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Land Mine problems

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#1 Guest_Cockbite_*

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 10:07 PM

Your UnrealRider Landmine is pretty awesome but there are a couple of things that are bothering me about it.

In UR_Deployable_Mine the following code block is listed twice consecutively. Is it supposed to be like that or can I delete the second block?

// If weapon's instigator isn't replicated to client, wait for it in PendingClientWeaponSet state
	if( InvManager == None )
		//WeaponLog("InvManager == None, going to PendingClientWeaponSet", "Weapon::ClientWeaponSet");
There is also a small problem with the mines. If the mine's owner is killed before the mine is triggered, the mine becomes owner-less.

For example:
Blue drops a mine, Blue is killed by Red, and then Red steps on the mine. Red loses a point for suiciding on the mine, because the game doesn't remember that the mine belongs to Blue.

Do any of you know how to fix this? I know that the Shape Charge does not have this problem.

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