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Balancing Feedback

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#21 TheQuackSavior


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 02:57 AM

Offcourse, General Recon, but it still goes for Kirov's and for any kind of well-armored air unit they may implement in 3.0 .

Replace MiG with Badger Bomber, and replace Starflare with Wyvern. A hybrid of Orca and Banshee. :xcahik_:

Boom! I'm back, babies!

#22 MichaelJ.

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 12:31 PM

Guys, I suggest that you wait for 3.0 beta before posting balance suggestions. 2.0 won't be updated anymore and 3.0 will have a different balance of power than the other one.

Sure, waiting every day for the open MP Beta :)

#23 Aasgier


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 08:12 PM

A large squad of GGI's can still deal major damage to Tesla Tanks. Also, flat maps suck unless it is an island, which consists of chokepoints only (btw, I actually made such a map :p )

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