear the wrath of the Malcador!
Combat1: They can't even scratch our paint!
Combat2: *yawn* Serve the tea and crumpets, these foes are pathetic!
Combat3: We're not dead! First time for everything, it seems!
Death1: Who didn't see THIS coming?
Death2: Can anyone else smell burning? OH GOD-EMPEROR!
Death3: I don't think it's meant to be mak- *cut off by explosion*
Death4: Why couldn't you have given us a Leman bloody Russ!?

Assault Malcador
Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: We are, as ever, ready to serve
Unit_Complete2: My lord, we beseech you to begin the assault
Unit_Complete3: A well starched soldier is a good one
Unit_Complete4: We would prefer it if we moved forward, sir
Unit_Complete5: Providence of the God-Emperor
Unit_Complete6: Believe in Him and go to glory
Unit_Complete7: Fit for fight in service to the Throne of Terra
Selection1: Steel dawn
Selection2: Serve to lead
Selection3: Good lads
Selection4: Watch the flank
Selection5: Battle stations
Selection6: Strike brigade
Selection7: Throne of Terra
Move1: Onwards, gentlemen
Move2: Led by love of Emperor
Move3: Second to none
Move4: Decisive action for the Emperor!
Move5: With a stiff upper lip
Move6: You can count on us
Move7: Faith in the throne and training
Attack1: With pleasure, sir
Attack2: The praetorian guard are coming for them
Attack3: Like the Emperor’s thunderbolts!
Attack4: The Emperor’s will, hammering at them!
Attack5: Kadima! [pronounced "Ka-deem-a"]
Attack6: Weapons live
Attack7: The God-Emperor protect us
Charge1: Attack
Charge2: Forward with me, brave Praetorians
Charge3: Heavy guns on them
Ability1: [offensive] Rapid fire!
Ability2: [offensive] Keep the rate up!
Ability3: [offensive] Fury of Praetoria!
Ability4: [defensive] The prayer of soldiers for vigour, under the eyes of the Gold-Emperor
Ability5: [defensive] Only the Emperor is strong
Combat1: Suppressing position
Combat2: Giving the enemy pause
Combat3: We’ll overrun them
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Malcador Defender -- ALTERNATE LINES
Notes: Loud and with authority, like a drill sergeant on the Parade Deck. Should be spoken in a proper and clipped in speech, and as always Sahs may be omitted.
Unit_Complete1: Defender Anti-Infantry Heavy Tank Deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Ammunition hoppers full, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Malcador brought in from Reserves, Sah!
Unit_Complete4: Ready for orders, Sah!
Unit_Complete5: My crew and I are prepared for war, Sah!
Unit_Complete6: All guns at the ready, Sah!
Unit_Complete7: The Lads and I are ready to fight, Sah!
Selection1: Standing ready, Sah!
Selection2: This old beast is still kicking, Sah!
Selection3: Standing ready, Sah!
Selection4: All crew on standby, waiting on orders Sah!
Selection5: Orders, Sah?
Selection6: Good day for a scrap, eh Sah?
Selection7: Crew ready to move at a moment’s notice, Sah!
Move1: Right away, Sah!
Move2: Rolling out, Sah!
Move3: Full speed, Sah!
Move4: Give it all she’s got, driver!
Move5: On the double, driver!
Move6: Hang tight, lads!
Move7: Mind the guns, lads!
Attack1: Mark your targets!
Attack2: Watch the feeds, lads! We don’t want any jams, eh?
Attack3: Maintain fire discipline!
Attack4: Give the enemy a good raking lads!
Attack5: Fire enough to drop them, lads! No wasting shots!
Attack6: Keep those Bolters barking!
Attack7: Eyes open for targets, Lads!
Charge1: Keep their heads down for our charge, Lads!
Charge2: Don’t mind the fire, driver!
Charge3: Keep it moving!
Ability1: Load siege shell!
Ability2: Prepare for ordinance, lads!
Ability3: Demolisher, Fire!
Ability4: Get it righted, lads!
Ability5: Get it fixed, lads!
Combat1: Give them the wrath of the Emperah, lads!
Combat 2: For the glory of Praetoria!
Combat 3: Kill for the Throne, lads!
Death 1: It was a pleasure, lads. *Explosion*
Death 2: Pity we could take just a few more, eh lads? *Explosion*

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Enough blood and sweat in the metalwork to almost be a relation
Unit_Complete2: The business of the Imperium is war
Unit_Complete3: Victory and the lives of a hundred men hang in the balance
Unit_Complete4: From mud through blood, to green fields beyond
Unit_Complete5: My place is where my duty is
Unit_Complete6: Serve today, for tomorrow you may be dead
Unit_Complete7: You can never go home
Selection1: Land-destroyer
Selection2: Region of operations?
Selection3: Fear naught
Selection4: Always ready
Selection5: We remain
Selection6: Intruders beware
Selection7: Master-at-arms online
Move1: To lord and land
Move2: Let’s go
Move3: Hell on wheels
Move4: What have we got indeed?
Move5: An order is the Emperor’s law
Move6: The Emperor expects
Move7: Wise choice, commander
Attack1: Stand to it stoutly
Attack2: Blood and steel
Attack3: The line holds
Attack4: Give me piety or give me death
Attack5: Glory of the Throne Day comes early this year
Attack6: By Golden bloody Terra
Attack7: By the memory of the Lord Solar
Charge1: Take them
Charge2: Turning the tide
Charge3: Compliments of Praetoria
Ability1: [offensive] How very ecumenical
Ability2: [offensive] Gentlemen, today’s fox
Ability3: [offensive] Guns of dawn, praise be Praetoria
Ability4: [defensive] The Emperor protects
Ability5: [defensive] Everything is as He wills
Combat1: Say your prayers
Combat2: Destruction is the just reward of the unholy
Combat3: Breaking the ranks
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Should be said grandly, as if riding in the tank were the same as standing beside the man himself. Still clipped and direct in speech.
Unit_Complete1: Macharius reporting to the front, Sah!
Unit_Complete2: Hope we haven’t missed too much of the fun, Sah!
Unit_Complete3: Macharius Heavy Tank deployed, Sah!
Unit_Complete4: At your command, Sah!
Unit_Complete5: The armored might of the Imperium has arrived, Sah!
Unit_Complete6: My guns are ready for battle, Sah!
Unit_Complete7: The name of Macharius shall once again be feared, Sah!
Selection1: Waiting for orders, Sah!
Selection2: All crew are standing by to follow your command, Sah!
Selection3: Where are we needed, Sah?
Selection4: Prepared for whatever you need us for, Sah!
Selection5: Sah?
Selection6: Anxious to get under way, Sah!
Selection7: Give the word, Sah, and it will be done!
Move1: Get us going, Driver!
Move2: Moving, Sah!
Move3: Move it out!
Move4: Get us there fast, driver!
Move5: Get a move on!
Move6: Full speed, Driver!
Move7: The spirit of Macharius gives us speed!
Attack1: Open fire!
Attack2: Give them a taste of our cannons!
Attack3: Prepare to reload!
Attack4: Keep those shells ready, lads!
Attack5: Let them know the mighty Fist of Macharius!
Attack6: Let the cannons roar, lads!
Attack7: Check for targets, lads!
Charge1: Forward!
Charge2: Grind them to dust!
Charge3: They shall fear our armored hull as much as our guns, lads!
Ability1: Load the heavy shells!
Ability2: Prepare for linked fire!
Ability3: Give them a full barrage!
Ability5: Fix it, damn it, in the name of Macharius!
Combat1: Praetoria!
Combat2: For the Throne!
Combat3: In the Name of Macharius!
Death1: Even the Lord Solar must die sometime, eh lads…? *Explosion*

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: Battle cannon is the Emperor’s balance of power
Unit_Complete2: Shadowsword at planetfall, lord
Unit_Complete3: The work of the Emperor never ends
Unit_Complete4: There is no fate save that willed by the Throne
Unit_Complete5: The Imperium crushes everything in its path
Unit_Complete6: The weak know not His light and wither in the dark
Unit_Complete7: This is no bloody camp of heretic democratists
Selection1: This is command master chief
Selection2: Main guns primed
Selection3: Subaltern reporting
Selection4: Titan hunter super heavy
Selection5: Steadfast
Selection6: Great God Emperor
Selection7: Praise be the God Emperor
Move1: Slow but steady, sir
Move2: Speed and power
Move3: Old ironsides forward
Move4: No mission too difficult
Move5: As Guard Intelligence predicted
Move6: Let us commence without delay
Move7: Even where angels fear to tread
Attack1: Redressing the ranks
Attack2: Glory or death
Attack3: Difficulties be damned
Attack4: Victory or death!
Attack5: Follow me, you heroes of Praetoria
Attack6: Victory and honor
Attack7: We will prevail
Charge1: Emperor’s armored fist
Charge2: Heavy armor is in the fight
Charge3: To death or glory
Ability1: [offensive] Firing for mass effect
Ability2: [offensive] Praise be
Ability3: [offensive] This world is ours
Ability4: [defensive] Say the Emperor’s name at all the holy hours
Ability5: [defensive] Almighty Throne, ever watchful and vigilant
Combat1: We shall prevail
Combat2: Eat volcano cannon
Combat3: Killing blow
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent
Unit_Complete1: All hands beat to quarters
Unit_Complete2: Hear the call to service
Unit_Complete3: Yield to none save the Emperor
Unit_Complete4: None attack me with impunity
Unit_Complete5: Praetoria expects every man to do his duty
Unit_Complete6: The sun never sets on the surface of Praetoria
Unit_Complete7: Vouchsafe against the horrors in the dark
Selection1: Officer of the watch
Selection2: Be certain
Selection3: Make the decision
Selection4: At stations
Selection5: Batteries online
Selection6: All hand ready
Selection7: Pilot at the helm
Move1: By the mark, five by cardinal
Move2: Course set
Move3: Stand by and come about
Move4: On maneuvers
Move5: Follow me
Move6: Where right and glory lead
Move7: In His Majesty’s service
Attack1: Straight at ‘em
Attack2: A great victory
Attack3: Never mind the maneuvers
Attack4: Time for the charge, old boy
Attack5: The moment of victory, gentlemen
Attack6: Tank shock
Attack7: Point of the spearhead
Charge1: Closing with the enemy
Charge2: Straight at them
Charge3: Rule Praetoria!
Ability1: [offensive] The enemy should break away
Ability2: [offensive] We’ll be back in time for tea and medals
Ability3: [offensive] In this way we affirm allegiance to the Throne
Ability4: [defensive] May He protect us all
Ability5: [defensive] True servants of the throne need not fear
Combat1: By St. Evander, featherweights!
Combat2: Too easy, almost takes the honor out of victory
Combat3: You now face the justice of the imperial throne
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*


Generator (maybe take IG or SM sounds)
Fission Generator (as above)
Aid Station


By the emperor.. fallen Astartes! With strength in your hearts fight on! [pronounced "As-tar-tehs"]
By all that is holy, the Archenemy is here!
Stinks here like a daemon of the Archenemy

Dark Eldar
Filthy bloody aliens, Praetorians will ever ever be free!
By Terra, the xeno pirates’ll make slaves of us all

Coward xenos, damn swift on their feet
No near to fear those xeno pop guns, lads

Imperial Guard
Heresy comes in many forms, but it is always heresy
Malcontents and ruffians!

By the Holy… what are they?
Alien machines have no souls

Ugly devils, the ork
Remember Montar VII and Big Toof River, lads
Orks! Just like at big tooth.. men, stand fast & engage!

Sisters of Battle
Bloody cloister-monkeys. Emperor save us all
Blimey, never saw a sister outside a cathedral before

Space Marines
Renegade angels, Emperor help us all!
Strike me dumb, the Angels of He-on-Terra

Aliens, bunch of savages, they is
The xenos offer you slavery and call it freedom

Black Templars
I see enemy movement ahead
Black Templars, Dorn’s Angels of Death

Blood Angels
Holy Throne, the angels of Sanguinalia [pronounced "Sang-win-al-i-a"]
Sir, it was Sanguinius who opened the armor of Horus for the Emperor’s holy lance [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]

Blood Ravens
Have a care, the Inquisitor warned us about the Blood Ravens
Something tragic about these poor angels, my lord

Crimson Fists
The survivors of Rynn’s World
The angels of the Crimson Fists, it’ll be a bloody day sir

Dark Angels
Dark Angels… they’ll crush ya as soon as fight by your side
Angels of Death… by Terra, what are we going to do?

Fallen Angels
The angels have fallen, Throne help us all
Renegade angels… envoys of the Inquisition will be arriving

Imperial Fists
The Emprah’s Praetorians, as Praetoria is to the Imperium!
Praetoria’s namesake, the holy Imperial Fists!

Iron Hands
They’re more machine than angel…
Look at all ‘em augments, wired up like techpriests

Legion of the Damned
Holy ghosts of Birmingpool, what is going on?
Rumor good as says this place is haunted sir…

Raven Guard
So there we are, by the Throne, Angel flyers
The Raven Guard, we’ll prove our mettle against them

Red Scorpions
Throne stay not my hand against even the angel
Red Scorpions, the buggers who killed our abhumans

Salamanders… by the Throne they’ll burn us all
Look at that, faces black and eyes red as Daemon Angron

Space Wolves/13th Company
The abhuman should know his place
The Emperor’s wolves!

Holy angels of discipline!
Blessed Ultramar falls on us!

White Scars
The wild riders from among the Host of the Angels
See the markings? Those angels are White Scars

Alpha Legion
They’re just cultists, sir. We’ll thump them… wait…
Something’s funny about those rebels, sir

Black Legion
Bloody hell it’s Abaddon, sir!
Throne save us! The Despoiler is here!

Death Guard
By the Throne, pray we’re not tainted by those… things
There are things not in your books…sir…

Emperors Children
I feel funny sir…
What… are they doing? Those Traitor Marines?

Iron Warriors
We’ll fight any enemy… even the dread Traitor Marines
Pay the traitor their due, lads... charge their guns!

Night Lords
There are monsters in the night sir…
The Night Lords, for God-Emprah’s sake let us run

Red Corsairs
The Red Corsairs stalking about the main, sir!
Warn the Command-Carrack, those are the colors of Pirate Angel Huron

Thousand Sons
Chaos witchery, say the litanies lads
Look to your souls, lads… the Thousand Sons are traitor-mages

Word Bearers
Stand firm Praetorians against the daemon!
Listen not to the daemon, lest your souls burn in hellfire

World Eaters
Holy Throne protect us… they’ll rend us limb to limb
Are you mad? Those are World Eaters

Jungle rats, never saw their aboard the Marie-Rose
Death world savages, watch your back least you get a knife in it

Death Korps of Kreig
Bugger those crazy Kriegers, fighting us here!
Caution around the Death Korps, they don’t retreat

Damned rogues…
Never could trust an Elysian

Last Chancers
These have erred against his will once already. Once is more than enough.
These are to be pitied. For the emperor's light was not enough to drive them forward to glory.

The Heretics Court Martial, four rounds to the chest marking the points of the eagle
Don’t let appearances fool you, these are traitors through and through

Deserters shall be flogged… traitors shall be shot
It’s civil war, by the Throne

Steel Legions
Throne, they’ll bring tanks
Hostile armor company… we’ll need armor support of our own

Bloody sand caffers
Remember the wars on Beta Rhamada, lads

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Stealthers, damned chameleon ghosts they are
See the ghost cloaks? That’s Commissar Gaunt’s outfit

Collectivist rabble rousers, Vahallan troublemakers
Drill Vahallans into heroes, and they turn back into drunken vagabonds

Beggers and scoundrels, the scum of that frozen Vostroya
Bunch of rim world buffoons and leisure house fops officers

Eldar, His lordship the major will have them chopped into wee little bits
Bloody hell, look how fast those aliens go

Inquisition Daemonhunt
The bloody Inquisition, we’re in the black trouble now
An Inquisition! Should we lay down arms?

It can’t be! There’s no witches here
No! What would the witch hunters want with us?

The monsters of Tyran and Ymargl! [pronounced "Ya-mar-gall"]
Aim for the soft spots, where the shell ends

By the Emperor, what is that?
My god.. a Demon!

We've spotted the enemy, sir.
Enemy sighted.. orders?
Enemy in view and in our iron sights.
Appears to be a new contender in this area, Commander.
What are they doing here? Engage or withdraw?
Spotted aggressors.. awaiting your commands.

We engaged some sort of.. monster.
The Emperor must hear of this.. abomination.

Enemy heavy support discovered in this area.
Approaching large mobilized tank columns.
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#2 thudo


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 03:05 PM


Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Conscript Sergeant (Junior Officer)
Guardsman Sergeant
Grenadier Sergeant
Hussar Sergeant
Heavy Weapons Team

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Note: All Sergeants only require 7 unique Unit_Complete, and 2-3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death scripts. The rest will simply be inherited off their own squad.

Command Squad (Colonel)
Command Squad - Bugler
Command Squad - Vox Operator
Command Squad - Standard Bearer
Command Squad - Sergeant Major

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Assault Malcador

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Generator (maybe take IG or SM sounds)
Fission Generator (as above)
Aid Station

Selection1: [require single soundfx]


Spotting (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry -- Guardsman):

Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines

User Factions

Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Legion of the Damned
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars

Chaos Marks
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Thousand Sons
World Eaters
Word Bearers

Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Steel Legions


Inquisition Daemonhunt

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#3 bloodtitan

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 10:28 AM

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]-“ From the hives of Praetoria I bring my experience to you here general”

Unit_Complete1:{Casual Voice} – “I’ve arrived”

Unit_Complete2:{Casual Voice} – “ Technician of Praetoria on the field”

Unit_Complete3:{Surprised Voice} – “This planet.......what a dump”

Unit_Complete4:{Causal Voice}- “From Praetoria to you general”

Unit_Complete5:{Causal Voice} “Much to be done I see”

Unit_Complete6 :{ Casual Voice} ...........”Let see where do i begin”

Unit_Complete7: {Casual Voice}, Right then, where’s those schematics!?

Selection1: {Alert voice} “Yes general, where do you want me?”

Selection2: {Alert Voice}”

Selection3: {Alert Voice} “Wow space to build! that makes a nice change!”

Selection4: {Calm Voice}: “Fresh air (Deep breath) sure beats promethean!

Selection5: {Alert Voice} “How can i assist?”
Move1: {Casual}: “Moving to designated construction site”
Move2: {Cocky Tone}: “This gear ways a ton! It’s far too light!”
Move3: {Casual}: “I got the tools”
Move4: {Casual}: “Watch my back lads”
Move5: {Causal}: “Location confirmed, on my way”
Move6: {Frantic}: “Move there! Easy for you to say!”
Attack1: {Stern Voice} “come taste my drill heathen!”
Attack2: {Scream}: “Yarrrrghhhhh!!!!!”
Attack3: {Quiet Voice}: “Where is my blasted hammer?”
Attack4: {Loud but calm voice} “War is yet another machine i attend to!”
Attack5: “I shall construct a fate worse than death!”

Build1 :{ Casual} “Construction Site confirmed”
Build2 :{ Casual} “Design plan allocated”
Build3 :{ Casual} “It shall be a monument worth of Praetoria!”
Build4 :{ Causal} “Materials Required”
Build5 :{ Casual} “For the mechanicus!”
Build6 :{ Casual} “You shall not find my skills lacking!”
Build7 :{ Angry} “Be careful with that you bloodie idiots!”

Capture1: {Triumphant} “For the Imperium & Praetoria!”
Capture2: {Cocky} “Secure that sight so we may learn its secrets!”
Capture3: {Casual} “In the name of the Mechanicus secure that area!”
Capped1:{Cocky,} “I thought this was supposed to be a Tough challenge”
Capped2: {Triumphant} “For the Mechanicus & Praetoria”
Capped3: {Causal}“Point secured initial set up prepared”
Lay_Mines1: {Casual} “Mines set for maximum sensitivity”
Lay_Mines2: {Nervous} “Gently Gently!”
Lay_Mines3: {Casual} “Mines laid and marked, let them come!”
Load_Transport1:”{Hastily} “ Moove ya bloodie arses!
Load_Transport2: “{cocky}” get this Junker moving!”
Unload_Transport1: “{Cockly}” ehh thank the emperor........”
Unload_Transport2: “{Cocky} “Thanks for the lift, keep the change my good man”
Morale_Break1:{Nervous} “I want me mum!”
Morale_Break2: {Nervous} “They never said we would lose!”
Morale_Break3: { Nervous} “ Urg right in me bladie balls!”
Morale_Restored1: {Triumphant} “That it aye!”
Morale_Restored2 :{Cocky} “Whew good thing i had me spanner to save me nuts!”
Morale_Restored3:{Defiant} “Im never doing that again........well perhaps once more”
Charge2: Drill sound effect
Charge3: “die peasants!”
Ability1: [eat grenade!] Grenade
Ability2: [ they call that armour?] Krak grenade
Ability3: [Melt that on ya crumpet!] Melta Bomb
Ability4: [A wall of steel can can never yield!]
Ability5: [Take cover here chaps!]
use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Repair1: {Bemused} “Emprha.......you ballsed this up didn’t you!”
Repair2:{Arrogant} “Right then boyos out the way let me work”
Repair3:{casual} whistles British national anthem whilst drill sounds in background.
Combat1 :{ Righteous} “Eat steel heathen!”
Combat2: {Short and sharp with emphasis on the P} Praetorian Pride lads!”
Combat3: {Loud Shout} “Soldiers aint got nothing on me!”
Under_Fire1: {confident} “taking rounds!”
Under_Fire2 :{ Loud Shout}” HIT THE DECK!”
Damage1: {painful cry} “ ahhh me dam eye! ”
Damage2: {painful cry} – muffled scream
Damage3: :{nervous} “its okay......its okay....i dont need 2 arms......”
Death1:”You can crush our bodies.........but not out spirits”
Death3:”this is ....it.....isnt it................”
Death4: “buggar it!”

#4 thudo


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Posted 31 March 2010 - 12:03 PM

Thanks BT! Can you finish up the Praetorian Engineer submission as some Selection and Attack scripts are still missing. Awesome start, bro!
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#5 thudo


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 08:20 PM

Idea area

Random Script ideas:

"First rank FIRE! second rank FIRE!"
"Give them a volley!"

Also for the Praetorians the sound of a bugle sounding (like in a british redcoat cavalry charge kinda idea) followed by someone shouting attack! or whatever, just some ideas to consider.
Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:

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#6 thudo


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Posted 22 June 2010 - 03:07 PM

Nevermind I cleaned up your Praetorian Engineers. :D

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#7 goldenhorde


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Posted 14 July 2010 - 04:33 AM

Engineer (Combat Engineer/Royal Sapper/Lay Adept Sapper/ Sapper) – this is prob nitpicky, there’s a fluff conflict in imperial guard regiments having easily accessible “combat engineers”. Miniatures exist for lots of different IG combat engineers but the mechanicus in the fluff is supposed to be exceedingly tightfisted in their monopoly through techpriest enginseers. Therefore only the squats were supposed to have “engineers” in any real number before their doom and formations like the Armaggeddon Engineer Corps are suppose to be rare military orders of Mechanicus sanctioned lay adepts owing to pacts/especially close association with Mars
Unit_Complete1: I’ve arrived
Unit_Complete2: Technician of Praetoria on the field
Unit_Complete3: This planet.......truly a dump
Unit_Complete4: From Praetoria to you, excellency
Unit_Complete5: Much to be done I see
Unit_Complete6: Let see, how shall i begin
Unit_Complete7: Right then, where’re those schematics
Selection1: Sir!
Selection2: Your excellency?
Selection3: Fit for duty, sir
Selection4: Eyes peeled
Selection5: How might I assist?
Selection6: Space to build
Selection7: Fresh air
Move1: I understand, sir
Move2: Carrying on, sir
Move3: Yes, excellency
Move4: Indeed, m’lord
Move5: Watch my back
Move6: Copy that location, on my way
Move7: No problem at all, sir
Attack1: Bloody heathens
Attack2: Yarrrrghhhhh!!!!!
Attack3: Combat drill!
Attack4: War is but another machine
Attack5: Praetoria and Mars!
Attack6: I’ll hammer them good!
Attack7: For empire and homeworld
Build1: Never you mind the challenge, sir
Build2: Your will, my hands lord
Build3: Making the redoubt sir
Build4: I wouldn’t be a lay adept of the mechanicus if I couldn’t, sir
Build5: It shall be a monument worth of Praetoria!
Build6: For the holy mechanicus!
Build7: You shall not find me lacking, excellency
Capture1: I know my duty, sir
Capture2: Securing that site
Capture3: In the name of the Mechanicus
Capped1: Marker set
Capped2: Point secured initial prepared
Capped3: For the Mechanicus and Praetoria
Lay_Mines1: The mines sir. I’m beseeching the machine spirits for maximum effect
Lay_Mines2: Emperor’s sake, I’ll do it gently
Lay_Mines3: Mines to be laid and marked, let them come
Load_Transport1: Moove ya bloodie arses!
Load_Transport2: Get this Junker moving!
Unload_Transport1: Thank the emperor eh?
Unload_Transport2: Thanks for the lift my good man
Morale_Break1: Sweet Emperor, blessed Omnissiah!
Morale_Break2: Throne of earth, we’re lost!
Morale_Break3: They’re all around us!
Morale_Restored1: That it aye!
Morale_Restored2: Still got my spanner, sir
Morale_Restored3: By the Savior Emperor, that was close
Charge1: Praetoria!
Charge2: Die heathen!
Charge3: Have heart now lads!
Ability1: Eat grenade! (Grenade)
Ability2: They call that armour? (Krak grenade)
Ability3: Melt that on ya crumpet! (Melta Bomb)
Ability4: A wall of steel can never yield! (Defensive)
Ability5: Take cover here chaps!] (Defensive)
Repair1: Emprha.......you ballsed this up didn’t you!
Repair2: Right then boyos out the way let me work
Repair3: whistles “Rule Brittania” whilst drill spinning up in background.
Combat1: Eat steel, heathen!
Combat2: Sun never sets on the Imperium!
Combat3: Praetorian Pride lads!
Under_Fire1: Taking rounds!
Under_Fire2: Hit the deck!
Under_Fire3: Hold them!
Damage1: I’m hit!
Damage2: *muffled scream*
Damage3: ahhh my eye!
Death1: They can crush our bodies.........but not our spirits
Death2: Emperor............praetoria........mechanicu...uurrgg
Death3: This is ....it then.............
Death4: Bugger…

Conscript (Yeoman Conscripts/Yeoman Light Infantry)
Notes: more of a rural accent than the guardsman. Cockney-ish? Hint of a scottish burr? Something like that
Unit_Complete1: All hail th’ officers, good sir
Unit_Complete2: We ain’t no joesy (joe-see) provincials, sir
Unit_Complete3: We ain’t no blue bloods, sir
Unit_Complete4: Militia in battledress, sir
Unit_Complete5: Ready for anything, good lord
Unit_Complete6: We shall be worthy, your excellency
Unit_Complete7: Praetorians don’t bend or break
Selection1: Oi, you gave us such a start sir
Selection2: Beggin’ your pardon, sir?
Selection3: What’s on ma’lord’s mind?
Selection4: Standing to
Selection5: Mark a target when he comes
Selection6: Damn good shot at a hundre’ yards, sir
Selection7: Scout element, sir
Move1: Jumpin’ to it, lord
Move2: It ain’t a no go, sir
Move3: We ought to, sir
Move4: Givin’ orders, young gennelmen often is
Move5: Way’s clear lads
Move6: For Emperor and Empire
Move7: We volunteer, sir!
Attack1: Don’t ’ave no thought for our necks, sir!
Attack2: We’ll carry the day
Attack3: Make ready, lads!
Attack4: We’ll disperse ‘em, sir
Attack5: We’ll do our duty
Attack6: By twos!
Attack7: Take aim!
Capture1: That’s sure ta be a well done from the major
Capture2: Faithful to your order, sir!
Capture3: God-Emperor on his throne, have faith in us
Capped1: We’ve done it! By Terra, we’ve done it!
Capped2: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Capped3: Good work, all
Load_Transport1: First in, last out
Load_Transport2: It’s us, lads!
Unload_Transport1: Off your trolley, lads
Unload_Transport2: Clear off!
Morale_Break1: Leave us be! Scatter! Scatter!
Morale_Break2: They’re among us! Oh hell, oh Emprah save us!
Morale_Break3: Throne of earth, I can’t see a target, I can’t see a target!
Morale_Restored1: We’ll make the best of it, sir
Morale_Restored2: Very careless, we was, sir
Morale_Restored3: Sorry sir, we was hurt bad
Charge1: Tallyho!
Charge2: Valor, lads!
Charge3: Jerido, Sabbatine, Iconarch!
Charge4: Huzzah!
Jump_Teleport1: Throne preserve our souls…
Jump_Teleport2: Emprah protect us from the warp…
Deepstrike1: The Emprah protects
Deepstrike2: We’ll follow our orders, sir
Ability1: [offensive] First rank FIRE! second rank FIRE!
Ability2: [offensive] Give them a volley!
Ability3: [offensive] Open fire, men!
Ability4: [defensive] Good as we can do it, my lord
Ability5: [defensive] Understood, thank you sir
Combat1: Hold fast!
Combat2: Hold your ground!
Combat3: Stand firm!
Under_Fire1: Enemy sightings
Under_Fire2: Blast! They’re shooting at us
Under_Fire3: Intrusion!
Damage1: Son of an ork!
Damage2: We’re bloody outgunned!
Damage3: Position’s gone pear shaped, sir!
Death1: Oh. My. Throne…
Death2: Sacred… Praetoria…
Death3: Throne's sake…
Death4: We’re cut off…

Conscript Sergeant (Junior Officer)
Unit_Complete1: Never think ill of your betters
Unit_Complete2: Going about the Imperium’s service
Unit_Complete3: Section has been drilled, excellency
Unit_Complete4: Good men all, well for the most part
Unit_Complete5: The militia stands with the army, sir
Unit_Complete6: Discipline makes bravery
Unit_Complete7: Spare the rod, spoil the child, sir
Selection1: Stand tall
Selection2: Present arms!
Selection3: Praetorian discipline, sir
Move1: Jump to, lads
Move2: On ye go, lads
Move3: Jump to it, lads
Attack1: Whatever the cost!
Attack2: Mark your targets!
Attack3: We’ll give them a volley
Death1: Despair is an… illusion of the… mind
Death2: Disaster…
Death3: No…

Heavy Weapons Team (Praetorian Fire Team)
Unit_Complete1: Ammunition laid in, excellency
Unit_Complete2: Mustered for engagement, sir
Unit_Complete3: Truly an honor to serve, excellency
Unit_Complete4: Train and train some more for perfection
Unit_Complete5: Heavy Weapons team to arms!
Unit_Complete6: When in His service, behave accordingly
Unit_Complete7: Respect for the fallen, sir
Selection1: Annihilation team, milord
Selection2: Most grave and reverend lord?
Selection3: Emperor be praised
Selection4: Begging your pardon, sir
Selection5: Praetorian pride!
Selection6: Sir!
Selection7: Heavy weapons, milord
Move1: Trusting in your order, sir
Move2: Aye, sir
Move3: Grateful in your confidence, sir
Move4: Yes, sir
Move5: Very good sir
Move6: Make way
Move7: Keep moving
Attack1: Field of fire sir
Attack2: Directing fire
Attack3: Holding the line!
Attack4: Warp-damned nest of the enemy
Attack5: Eyes on ironsights, sir
Attack6: No fear in death
Attack7: Barrel to barrel, steel to steel!
Capture1: You can count on it, sir
Capture2: Now there’s a beastly objective
Capture3: The point will be taken sir
Capped1: Well that’s just ace, old chap
Capped2: All secure, sir
Capped3: There, that’s done
Load_Transport1: Advise caution
Load_Transport2: Team at general quarters
Unload_Transport1: The Emperor first in all things
Unload_Transport2: Steadfast!
Morale_Break1: We’re shot. Falling back to secondary positions
Morale_Break2: For shame!
Morale_Break3: Well bullocks to that
Morale_Restored1: That was an unfortunate business, sir
Morale_Restored2: Murderous business, sir
Morale_Restored3: Your lead, sir
Charge1: Fusillade!
Charge2: Forward light brigade!
Charge3: Shot and lance!
Charge4: I do not fear the valley of death!
Jump_Teleport1: Well throw me to the commissars, we made it (tone of amazement)
Jump_Teleport2: For the operation, sir
Deepstrike1: That was a tough dance
Deepstrike2: Holding up fine, sir
Ability1: [offensive] They’ll be all sixes and sevens
Ability2: [offensive] Volley in open order!
Ability3: [offensive] Rise and address!
Ability4: [defensive] Take cover!
Ability5: [defensive] Stand fast!
Combat1: Courage, now
Combat2: Let ‘em fly straight and true!
Combat3: Victorious in war is made glorious in peace!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Engage!
Under_Fire3: Well knock me down with a feather
Damage1: Blimey vicious buggers
Damage2: They snookered us well
Damage3: Sod it… we’re wounded
Death1: Proper… discipline…
Death2: Loyal… to your command…
Death3: Carry on…
Death4: *scream*

Command Squad - Vox Operator
Unit_Complete1: Communiqués on regimental net
Unit_Complete2: Code word crimson clearance
Unit_Complete3: Coded communication ciphers
Unit_Complete4: Shall I send a cipher, sir?
Unit_Complete5: Vox-channel to auxiliary frequencies
Unit_Complete6: Vox open with battalion command
Unit_Complete7: What is it that you need, sir?
Selection1: Operations
Selection2: Comm-net open
Selection3: Security protocols
Selection4: Status update
Selection5: Vox discipline
Selection6: Say the word, my lord
Selection7: Reporting, over
Move1: By your grace and authority, sir
Move2: Just so, my lord
Move3: Cycling operational frequency
Move4: Sierra echo
Move5: Op frequency one zero niner, niner zero eight
Move6: Coordinate grid breaker-eight-bravo
Move7: Trace on all code-channels
Attack1: Fire clearance copy
Attack2: High Command concurs battle clearence
Attack3: Eight eight secondary
Attack4: Breaking voice discipline
Attack5: Who dares wins
Attack6: Up and at them!
Attack7: Double time!
Capture1: I copy
Capture2: Full-mask
Capture3: Aspire and achieve, sir
Capped1: Broadcaster deployed
Capped2: Cogitator spirit on location
Capped3: Orbital auspex linked
Join1: n/a
Join2: n/a
Join3: n/a
Detach1: n/a
Detach2: n/a
Load_Transport1: Vox getting on station
Load_Transport2: Operator in transit
Unload_Transport1: Ready aye, ready
Unload_Transport2: Bugger that,
Morale_Break1: We’re going to die!
Morale_Break2: Calling all reinforcements
Morale_Break3: High alert, we’re overrun!
Morale_Restored1: Signalling combat readiness
Morale_Restored2: Command blesses the victorious dead
Morale_Restored3: Communication capabilities restored
Charge1: Holy Throne!
Charge2: Heroes fall!
Charge3: Shot and shell!
Jump_Teleport1: Our is not to question why
Jump_Teleport2: Good thinking, sir
Deepstrike1: Time is always against us
Ability1: [offensive] Open fire!
Ability2: [offensive] Firing solution fix!
Ability3: [offensive] Signaling the attack!
Ability4: [defensive] Look to life and limb
Ability5: [defensive] That’s bloody wonderful!
Combat1: Glory does not fade!
Combat2: Look lively!
Combat3: Keep on them!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Now that’s a sight!
Under_Fire3: Notifying high command
Damage1: Post command, situation dire!
Damage2: They have us on the back foot
Damage3: Do you want to live forever?!
Death1: I followed in… the footsteps of great men… sir…
Death2: Noise… discipline…
Death3: Flesh wound…
Death4: Orders… relayed…

Command Squad - Sergeant Major
Unit_Complete1: The God-Emperor has singular vision for we, his Imperium
Unit_Complete2: Zeal, for Emperor and Imperium
Unit_Complete3: The enemy is beginning to smack of pride
Unit_Complete4: Learn your duties, and no harm can come to you
Unit_Complete5: Mark your orders, look to your front
Unit_Complete6: The honor is in the end, not the means
Unit_Complete7: Command belongs to men of the right class, and station
Selection1: So, what’s the butcher’s bill?
Selection2: I shall demand satisfaction
Selection3: Amina Imperator (A-mean-a Im-per-a-tor)
Selection4: Damn funny, this
Selection5: Good fellow
Selection6: Good Emperor protect you
Selection7: Obedience
Move1: Emperor keep you
Move2: Well my commission isn’t up *yet*
Move3: I understand
Move4: I would see it so
Move5: Everyone is a student of tactics, it would seem
Move6: Do your duty and all will be well
Move7: Right now
Attack1: As my father did, and his father before him
Attack2: May the better man win
Attack3: Bandet charge
Attack4: We fight and win, old chap
Attack5: By strength and guile then
Attack6: The good Emperor favors the brave!
Attack7: Emperor save Praetoria!
Capture1: This matter touches my honor, it does
Capture2: Well that’s just the bees’ knees, isn’t it?
Capture3: I would have you know, I haven’t been beaten yet
Capped1: Hear hear, old boy
Capped2: Such is expected of an officer and a gentleman
Capped3: Tea at officers’ club back in orbit then?
Join1: n/a
Join2: n/a
Join3: n/a
Detach1: n/a
Detach2: n/a
Load_Transport1: Take me fast, good man
Load_Transport2: Drive well, the Emperor is watching
Unload_Transport1: It seems I owe you a mether, good lad
Unload_Transport2: The Emperor is first in all things
Morale_Break1: May the Emperor have mercy on our souls
Morale_Break2: This is folly!
Morale_Break3: Close your eyes and think of Praetoria
Morale_Restored1: Emperor bless you all
Morale_Restored2: Obey your orders
Morale_Restored3: This is conduct up with which I will not put!
Charge1: Remember Harlech!
Charge2: Victory or death! Victory or death!
Charge3: To me!
Jump_Teleport1: Holy throne, man!
Jump_Teleport2: Anything in the service, I suppose
Deepstrike1: I will not falter
Deepstrike2: For the mission
Ability1: [offensive] The Emperor’s holy work
Ability2: [offensive] Drink from the cup of the Emperor’s will!
Ability3: [offensive] Rule, Praetoria!
Ability4: [defensive] Watch your ammo counters!
Ability5: [defensive] Get up, lads!
Combat1: Emperor’s Holy Word!
Combat2: Damnation on all enemies of the Empire!
Combat3: For the love of Terra
Under_Fire1: I’ll have them on the ropes!
Under_Fire2: How uncivil!
Under_Fire3: Uncouth savages!
Damage1: True, pure minds have nothing that fear may use!
Damage2: Throne above, I will not yield to the likes of you!
Damage3: By the colors of Praetoria!
Death1: Touché old chap… ahh…
Death2: Honor is satisfied then…
Death3: A good hit… well done indeed…
Death4: Oof…

#8 thudo


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Posted 14 July 2010 - 04:59 AM

Absolutely superb work, GH! Utterly fantastic start!
Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:

Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters

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#9 goldenhorde


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Posted 17 July 2010 - 08:28 AM

Unit_Complete1: Through adversity to the stars
Unit_Complete2: Arm yourselves, men of Praetoria
Unit_Complete3: Well be damned, action
Unit_Complete4: Wolves and felids of the Imperial Guard, sir
Unit_Complete5: True and faithful are Praetorians
Unit_Complete6: Ready to take the Emperor’s Guardsmen
Unit_Complete7: Be selfless for the Throne on Terra
Selection1: On watch
Selection2: At your service
Selection3: Beg pardon, sir?
Selection4: Sir?
Selection5: Is it time, sir?
Selection6: Danger is close
Selection7: Instructions?
Move1: As you wish, sir
Move2: With complements
Move3: As you wish, sir
Move4: in the Emperor’s service
Move5: It is as you say
Move6: Affirmed
Move7: Armored transport incoming
Attack1: Just go straight at them
Attack2: Let’s have this then
Attack3: Hura!
Attack4: Aiming high
Attack5: True and bold
Attack6: For the Throne
Attack7: How unfortunate for the enemy
Charge1: Armor charge!
Charge2: Keep at them
Charge3: Keep tracking them
Ability1: [offensive] Against the weight of hostiles
Ability2: [offensive] Taking the hostiles down
Ability3: [offensive] Take down the knvaes
Ability4: [defensive] Thone save us all
Ability5: [defensive] Hull down
Combat1: What the bugger?
Combat2: Fusillade!
Combat3: Engaged
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: With fire repay what we owe the Throne
Unit_Complete2: Clean-cut and Throne-fearing flamer crew, sir
Unit_Complete3: Bugles, battles, and the fires of Terra
Unit_Complete4: Duck and shield, flamer up
Unit_Complete5: Flamers to make hostiles shiver in their boots
Unit_Complete6: Discipline keeps the chin up. So does a flamer
Unit_Complete7: By the saints, we’ll kick the spurs and burn some heretics
Selection1: Where to, sir?
Selection2: Ready promethium canisters
Selection3: Reporting position
Selection4: Make ready
Selection5: Heavy flamer
Selection6: Send down orders?
Selection7: Tank pressure jolly good
Move1: To victory, sir
Move2: Affirm
Move3: Swift and bold
Move4: Hereward
Move5: Faster!
Move6: Inbound
Move7: On approach
Attack1: Getting to range
Attack2: Saint Promethia’s touch
Attack3: Leaving nothing alive, sir
Attack4: Say hello to Mister Yellow
Attack5: No place of safety
Attack6: Into them
Attack7: Time for some joy then
Charge1: Setting aflame
Charge2: Fire and sword
Charge3: Saturate
Ability1: [offensive] Laying a field of burning promethium
Ability2: [offensive] The spirit of Praetorian patriotism, sir! (british pronouncation, eg Pat-ree-tism, not Pay-tree-tism)
Ability3: [offensive] Quite so, flamers at full, sir
Ability4: [defensive] Bloody silly place to die
Ability5: [defensive] It’s all to the good, sir
Combat1: Burn in sin!
Combat2: Flame solar
Combat3: Tank pressure good
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: Full of beans ‘n ready for action
Unit_Complete2: Ready to throw some hot metal at the opposition
Unit_Complete3: Trouble is what we do, sir
Unit_Complete4: Field artillery, the salt of Praetoria
Unit_Complete5: Top of the morning, sir
Unit_Complete6: Ready for forward advance drills
Unit_Complete7: Griffon tank of Praetoria coming in support
Selection1: Excellence, sir
Selection2: A fair assessment
Selection3: Full report
Selection4: Weapons check
Selection5: Full load
Selection6: Unit receiving
Selection7: On station
Move1: Jolly good
Move2: No time for a kip
Move3: Following orders sir
Move4: No excuses, sir
Move5: Wise choice, sir
Move6: Half a league onward
Move7: Objective understood
Attack1: Target lies just yonder
Attack2: That’s where we’ll hit them
Attack3: Hard and direct
Attack4: Lighting up some pyrotechnics
Attack5: We’ll teach those smarmy buggers a thing or two
Attack6: Shells falling like rain
Attack7: Hot for strike on grid target!
Charge1: Moving to range
Charge2: Acquiring target
Charge3: Getting trajectory
Ability1: [offensive] Salvo!
Ability2: [offensive] Hell in a handcart
Ability3: [offensive] Battlefield blessing
Ability4: [defensive] Chosen men, sir
Ability5: [defensive] Cover the battery smoke
Combat1: Fire!
Combat2: Laying ordinance!
Combat3: Sowing some hell, sir
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: By the ministry of the Throne, we will have victory
Unit_Complete2: Subject to the guidance of the Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Escort detail at the front
Unit_Complete4: There is no time better to charge the opposition
Unit_Complete5: Fight on, even when all hope is lost
Unit_Complete6: Scouting trumps chairaudience every time
Unit_Complete7: Do you not have a hat, sir?
Selection1: Armor element bannon
Selection2: Armored reconnaissance
Selection3: Identify
Selection4: Imperial Guard recon
Selection5: Eyes of Praetoria
Selection6: Carry on
Selection7: Scouting control
Move1: Countermand
Move2: Driving to coordinates
Move3: Nothing to worry about
Move4: Nomenclature be damned
Move5: Read you loud and clear
Move6: Blustery advance
Move7: Two-six
Attack1: We pierce
Attack2: Striking swiftly
Attack3: Will confirm kills
Attack4: Attack is go
Attack5: Service to the God-Emperor
Attack6: Quick breakthrough
Attack7: Striking hot zone
Charge1: Combat reconnaissance
Charge2: Pushing ahead
Charge3: Getting closer
Ability1: [offensive] Against serious opposition
Ability2: [offensive] Urgent response code dercius black
Ability3: [offensive] Steady guns!
Ability4: [defensive] Exigencies of the service
Ability5: [defensive] Well I’ll be gobsmacked
Combat1: Load cannon
Combat2: Fire fire
Combat3: Fast vollies
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: Armor hunter detail deployed
Unit_Complete2: Laser lance platform
Unit_Complete3: Gears greased with prom-jelly and ready to go
Unit_Complete4: Fancy a strike at the enemy armor, your grace?
Unit_Complete5: Destroyer on station and staying sharp
Unit_Complete6: Ready to come to grips, if you please sir
Unit_Complete7: It’s to be a busy day, sir?
Selection1: Master Sergeant here
Selection2: It’s not over yet
Selection3: What do we do?
Selection4: Begging your pardon, sir
Selection5: Laser lance
Selection6: Armor beware
Selection7: Great Throne above us
Move1: Rolling
Move2: A goodly way
Move3: Moving with purpose
Move4: Stand ready to maneuver
Move5: Advance
Move6: Obeying the proper blood, sir
Move7: In quick time sir
Attack1: Doing a good turn
Attack2: Laser lance powered
Attack3: Discharging power cells
Attack4: By the living God-Emperor
Attack5: Regiment commands and we obey
Attack6: On the hunt, sir
Attack7: Targeting scanning, sir
Charge1: Getting range
Charge2: They’re so close
Charge3: Acquiring
Ability1: [offensive] Nice one!
Ability2: [offensive] Good Throne, a good target
Ability3: [offensive] Getting off a salvo
Ability4: [defensive] Steady!
Ability5: [defensive] No cowardice, sir!
Combat1: Free fire
Combat2: Engaging at will
Combat3: Keeping the armor at arm’s length
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: Don’t both with whys and wherefores
Unit_Complete2: Compliments of the Office of Tactics, sir
Unit_Complete3: Born into the ranks, to serve lord and Emperor
Unit_Complete4: Ammunition and a proper officer is all we need
Unit_Complete5: Born into the ranks to man the Emperor’s war-machines
Unit_Complete6: This isn’t the horse guards, sir
Unit_Complete7: As they say in the colonies, money talks, merit walks
Selection1: No need to panic
Selection2: Who goes there?
Selection3: Faithful forever
Selection4: No bleeding hearts
Selection5: Good expediency
Selection6: Victory is what counts
Selection7: Siege tank
Move1: Advance pattern lion-two
Move2: Move out
Move3: Rolling, sir
Move4: Don't doubt that that's an order
Move5: Hot work is good for the soul
Move6: Transit discipline
Move7: Smooth ride
Attack1: Reload and give ‘em hell!
Attack2: End of the road
Attack3: Engagement authorized
Attack4: Close the line
Attack5: Volley and thunder
Attack6: No nonsense
Attack7: Search and destroy
Charge1: Combat underway
Charge2: Suppressing enemy
Charge3: Siege guns forward
Ability1: [offensive] Providing fire support
Ability2: [offensive] Engaging hostiles
Ability3: [offensive] Mark my words, they’re finished
Ability4: [defensive] Your grace?
Ability5: [defensive] Never say die, sir
Combat1: Get back!
Combat2: Siege pattern
Combat3: Breaking opposition
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Assault Malcador
Unit_Complete1: We are, as ever, ready to serve
Unit_Complete2: My lord, we beseech you to begin the assault
Unit_Complete3: A well starched soldier is a good one
Unit_Complete4: We would prefer it if we moved forward, sir
Unit_Complete5: Providence of the God-Emperor
Unit_Complete6: Believe in Him and go to glory
Unit_Complete7: Fit for fight in service to the Throne of Terra
Selection1: Steel dawn
Selection2: Serve to lead
Selection3: Good lads
Selection4: Watch the flank
Selection5: Battle stations
Selection6: Strike brigade
Selection7: Throne of Terra
Move1: Onwards, gentlemen
Move2: Led by love of Emperor
Move3: Second to none
Move4: Decisive action for the Emperor!
Move5: With a stiff upper lip
Move6: You can count on us
Move7: Faith in the throne and training
Attack1: With pleasure, sir
Attack2: The praetorian guard are coming for them
Attack3: Like the Emperor’s thunderbolts!
Attack4: The Emperor’s will, hammering at them!
Attack5: Kadima! (Ka-deem-a)
Attack6: Weapons live
Attack7: The God-Emperor protect us
Charge1: Attack
Charge2: Forward with me, brave Praetorians
Charge3: Heavy guns on them
Ability1: [offensive] Rapid fire!
Ability2: [offensive] Keep the rate up!
Ability3: [offensive] Fury of Praetoria!
Ability4: [defensive] The prayer of soldiers for vigor, under the eyes of the Gold-Emperor
Ability5: [defensive] Only the Emperor is strong
Combat1: Suppressing position
Combat2: Giving the enemy pause
Combat3: We’ll overrun them
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: Enough blood and sweat in the metalwork to almost be a relation
Unit_Complete2: The business of the Imperium is war
Unit_Complete3: Victory and the lives of a hundred men hang in the balance
Unit_Complete4: From mud through blood, to green fields beyond
Unit_Complete5: My place is where my duty is
Unit_Complete6: Serve today, for tomorrow you may be dead
Unit_Complete7: You can never go home
Selection1: Land-destroyer
Selection2: Region of operations?
Selection3: Fear naught
Selection4: Always ready
Selection5: We remain
Selection6: Intruders beware
Selection7: Master-at-arms online
Move1: To lord and land
Move2: Let’s go
Move3: Hell on wheels
Move4: What have we got indeed?
Move5: An order is the Emperor’s law
Move6: The Emperor expects
Move7: Wise choice, commander
Attack1: Stand to it stoutly
Attack2: Blood and steel
Attack3: The line holds
Attack4: Give me piety or give me death
Attack5: Glory of the Throne Day comes early this year
Attack6: By Golden bloody Terra
Attack7: By the memory of the Lord Solar
Charge1: Take them
Charge2: Turning the tide
Charge3: Compliments of Praetoria
Ability1: [offensive] How very ecumenical
Ability2: [offensive] Gentlemen, today’s fox
Ability3: [offensive] Guns of dawn, praise be Praetoria
Ability4: [defensive] The Emperor protects
Ability5: [defensive] Everything is as He wills
Combat1: Say your prayers
Combat2: Destruction is the just reward of the unholy
Combat3: Breaking the ranks
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: Battle cannon is the Emperor’s balance of power
Unit_Complete2: Shadowsword at planetfall, lord
Unit_Complete3: The work of the Emperor never ends
Unit_Complete4: There is no fate save that willed by the Throne
Unit_Complete5: The Imperium crushes everything in its path
Unit_Complete6: The weak know not His light and wither in the dark
Unit_Complete7: This is no bloody camp of heretic democratists
Selection1: This is command master chief
Selection2: Main guns primed
Selection3: Subaltern reporting
Selection4: Titan hunter super heavy
Selection5: Steadfast
Selection6: Great God Emperor
Selection7: Praise be the God Emperor
Move1: Slow but steady, sir
Move2: Speed and power
Move3: Old ironsides forward
Move4: No mission too difficult
Move5: As Guard Intelligence predicted
Move6: Let us commence without delay
Move7: Even where angels fear to tread
Attack1: Redressing the ranks
Attack2: Glory or death
Attack3: Difficulties be damned
Attack4: Victory or death!
Attack5: Follow me, you heroes of Praetoria
Attack6: Victory and honor
Attack7: We will prevail
Charge1: Emperor’s armored fist
Charge2: Heavy armor is in the fight
Charge3: To death or glory
Ability1: [offensive] Firing for mass effect
Ability2: [offensive] Praise be
Ability3: [offensive] This world is ours
Ability4: [defensive] Say the Emperor’s name at all the holy hours
Ability5: [defensive] Almighty Throne, ever watchful and vigilant
Combat1: We shall prevail
Combat2: Eat volcano cannon
Combat3: Killing blow
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

Unit_Complete1: All hands beat to quarters
Unit_Complete2: Hear the call to service
Unit_Complete3: Yield to none save the Emperor
Unit_Complete4: None attack me with impunity
Unit_Complete5: Praetoria expects every man to do his duty
Unit_Complete6: The sun never sets on the surface of Praetoria
Unit_Complete7: Vouchsafe against the horrors in the dark
Selection1: Officer of the watch
Selection2: Be certain
Selection3: Make the decision
Selection4: At stations
Selection5: Batteries online
Selection6: All hand ready
Selection7: Pilot at the helm
Move1: By the mark, five by cardinal
Move2: Course set
Move3: Stand by and come about
Move4: On maneuvers
Move5: Follow me
Move6: Where right and glory lead
Move7: In His Majesty’s service
Attack1: Straight at ‘em
Attack2: A great victory
Attack3: Never mind the maneuvers
Attack4: Time for the charge, old boy
Attack5: The moment of victory, gentlemen
Attack6: Tank shock
Attack7: Point of the spearhead
Charge1: Closing with the enemy
Charge2: Straight at them
Charge3: Rule Praetoria!
Ability1: [offensive] The enemy should break away
Ability2: [offensive] We’ll be back in time for tea and medals
Ability3: [offensive] In this way we affirm allegiance to the Throne
Ability4: [defensive] May He protect us all
Ability5: [defensive] True servants of the throne need not fear
Combat1: By St. Evander, featherweights!
Combat2: Too easy, almost takes the honor out of victory
Combat3: You now face the justice of the imperial throne
Death1: *vehicle death explosion*

#10 goldenhorde


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Posted 17 July 2010 - 09:34 AM

Chaos: By all that is holy, the Archenemy is here!
Chaos: Stinks here like a daemon of the Archenemy

Dark Eldar: Filthy bloody aliens, Praetorians will ever ever be free!
Dark Eldar: By Terra, the xeno pirates’ll make slaves of us all

Eldar: Coward xenos, damn swift on their feet
Eldar: No near to fear those xeno pop guns, lads

Imperial Guard: Heresy comes in many forms, but it is always heresy
Imperial Guard: Malcontents and ruffians!

Necrons: By the Holy… what are they?
Necrons: Alien machines have no souls

Orks: Ugly devils, the ork
Orks: Remember Montar VII and Big Toof River, lads

Sisters of Battle: Bloody cloister-monkeys. Emperor save us all
Sisters of Battle: Blimey, never saw a sister outside a cathedral before

Space Marines: Renegade angels, Emperor help us all!
Space Marines: Strike me dumb, the Angels of He-on-Terra

Tau: Aliens, bunch of savages, they is
Tau: The xenos offer you slavery and call it freedom

Black Templars: I see enemy movement ahead
Black Templars: Black Templars, Dorn’s Angels of Death
Blood Angels: Holy Throne, the angels of Sanguinalia
Blood Angels: Sir, it was Sanguinius who opened the armor of Horus for the Emperor’s holy lance

Dark Angels: Dark Angels… they’ll crush ya as soon as fight by your side
Dark Angels: Angels of Death… by Terra, what are we going to do?

Fallen Angels: The angels have fallen, Throne help us all
Fallen Angels: Renegade angels… envoys of the Inquisition will be arriving

Legion of the Damned: Holy ghosts of Birmingpool, what is going on?
Legion of the Damned: Rumor good as says this place is haunted sir…

Space Wolves/13th Company: The abhuman should know his place
Space Wolves/13th Company: The Emperor’s wolves

UltraMarines: Holy angels of discipline!
UltraMarines: Blessed Ultramar falls on us!

White Scars: The wild riders from among the Host of the Angels
White Scars: See the markings? Those angels are White Scars

Death Guard: By the Thone, pray we’re not tainted by those… things
Death Guard: There are things not in your books…sir…

Emperors Children: I feel funny sir…
Emperors Children: What… are they doing? Those Traitor Marines?

Iron Warriors: We’ll fight any enemy… even the dread Traitor Marines
Iron Warriors: Pay the traitor their due, lads... charge their guns!

Thousand Sons: Chaos witchery, say the litanies lads
Thousand Sons: Look to your souls, lads… the Thousand Sons are traitor-mages

World Eaters: Holy Throne protect us… they’ll rend us limb to limb
World Eaters: Are you mad? Those are World Eaters

Death Korps of Kreig: Bugger those crazy Kriegers, fighting us here!
Death Korps of Kreig: Caution around the Death Korps, they don’t retreat

Elysians: Damned rogues…
Elysians: Never could trust an Elysian

Mordians: The Heretics Court Martial, four rounds to the chest marking the points of the eagle
Mordians: Don’t let appearances fool you, these are traitors through and through

Praetorian: Deserters shall be flogged… traitors shall be shot
Praetorian: It’s civil war, by the Throne

Steel Legions: Throne, they’ll bring tanks
Steel Legions: Hostile armor company… we’ll need armor support of our own

Tallarns: Bloody sand caffers
Tallarns: Remember the wars on Beta Rhamada, lads

Vahallans: Collectivist rabble rousers, Vahallan troublemakers
Vahallans: Drill Vahallans into heroes, and they turn back into drunken vagabonds
Vostroyans: Beggers and scoundrels, the scum of that frozen Vostroya
Vostroyans: Bunch of rim world buffoons and leisure house fops officers

Harlequins: Eldar, His lordship the major will have them chopped into wee little bits
Harlequins: Bloody hell, look how fast those aliens go

Inquisition Daemonhunt: The bloody Inquisition, we’re in the black trouble now
Inquisition Daemonhunt: An Inquisition! Should we lay down arms?

WitchHunters: It can’t be! There’s no witches here
WitchHunters: No! What would the witch hunters want with us?

Tyranids: The monsters of Tyran and Ymargl!
Tyranids: Aim for the soft spots, where the shell ends

#11 thudo


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Posted 17 July 2010 - 04:28 PM


WOW GH.. You are the Zulu Master for sure..

Incredible submission there.. you are the premiere War40k script writer man!

So here is whats left to do for Praetorians:

1) Need 1-2 sentence voice descriptions for your submissions (obviously so voice actor(s) can properly voice these chaps!) :]

2) Need pronunciations for the following:

3) Missing 2x spottings for each of these:
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions

Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Night Lords
Red Corsairs

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)

Then we are all done with these chaps! Hoorraary!
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#12 goldenhorde


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 07:20 AM

Grishnak (Grish-nahk)
Thistlethwaighte (Thiss-o-leth-white)
Harlech (Har-lech)
Ymargl (Ya-mar-gall)

Blood Ravens: Have a care, the Inquisitor warned us about the Blood Ravens
Blood Ravens: Something tragic about these poor angels, my lord

Crimson Fists: The survivors of Rynn’s World
Crimson Fists: The angels of the Crimson Fists, it’ll be a bloody day sir

Imperial Fists: The Emprah’s Praetorians, as Praetoria is to the Imperium!
Imperial Fists: Praetoria’s namesake, the holy Imperial Fists!

Iron Hands: They’re more machine than angel…
Iron Hands: Look at all ‘em augments, wired up like techpriests

Raven Guard: So there we are, by the Throne, Angel flyers
Raven Guard: The Raven Guard, we’ll prove our mettle against them

Red Scorpions: Throne stay not my hand against even the angel
Red Scorpions: Red Scorpions, the buggers who killed our abhumans

Salamanders: Salamanders… by the Throne they’ll burn us all
Salamanders: Look at that, faces black and eyes red as Daemon Angron

Alpha Legion: They’re just cultists, sir. We’ll thump them… wait…
Alpha Legion: Something’s funny about those rebels, sir

Black Legion: Bloody hell it’s Abaddon, sir!
Black Legion: Throne save us! The Despoiler is here!

Night Lords: There are monsters in the night sir…
Night Lords: The Night Lords, for God-Emprah’s sake let us run

Red Corsairs: The Red Corsairs stalking about the main, sir!
Red Corsairs: Warn the Command-Carrack, those are the colors of Pirate Angel Huron

Catachan: Jungle rats, never saw their aboard the Marie-Rose
Catachan: Death world savages, watch your back least you get a knife in it

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts): Stealthers, damned chameleon ghosts they are
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts): See the ghost cloaks? That’s Commissar Gaunt’s outfit

#13 goldenhorde


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:03 AM

Engineer (Combat Engineer/Royal Sapper/Lay Adept Sapper/ Sapper)
Notes: Well enunciated, speaking proper british English, seasoned and

Conscript (Yeoman Conscripts/Yeoman Light Infantry)
Notes: more of a rural accent than the guardsman. Cockney-ish? Hint of a scottish burr? Something like that

Conscript Sergeant (Junior Officer)
Notes: Speaking the Queen’s English, in contrast to the conscript units in his squad. Speaks smartly and properly

Heavy Weapons Team (Praetorian Fire Team)
Notes: Sounds same as standard praetorian guardsman squad

Command Squad - Vox Operator
Notes: Queen’s English. Slightly distorted by speaking into a vox receptor

Command Squad - Sergeant Major
Notes: Aristocratic well enunciated British English, all the same with a veteran roughness that comes from long war service (think the vanilla imperial general).

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent, with a reverent religious edge

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Vehicle voice, British accent

Assault Malcador
Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent

Notes: Mightier vehicle voice, British accent

#14 thudo


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:21 PM

Brilliance as always, GH...

Marvelous followup!

Ok final pronunciations and Praetorians are all done!

gennelmen (gentlemen?)

I cannot thank you enough bro.. this is incredible getting Praetorians done after all these months..
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#15 goldenhorde


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:52 PM

Jerido (Jair-eh-doe)
Sabbatine (Sab-ba-teen)
Iconarch! (Icon-arch)
gennelmen (gennel-men, slightly off rural pronouncation of "gentleman")
Nomenclature (No-men-cla-ture)
felids (Fee-lids)
dercius (Der-see-us)

let me work on those last dark angel lines for a bit...

#16 thudo


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 11:47 PM

Supreme, GH! Thank you so very much! Praetorians are indeed done! WOW..

Sure man.. those 8 Dark Angel units are real critical! So much appreciated! Always..
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