To save time, most of the information is posted here:
Also, forget this link for now but they're also listed in this second link, which is mostly duplicated information:
There is 1 major difference between the 2 links. The first 1 is the state of the races before they enter space, and the second is after they enter space.
The races in part 1 are the races from planet Zedon.
There are 2 evolutions of sentiant life on planet Zedon:
The Hebringtons, who evolved on the continant hebrington, and the Vulpinians who evolved in Vulpinia.
Hebringtons themselves have become extincts, but there are 3 offshoot races:
Grigorans, who currently live on the west of the continant.
Orians, who currently live on the east.
and the niddlings who discovered a new continant that they named Niddlington.
These are the 4 races of Zedon, more information on them can be read in the first link.
Edited by BobingAbout, 20 January 2011 - 06:11 PM.